I christen thee The Flying WASP. Smails is enraged for losing the bet and angrily throws his putter, injuring an elderly woman. Is this Russia? Damn your eyes. Well I ain't paying no 50 cents for no coke. Are you kiddin'? The little brown furry rodents! rodney dangerfield, chevy chase, movie. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.' Don't you people have jobs? Al Czervik: Bishop: You never ask a navy man if he'll have another drink, because it's nobody's goddamned business how much he's had already. So what? I want a milkshake. I think it's about time somebody teach these varmints a little lesson about morality and what's like to be a decent, upstanding member of a SOCIETY! That's only 50 cents. Danny, Danny, there's a lot of, uh, well, badness in the world today. Bishop : RAT FARTS! Huh? A no-brainer that has become a low-brow classic, this 1980 comedy makes anarchy the rule of the day, unleashing the antics of Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, and Chevy Chase. Licensed to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations. Great big gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts! Give me a coke. Al: Well, how about teams then, for twenty thousand? You're right. : Judge Smails: You! I give him the driver. Al Czervik: Ty Webb: Judge, Al, I don't play golf for money against people. All by @groovybabyyah all in stock and all guaranteed to make you look good. Al Czervik: Well, how about teams, then. : Danny takes the blame for the incident to impress Smails. Danny Noonan: Is that so? ghostbusters, bill murray, rodney dangerfield, carl spackler, bushwood, Tags: STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Carl Spackler: I'll slack you off, you fuzzy little foreigner. You know what this is called in the East? I'll move right down the Taconic Parkway, over to your clavula Ty Webb: Judge Elihu Smails: Lou Loomis: Al Czervik: He called me a baboon, he thinks I'm his wife. Bushwood Champion - From Caddyshack T-Shirt, Caddyshack Bushwood Caddy Day Retro 1980 T-Shirt, Caddyshack Golf Movie Judge Smails You'll Get Nothing T-Shirt, Spaulding & Smails 2024 - You'll get nothing and like it T-Shirt, A Cinderella Story: The Best Caddyshack Quotes T-Shirt, Caddyshack Golf Movie Quote Free Bowl of Soup With That Hat T-Shirt, Caddyshack Golf Movie Judge Smails Well We're Waiting T-Shirt, Retro Carl Spackler Caddyshack Fan Design T-Shirt, Caddyshack full Carl Spackler quote T-Shirt, Retro Dancing Gopher Caddyshack Fan Design T-Shirt, Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now about to become the masters champion T-Shirt, Bushwood Country Club Caddyshack 80's Retro Golf T-Shirt. : And tell the cook this is low grade dog food. in everything I do. And that's all she wrote. : Sit down, Danny. Lou has to. Ty Webb: [Havercamp puts hand out for club, Tony hands it to him as he attempts to shoot away from the green] No, I brought most of that stuff back with me from Vietnam. Ty Webb: getting ready for the season. Su..su..su..su..su Al Czervik: Hey baby, you must've been something before electricity. Just hold on to your choppers. Just be the ball, be the ball, be the ball. Smails: Ty, can I have a word with you? Described as one of the funniest sports movies ever made, ' Caddyshack ' has gained a cult following over the years. Good, very good. Ty Webb: You don't have to go to college. Later, Danny wins the Caddy Day golf tournament and the scholarship, earning him an invitation from Smails to attend the christening ceremony for his boat at the nearby Rolling Lakes Yacht Club. Judge Smails: Do you mind, sir. No, I did not do that. The dalai lama, himself, Twelfth son of the Lama. Know what I'm talking about? --Jeff Shannon. My enemy, my foe, is an animal. Whee! The idea for Ty Webb quoting 17 th -century Japanese poet Bash and using Zen philosophy to better his golf score . Carl Spackler: I have to laugh, because I've outsmarted myself. I'll shoot you 18 holes for ten thousand bucks! He's about 455 yards away, he's gonna hit about a 2-iron, I think. I saw that! Out of nowhere. Al Czervik, a loud and free-spirited nouveau riche golfer and successful real estate developer, begins attending the club as a guest of member Drew Scott. So let's dance! John F. Barmon Jr. as Spaulding Smails, Elihu Smails's grandson. So, what brings you to this nape of the woods, neck of the wape; How come you're here? Ty Webb: Lacey Underall: Mrs. Havercamp Playing A Round Of Golf At The Bushwood Club Isn't Just Confined To The Golf Course! Lou has to. I may have a tail and be covered with fur. Decided to go to college instead. It's in the hole! by Dustbrain Design $22 . Whee! The film has a cult following and was described by ESPN as "perhaps the funniest sports movie ever made."[4]. Lou, who is acting as an umpire, tells Czervik his team will forfeit unless they find a substitute. Guess I'm a little overdressed. [Male Chorus] Cartoon. long, into a 10,000-foot crevasse,
bushwood, 80s, vintage, carl spackler, golf, Tags: Aye, Sir. My niece is the kind of girl who has a certain zest of living. our lovely sponsors and, as always, good times guaranteed Doors at 6 Bad Markings at 7 Heavy Meddo at 8 See more Judge Smails: Dr. Beeper: Looks like you're going to make a lot of money when you're older. Mrs. Havercamp Mrs. Haver Mrs. Havercamp you'll need this. The flowing robes, the grace, bald striking. Al Czervik: Hey 'Whitey,' where's your hat? Danny caddies for Ty Webb, a mischievous but avid golfer and the son of one of Bushwood's co-founders. Danny Noonan Can you make a Bullshot? Mrs. Smails: His brothers Bill and John Murray (production assistant and a caddy extra) and director Harold Ramis also had worked as caddies when they were teenagers. And I want them now. Bishop : Yeah, Judge, that's a doozy. Twelfth son of the Lama. Danny Noonan: I'll just get a little more oil on us. You never ask a Navy man if he'll have another drink, because it's nobody's goddamned business how many drinks he's had already, right? : And *this* is your saliva line. Do you know what the Lama says? This is fine leather. The Dalai Lama, himself. The amazing stuff about this is that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejesus belt that night on this stuff. [opens compartment in golf bag, revealing radio], [turns on Journey's "Any Way You Want It," high volume]. [carrying Czervik's golf bag] He ain't no dang cartoon. [opens compartment in golf bag, revealing radio]. Al Czervik: Lacey Underall: He was night putting, just putting at night with the fifteen-year-old daughter of the Dean You know who that guy was Danny? You're drinking too much, Your Excellency. Lifeguard: At the end of his four years, his last semester he was kicked out You know what for? Another Rob Roy, Bishop? Al: What are you, religious or something? [6] According to Ramis, Rolling Hills was chosen because the course did not have any palm trees. Went for four years, did pretty well. you will receive total consciousness.' What're we, waiting for these guys? Maggie, how about we go swimming? The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff. At Bushwood's annual Fourth of July banquet, Danny and his girlfriend, Maggie, work as wait staff under Lou Loomis. McFiddish, do you know what I just saw? Crazy Credits Bless this ship, and all who sail on her. Danny Noonan: We have a pool and a pond Pond'd be good for you. Lacey's mother sent her to us for the summer. Lou Loomis: You owe me one gumball machine. When I was your age, I would lug fifty pounds of ice up five, six flights of stairs! Mrs. Smails: Elihu, will you come loofah my stretch marks? Hey, you scratched my anchor! Al Czervik I think they're tunneling in from that construction site over yonder. Bishop: Judge Smails: How would you like to come over and mow my lawn? I know how hard it is for young people today and I wanna help. It's in the hole! You're not, uh you're not you're not good. Remember Danny - Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left. You can shake your booties down on the dock. He's going to hit about a five iron, l expect. Al Czervik: It's like acupressure but it's acupuncture. Danny has to complete a difficult putt to win. I've gotta get inside this dude's pelt and crawl around for a few days.
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