What , Are you interested in tackling the wide world of gaming? In Rise of kingdoms, Richard is one of the best commanders, especially for free to play players. Nuker commanders in Rise of Kingdoms play one of the most crucial roles in the game. No votes so far! Therefore, every Rise of kingdoms player should max their YSG and consider him as their first choice of legendary commander. This article is for the players in Rise of Kingdoms who are looking for the best Garrison Commanders and pairings to invest. Lastly, if you want to have a smooth and optimal gaming experience. Fortunately, they all are free to get and easy to level up. Though be aware that Richard does not put out much damage, meaning he only has is normal attack damage, and Joan of arc enhancing that damage up to 25% is amazing. Some older kingdoms have also experimented with Wu Zetian Frederick or Wu Zetian Caesar in the Ark, but by far, Wu Zetian/Constantine is the best all-around defensive commander pairing. Increases counterattack damage by 7% while serving as garrison commander. Please note that I have this in close conjunction with my commander tier list so I only show pairing that work well for every cause. Questions are at the end of my text. Last but not least,Trajan is still a very popular primary commander int he open field and can be paired Harald, Aethelflaed or even Cyrus. He can hit up to 5 targets and generates rage incredibly fast enough to keep on firing the arrows. For more information about Supercell, please visit their website at www.supercell.net All intellectual property shown here belongs to their respective owner.Contact usPrivacy PolicyTerms of Service. But mind that this rally pairing will not deal much damage so rather one to launch into a swarming situation to stall. If you're not sure who to pair Kusunoki with, check out our freshly updated Ranked Commander Pairing list here . This rating was calculated by using the total amount of damage dealt to the cities while a top tier city defending commanders were placed on the city wall. She comes with tons of counterattack abilities which proves her to be quite deadly as they deliver tons of damage. Increases infantry health, defense and march speed by 20%. For me, personally, the answer remains yes. This highly depends upon your level of spending. FAQ Fortunately, they all are free to get and easy to level up. Nebuchadnezzar as the primary commander with his march speed, area damage and buffs/debuffs, hes a beast in the open field. Sun Tzu is still a very capable commander, a perfect option for the F2Ps. Privacy Policy Hits up to 5 targets, applying damage reduction and march speed. Keeping all this in mind, he should be your best pick if you want to win against commanders like Mehmed II. You can use this combination in the Sunset Canyon since, from Siyeong, you acquire a huge buff and also some rage regeneration, and this is exactly why players love this pair. The main goal of garrison commanders is to hold off enemies for as long as possible, hoping they will give up eventually. So, it is better to use them separately. Charles Martel is one of the best defensive Commanders in Rise of Kingdoms. Richard and Sun Tzu make a great pair also because Richard doesnt get skill damage which makes their pair balanced. She is a commander with great defense, especially damage reduction and increases the attack impact on her enemy when leading garrisons. She brings a unique skill set that increases the troops' defense by 10% and reduces damage taken by 10%. This pair is highly suggested because, with Joan of arc, this march unites a legendary 5-5-1-1. In the early days of ROK, the main choices for garrison primaries were Charles Martel +Richard I(historically Richard the Lionheart), and Sun Tzu. Through this pairing, you are adding the damage factor in Martel, which he doesnt have. Now Nevsky is being used instead of Chandra. If you do not have it I would advise you to let someone else do the rally. Heals his army for 1,400 health points each time he activates active skill. Taking Yi Seongsecondary and Aethelflaed primary will give you an excellent AOE combination. Cavalry commanders pairing Alexander Nevsky & William Pros Insane Skill damage AOE Damage Fast March speed Survivability Cons None, This combination has everything you need for an open field. Which greatly improves Ramesses II's ability to deal significant more damage. But be extremely mindful, as this improvement will stick with you the entire game. This is a list of commanders pairs for defending flags, forts and Ark of Osiris Objectives. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It allows you to play in competitive nature and opens up the ability to play as a professional Apex Legends player. Garrison Defense Build. Web. In fact, the show which HBO , Disney and Pixar are the leading production houses when it comes to making animated films. XY and Nevsky are able to do some insane skill damage while significantly de-buffing the garrison. Let's get to the build where Kusunoki will work best for in the early/mid-game in Rise of Kingdoms and that's defending your city: You can swap out Boudica forNebuchadnezzar to get more anti-swarm abilities with his insane counterattack that swarming your rally will backfire so hard for the opponents. Defending Cities singles out commanders that are the best to defend your city against top tier commanders. So its important to know what commander you will use as primary and secondary and what commander pairs have best synergies together. Its not as good as the other ones, I just have it here in case you want a infantry rally setup that makes somewhat sense. If you have Charles Martel in your roster, be sure to make him your priority. XY/Honda will be much more suitable for big group fights. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He is similar to Richard I expect Charles to have built-in shield ability which is designed to absorb incoming damage. There is absolutely nothing at the moment that can stop devasting skill damage of XY and Nevsky pairing. Alexander Nevsky with his crazy defense reduction and his bulkiness combined with a hard-hitting punch. As of now, its updated till new archer commanders Boudcia Prime and Henry V. Best Commanders Tier List Updated with new Commanders. All of these factors make ElCid and Herman a great combo and a legendary pairing. For the case that you run into a Zenobia setup, useGilgamesh and you have an insane setup to deal with Zenobia. Tier S+ Very OverpoweredTier S OverpoweredTier A BalancedTier B Slightly UnderpoweredTier C UnderpoweredTier F The Worst. Awesome commander for holding the front line. Their movies are a part of everyones childhood, and the characters have become immortal. Sun Tzu is still a very capable commander, a perfect option for the F2Ps. Sun Tzu brings down the damage. With Alexander Nevsky + Joan of Arc commander pairing you also deal a ton of damage and it runs really wild. It hurts your ally and kingdom and creates lots of troubles for the people who are managing kvk for your kingdom. Has a small chance to silence targets for 2 seconds. So all in all this combination is perfect to defend your city. His support tree has the talent Rejuvenate which is basically a proper rage engine. Furthermore, he has a passive skill which increases the damage of active skill by an extra 20%. Here we are assuming you do have a Minamoto 5-5-1-1 if you are a low spender. Rise of kingdoms(ROK) passport requirements and migration guide. His active skill also reduces the enemys target attack by 40% which is a double-edge sword that minimizes the amount of damage taken. You can disable footer widget area in theme options - footer options, Top 8 Best Garrison Commanders: Rise of Kingdoms Guide for Beginners, In this guide, I am going to share the top 8 best garrison commanders to, Always match your commanders troop specialization for best combat performance. The next pairing that is most commonly used is Sun Tzu and Richard. She will become available when the kingdom reaches 310 days old through The Mightiest Governor event. Infantry commanders are easier to pair and its hard to choose wrong because they have related skills but still, they are commanders pairs that have better synergy with skills and talent tree than other commander pairs. Maybe I havent searched the page enough, but Im level 23 Castle and focused on building power and reaching Tier 5 troops with research on combat and tactics. Though, Eulji does have a trick up his sleeve and in fact his troops have a 10% chance to deal 100% bonus damage. You can pair Saladin up with Sun Tzu. Theodora. You can also use YSS as a secondary commander (like towards the end of KvK when everyone is running lower on troops) or when you dont have Flavius and get benefit from the mixed troops from YSS and still benefit from counterattack and other treats that work well. One of the best epic garrison commanders is Sun Tzu. no one is using Ramesses/Nebu anymore but if they do then Zeobia & Flavius should be able to handle it pretty easily. The most OP commanders of the game: Yi Seong-Gye (YSG) - (Tier S+) Korea: Archer Garrison also Skill (Legendary Commander) Alexander the Great - (Tier S+) Greece: Infantry Versatility also Attack (Legendary Commander); Richard I - (Tier S+) Britain: Infantry Garrison also Defense (Legendary Commander); Tier S. Still very overpowered commanders: . He is capable of dealing massive damage due to his active skill and reducing their defense by 30%. You can easily bring Martel and Joan of arc to 5-5-1-1 by using the skill lock, which is again great. Alternative: Boudica Prime & Pretty much any archer commander or Honda. Another solid garrison commander that all players definitely should invest in leveling up is. Guan Yu Best Talent Tree, Commander Pairings And Equipment Guide. Very powerful commander, both as defender and offender. In the game 'Rise of Kingdoms', getting the best commanders can turn out quite costly. Richard, when paired up with Joan of Arc, provides excellent results. Rise of Kingdoms Commander Tier list outlines the best commanders per different game attributes. But he has an amazing self-healing capability. Ramesses II & Why He is Great for F2P Players! One of the main reasons why you will want to have her as your garrison commander is because of her passive skill which reduces skill damage taken from the enemies. As compared to Richard, Martel is a bit less tanky and can deal with damage a little more as he doesnt own healing but has a shield that reduces damage.
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