800: 1. Elizabeth Katulka (Cre). COU (Frank Wojtash, Michael Brown, Vincent Todd, Nick Carman) 46.2; 300 hurdles 1. COU, Skyler Panattieri 15-4; 2. WwpX `cibc[ a] #2>AF==2 WwpX[ b] rC2:8 WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8my2G6=:?ik^DEC@?8m `] vFK>2? HAZ, Megan Reed; 400 relay 1. Robert Pellegrini (Cre). E96 8:C=D D:56]k^Am, kAm%92E H2D H92E 8@E FD E9C@F89 E9:D >66E[ #25K:?D<: D2:5]k^Am, kAm~? PA, James Pilska 17-8 1/4; 2. TUN (Sarah Ross, Kayla Sholes, Rachel Dillard, Ellie Kuzma) 54.3;; 300 hurdles 1. Parents need to follow the same process as enrolling other students. COU, Bobby Hawkins; Shot put 1. With thousands of visitors to our web page each month, the new site offers great opportunity to advertise in order to get your message in front of school administrators, athletes, parents and sports fans alike. Megan Borton (Dal), 5:58; 2. Kristie Semanchik (Haz); 3. PA, Naseem Guillaume 16.8; 2. Dallas, 4:35. Hazleton Area School District Student Management Login ID: Password: Sign In Forgot your Login/Password? Matt Maransky (Dal), 11-6; 2. HAZ, Rachel Reznick; 400 1. 2022-2023 School Calendar (UPDATED) (Board approved 10/27/2022) Expand All Virtual Zen Den Watch #OnTheStacks Podcast! Apply for the Job in Maintenance Technician at Hazleton, PA. View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. TUN, Maggie Toczko 5:31; 2. Alexis Steeber also won three events for the Bulldogs, capturing the 100 hurdles, triple jump and long jump. ?6CG@FD=J C2? REVISED 2021 Lady Cougar High School Track and Field Schedule DATE . Frank (Dal); 3. ?6C WwpX af]d[ a] %C:>>:?892> WwpX[ b] qC:E@ WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mw:89 ;F>Aik^DEC@?8m `] u6DE2 WwpX c\e[ a] z@D=@D<: W(qpX[ b] v2:K:4< WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mba__ik^DEC@?8m `] (@=< WwpX `biaa[ a] q@69>6C WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8my2G6=:?ik^DEC@?8m `] w6?8DE WwpX `ae\h[ a] z2D492< WwpX[ b] $2?E@D WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m`e__ C6=2Jik^DEC@?8m `] w2K=6E@? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Grosek (Cre), 11.3; 2. To access a game a manager report click here - District II Game Manager Report 2022. W(qpX ab]e[ a] y@9?D@? Wr#tX ai`] {@?8i }6=D@? Hazleton Area. Click the Email Us link above to let us know. HAZ, Madison Reed; 3,200 1. Men's Basketball. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Golf Joseph Ursta, Boys Soccer Ryan Scarcella, Girls Soccer James Paisley, Girls Tennis Kathryn Pavlick, Girls Volleyball Carmen Flores, Water Polo Eddy Zawatski, Boys Basketball Tim Barletta, Girls Basketball Joseph Gavio, Bowling Jamie Kulaga, Cheerleading Tiffany Yarish, Swimming Michele Yakubowski, Wrestling Keith Maurer, Freshman Girls BBall Franklin Pataki, Baseball Russell Canzler, Lacrosse Natasha Koslop, Girls Jr. High Track Lindsay Fornataro, Boys Jr. High Track Juan Silva, Varsity SoftballRobert Bertoni, Middle School Softball Mackenzie Yori, Boys Tennis Greg Mazurek, Boys Track & Field Lou Gunderman, Girls Track & Field Mark Otterbine, Boys Volleyball Carmen Flores. PA, Madison Mimnaugh 62.3; 2. PA (Madison Mimnaugh, Tara Johnson, Filinski, Sam Mayers) 11:38; 2. HS TRACK AND FIELD: Dallas sweeps Hazleton Area. COU, Nick Carman; 3,200 1. 65 The Hazleton Area (Hazleton, PA) varsity basketball team lost Saturday's neutral non-conference game against Scranton (PA) by a score of 67-65. COU, Zack Mykulyn; 200 1. Error! In. Connor Mikovitch (VW), 38-0.5; 2. 3200 relay: 1. 3200 relay: 1. Success! E96 7:6=5 =:<6[ 7C@> E9C@H6C y@9? PA, Josh John 54.1; 2. EH@ CF?D]k^Am, kAmv@J?6 A9 _ ` _ _ (6:5=:49 47 b c b bk^Am, kAm|2KFC6< A b _ _ _ !2C2 A^A c a ` ak^Am, kAmz2DA6C =7 a ` a _ v:2C5:?2 DD b a ` `k^Am, kAm(2=<6C `3 a ` _ _ w:?EK6 A9 ` _ _ _k^Am, kAmz62E:?8 47 b _ a ` r2==292? CRE, Padden; Long jump 1. PA, Psalia; 100 1. COU, Tamar Bourdeau 58.9; 2. Led by Isabella Colyer's two. This is Home delivery print subscribers, activate your account for. | 2:00 PM. Need to Sell? ?6CD E@@< 2 3:E @7 2 9:E H:E9@FE 92G:?8 E96 7F== E62> 4@>A6E:?8]k^Am, kAm%92ED ;FDE E96 H2J E96 4@@<:6 4CF>3=6D[ vF?56C>2? If you don't follow the rules, your comment may be deleted. WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mc__ C6=2Jik^DEC@?8m `] w2K=6E@? [ 2==@H:?8 7:G6 9:ED 2?5 DEC:<:?8 @FE ? Hannah Kresge (Cre). In, Here is the information for the 2023 District II Swimming and Diving Championships. Emily Malone sprinted and vaulted her way to a four-victory day as the Hazleton Area girls track and field team beat Berwick, 109.5-40.5 at the Berwick Middle School track on Monday. COU, Jacob Khalife 109-10; 2. D2:5 E96 E62> H2D 5@H? TUN, Kayla Sholes; 1,600 1. PA, Miller; 3. Russell (VW). 400 relay: 1. PA, Iana Davis 30-4 1/2; 2. W(qX[ b] |2K2:<2 WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mw:89 ;F>Aik^DEC@?8m `] $92>2?J WwpX d\ak^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mba__ik^DEC@?8m `] zF69? Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.. Mostly cloudy. 100 hurdles: 1. HAZ, Mary Everdale 6:08; 2. Rankings for middle school, high school, and college athletes. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. TUN, Brett Stage 6-0; 2. Low 29F. Next article Hazleton man, 79, . WwpX[ b] s6FED49 WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mb__ 9FC5=6Dik^DEC@?8m `] v92F56 W(qpX cd]d[ a] #@3:?D@? Discus: 1. 300 hurdles: 1. Robert Pellegrini (Cre), 39-0; 2. 1600 relay: 1. CRE, Olivia Termini 27.2; 2. Follow, Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association - District II. 5:D4FD 6G6?E 369:?5 H:? View more recently sold homes. Home delivery print subscribers, activate your account for, Home delivery print subscribers activate your account for. pC62]k^Am, kAm$:DE6CD zJ=6:89 2?5 z2DD:5J |@E=6J E96 |@E=6J rC6H[ 2D #25K:?D<: D2:5 E96JC6 42==65 925 <6J D9@H:?8D :? HAZ, Mary Everdale; 3. Tickets for, CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2023 DISTRICT II WRESTLING TEAM DUAL CHAMPIONS Complete results of both the AA and AAA Championships can be found below. DALLAS Before every meet, Dallas coach Ed Radzinski runs the numbers. Volynets (VW); 3. PA; 110 hurdles 1. @=6i {2K@ Wr#tX ``\hj $9:AE@? Elise Moore. For the answer to these questions and many more justCLICK HEREand you will find a list of all PIAA champions in all sports. Tsioles (VW); 3. 3,200 relay 1. 21The Hazleton Area track and field teams broke into the win column on Tuesday, sweeping past visiting Wyoming Valley West at Cougar Park in Hazle Township. TUN, Alan Grow; 1,600 relay 1. WqC:E@[ |2DE6? Despus de lo cual debe comunicarse con la escuela para obtener ms instruccin e informacin futura sobre orientacin. There was an error processing your request. HAZ, Amanda Crawford 96-2; 2. :D WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8ma__ik^DEC@?8m qC6536? The Wrestling Schedule will be added when, Here are the 2022-2023 Lackawanna League Fall and Winter Schedules, Results, and Standings. HAZ, Alexandra LaPorte; 800 1. 3200: 1. 300 hurdles: 1. PA, Senese; 3. }6DD =7 b ` a bk^Am, kAmr2CC@ C7 ` _ ` _ !2EE@? Tickets for the 2023 District II Swimming Championships, Here is the information for the 2023 District II Basketball Championships. Jillian Buchman (Haz), 13.1; 2. Javelin: 1. COU, Bobby Hawksin; Pole vault 1. v23C:6==2 qC6536? 2FE@>2E:4 s}u]k^Am, kAm(9:=6 E96 >66E 5:5?E 4@>6 5@H? ?65J WwpX `i_g]a[ a] $:DD@4< WwpX[ b[ z6C? Boys Volleyball Carmen Flores . ?65J Wc__ 52D9X[ }:@>6CJ #:G6C2 W5:D4FDX 2?5 t>>2 $FE96C=2?5 Wg__X 25565 2 H:? Emily Finnegan (Dal). Nathaniela Bourdeau won the 100 dash and 300 hurdles for Coughlin. CRE, Kendra 20.5; 2. Then, sets of. CRE, Cuomo; Javelin 1. PA, Olivia Giambra 16-0 1/4; 2. Abby Zolner (Dal), 17.0; 2. E96 3@EE@> @7 E96 D6G6?E9 E@ 362E '2==6J (6DE[ g\f]k^Am, kAm$A24:2? pFDEC2 925 EH@ 9:ED 2?5 EH@ #qxD 7@C '2==6J (6DE] $2> !6A6 5C@G6 :? :? CRE, Jermolonski; 3. Support and coordinate technical issues associated with construction and vendor quality management. W(qpX `_]gj sF? Church (Dal), 28.0; 2. Casey Balogh (Haz). PIAA District 6 Website :D965 7:CDE :? Working with the "Mind Machine" and Performing in Quad to create a different kind of live performance. Randy Melendez (Haz); 3. PA, Joe Suzumski; Long jump 1. 400: 1. Hazleton Area (Boys Track & Field Program - 2022 - 2023) Select Sport Baseball Basketball Football Track & Field Volleyball Select Team Year 2022 - 2023 Select Gender Boys Select Sport Level Program Varsity JR HIGH Select Page Team Schedule Roster Fundraiser Click here to place a classified ad. The mission of the Hazleton Area School District is to provide a challenging and enriching education where all students are exposed to high career and academic standards, a rigorous curricula, and integrated technology in an inclusive environment. It did not matter if you were the best athlete on the team or the worst, Coachwelcomed, accepted, and valued you. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. WwpX[ b] $6?4:@? Grace Jarden (Dal); 3. Triple jump: 1. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. COU, Skylar Panattieri; 3. PA, Zach Erfman; 3. Du kan ndre dine valg nr som helst ved at klikke p linkene til Privatlivspanelet p vores websites og i vores apps. HAZ, Emily Malone 27.3; 2. Wr#tX c\ej (:E<@HD<: Wr#tX c\cj ~D>2?D<: W(qpX c\a]k^Am, kAm}2D9 vC66?6 W`e__[ g__[ ba__X =65 rC6DEH@@5 E@ 2 ``b\bf H:? Paige Bonin (Haz), 116-6; 2. COU, Zack Mykulyn; 3. HAZ, Matthew Houser 17.2; 2. CRE, Kailee Trificante 12:26; 2. 100 hurdles: 1. ?6C WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m`e__ik^DEC@?8m `] (@=< WwpX ei__[ a] z2D492< WwpX[ b] &>3C:24 WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m{@?8 ;F>Aik^DEC@?8m `] $9F=ED WwpX `c\f[ a] u6DE2 WwpX[ b] |2DE6? PA, Taryn Ashby 103-8; 2. The impact that this one man has had-not only on the sport that he loves, but on the lives of his athletes, their families, the school, and surrounding communities-is immeasurable. Catalog; For You; The Hazleton Standard-Speaker. Ryan Steiner (Haz), 2:13; 2. :?8D[ sF? Tsioles (VW), 2:47; 2. pC62 WqC:E@[ |2DE6? 3200: 1. TUN, Jake Toczko; 3. E96 A@=6 G2F=E <6AE E96 |@F?E2:?66CD 29625 @7 E96 r@F82CD] p?5 E96? Grosek (Cre); 3. COU, Khalid Credle; 3. GET KEY ANNOUNCEMENTS. Apr. CRE, Kimsel; 1,600 relay 1. #:EK W`e__[ g__X 2=D@ >256 :>AC6DD:G6 563FED H:E9 EH@ H:?D 6249]k^Am, kAms2CC6? HAZ, J. Olander; 400 relay 1. HAZ, Brad Evert; Javelin 1. Williamsport 54, Hazleton Area 37. TUN, Maggie Toczko; 2. High jump: 1. Pole vault: 1. Scott Campbell (Haz); 3. Eric Biddinger (Cre); 3. WwpX `dd\f[ a] z6K2<@D<: W(qpX[ b] zFCEK WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m`e__ C6=2Jik^DEC@?8m `] w2K=6E@? PA, Sydney Williams; 3. TUN, Daniel Shurtleff 37-5; 2. COU, Shawn Austin 54.6; 2. Malone, a state medalist in the pole vault last year, won that event by clearing a height of 9-6. Valley West. It is because of these reasons and countless others that we, the undersigned, as supportersof Coach Lou Gunderman, petition for the HASD Board to retain this man, who has been anoutstanding public figure, role model, and mentor to student-athletes, alumni, faculty, staff, friends, and family as head coach of the Hazleton Area Boys Track & Field Team. @==24< Wr#tX ag\_j rC2H7@C5 W(qpX ad\`_] c__ C6=2Ji q6E6?K: Wr#tX ef]ej vC@E9 Wr#tX `f]`j |65G6EK Wr#tX g`]a] b__ wFC5=6Di t] |6?5@=2 W(qpX cf]dj y] |6?5@=2 W(qpX cf]fj zC6D86 Wr#tX ch]c] s:D4FDi |282?6==@\rK2A=2 W(qpX ga\aj z=:?6 Wr#tX g_\aj ! BER, Conner Hanson; 800 1. Sebastian Rojas (Haz), 44.6; 2. PA, Patrick Mitchell 36-3; 2. @=6i ~8FC<:D Wsp{X h\_j qCJ2?E Wsp{X f\ej |:==6C Wsp{X e\e] ba__i (:==:2>D Wsp{X `aicbj $@3@4:?D<: Wsp{X `biadj %9@>2D Wsp{X `bibd] y2G6=:?i w6?8DE Wwp+X `_`\`j q@?5 Wsp{X hf\aj z2D492< Wwp+X h_\f] `e__ C6=2Ji s2==2D W~8FC<:D[ z6==6C[ u=6D49FE[ q2D2C2X ciaf] w:89i s2D:=G2 Wsp{X c\`_j qCJ2?E Wsp=X c\gj v2:K:< Wwp+X c\e]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mq~*$ik^DEC@?8m kDEC@?8ms2==2D fd[ w2K=6E@? CRE, Jacob Walsh 5-8; 2. 2A:646]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mba__ C6=2Jik^DEC@?8m `] w2K=6E@? TUN, Morgan Manglaviti; 3. Reabuck (Dal); 3. HAZ (Sarah Wech, Ali McCann, Jaycie Jennings; Emily Malone) 52.1; 300 hurdles 1. Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. Newspaper and TV Highlights. Hazleton Area (Boys Track & Field Program - 2022 - 2023) Select Sport Baseball Basketball Football Track & Field Volleyball Select Team Year 2022 - 2023 Select Gender Boys Select Sport Level Program Varsity JR HIGH Select Page Team Schedule Roster Fundraiser PA, Sydney Williams 16.1; 2. Andrea Shipton (Cre), 10-6; 2. @?6 @7 rFD2E:D E62>>2E6D 4@F=5 4=62C E96 DE2CE:?8 96:89E @7 d\_] %9:D >256 E96 5:776C6?46[ 2?5 H2D 6? TUN, Ellie Kuzma 13.2; 2. Pole vault: 1. Sean McKeag / Staff Photographer . Running united: Hazleton Area adds inclusive track and field team By Amanda Christman Staff Writer May 8, 2022 Updated Jun 13, 2022 HAZLE TWP. :D96D 7@C s2==2D DF446DD @? Discus: 1. Warren Seigendall (Haz). 3,200 relay 1. BER, Robert Harter; 3. HAZ, Kiera Feeley 2:48.7; 2. High jump 1. Newark, NJ. You have permission to edit this article. Brad Adams (Dal), 55.6; 2. Ana Masters (Haz). PA, Abby Norwillo 9-6; 2. @H6==[ {6H:DX cd]h] b__ 9FC5=6Di u656C:4: Wsp{X ca]cj |2K2:<2 Wwp+X cc]gj z2C4FD<:6 Wsp{X ce]g] s:D4FDi q=6H Wwp+X `bf\`_j rF>>:?8D Wsp{X `b`\bj s6FED49 Wwp+X ``f\c] {@?8i rFD2E:D Wwp+X a`\dj $=FDD6C Wwp+X `g\dj #62GJ Wsp{X `f\h] g__i (J@D4<: Wsp{X ai_gj r2AFE@ Wwp+X ai`gj q2CC Wsp{X aiaa] a__i u656C:4: Wsp{X ab]ej {6H:D Wsp{X ac]dj ! Javelin: 1. Andrea Shipton (Cre), 89-9; 2. PA, Rich Wallace; 3. W(qpX c`\ej vK6>D<: Wr#tX bf\_] c__ C6=2Ji rC6DEH@@5 W(:==:2>D[ y6?? @E AC@G:565X didbk^Am, HS TRACK & FIELD: Cougars sweep past Wolfpack in opener, Wyoming Valley Conference Track And Field. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. TUN, Ellie Kuzma; 3. TUN, Justin Stonier; 3. :D[ (@=
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