Out of those nine, Abdul Razzaq Hekmati and Awal Gul reportedly died of natural causes, per Afghanistan Analysts Network. Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or The Trump administration transferred one man to a prison in Saudi Arabia, and the Biden administration has repatriated five and freed one, reducing the total inmate population to 32 men today. Durante dcadas, la desnaturalizacin basada en el fraude apenas se utiliz en Noruega. The Biden administration makes its first transfer of a detainee from the prison. He attributes direct quotes to named people. St. Petersburg, FL Site author "Michael Baxter" portrays himself as a reporter with access to privileged information. . The same piece was republished on BestNewsHere.com, and formed the basis of videos by various conspiracy theorists who evidently interpreted it as an earnest account. The Supreme Court rejects President Bushs format for military commissions, forcing the administration to work with Congress on a new court. VOICI LA TRADUCTION par google : RAPPORT: Liste des actes d'accusation, des arrestations et des excutions - Dmantlement des agents de l't Two Pakistani brothers held by the United States government at the Guantanamo Bay military prison for nearly 20 years have been repatriated back to Pakistan, the U.S. Defense . As of March 3, 2023, a total of 48 people are scheduled to be executed in the United States. The Michael Baxter behind Real Raw News previously ran at least three other websites and associated YouTube channels that also promoted conspiracy theories, a PolitiFact review of open-source information has revealed. Dan Mac Guill is a former writer for Snopes. In 2017, Greig learned that Baxter, wearing a camouflage face covering, had made a video challenging him to a live debate about Nibiru and other related topics. The claim that Clinton was hanged at Guantanamo Bay is FALSE, based on our research. Let us know!. Sometimes called Planet X, Nibiru is a supposedly undiscovered doomsday planet that was going to catastrophically crash into Earth at the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. [27][28] The execution of Zane Floyd in Nevada was stayed by a federal judge, who ruled that the state needed more time to determine the constitutionality of the lethal injection drugs that would be used for his execution. The Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a United States military prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba. Note: Documents include some assertions that cannot be independently verified. Actor Tom Holland is confirmed to have died.. Both Biden and Obama have justified paroling these America-hating jihadists by preconditioning their releaseon assurances from the Muslim countries taking custody of them that they will continue to rehab them. Related coverage >. Rabbani's journey through the belly of the United States' post-9/11 Security infrastructure started in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2002. Over the years, about 780 men were held there. 117-2, H.Prt. Based on trends identified during the past 17 years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred,a recent USintelligence report warned. There is no evidence to support the claim, which is related to the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory. The story spread widely, shared by the likes of journalist Lara Logan of Fox Nation, Fox News streaming service, and George Papadopoulos, an aide to former President Donald Trumps 2016 campaign. According to reports, at least 779 people have been detained at Guantanamo Bay since it was established in January 2002it was constructed illegally in a U.S.-occupied part of Cuba. President Obama orders closure of the detention operations at Guantnamo Bay within a year, suspends hearings and orders a task force review of the status of the remaining prisoners, who number about 240 men. This list of Guantnamo detainees is compiled from various sources. "The one thing that gets me is that so many of these websites will say that they are producing stories on things that mainstream media wont cover," Moran said. Now, 32 remain. Martial law is not in effect. Follow FEMA Prison Barges moored at Guantanamo Bay for the overflow of VIP prisoners awaiting Military Trial.The Deep State Cabal,their pocket politicians and gangster friends await execution or life in prison by US Military Tribunal. Texas Department of Criminal Justice | PO Box 99 | Huntsville, Texas 77342-0099 | (936) 295-6371 Real Raw News reacted on Twitter, telling readers to follow its account on Telegram. This illustration shows a screenshot of the homepage of Real Raw News as it appeared on July 12, 2021, with edits added to emphasize the false nature of the headlines. The claim stems from a website that says it publishes "humor, parody, and satire." Fact Check: 05/10/2021 Late Night Update. The video of Baxter was on a YouTube channel belonging to David Greig, a New Zealand man who uses his account to debunk online claims. Of those, 11 have been charged with war. Passover 2021. 's black site program, some for days or months, many for years, according to a chart released by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in 2014. Michelle Obama tweeted from her verified account on June 5, 2021. A detention camp was set up at the US Naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Hillary Clinton tweet, April 27, 2021 You and Me Both, " Paradigm shift ," April 27, 2021 ABC News, Hillary Clinton to co-author new thriller, 'State of Terror,' April 22, 2021 ", Obama gave up Michelle, then breached his warrant, so he got one in the back of the head. The Department of Defense, in an email to, https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2021/06/fact-check-list-of-indictments-arrests-and-executions-is-false-michelle-barack-obama-and-other-celebs-were-not-killed.html, Alexis Tereszcuk is a writer and fact checker at Lead Stories and. The Bush administration transferred about 540, mostly to the custody of their home countries. PolitiFact asked Facebook why the Real Raw News page was permitted to post misinformation and conspiratorial content on the platform. The 20th anniversary of 9/11 will soon be followed by the 20th anniversary of one of the most brutal responses to it: the January 2002 opening of the Guantnamo Bay . Archer: Pelosi Arrested, Military Tribunals Open, Sweeping Arrests This Week-End? ", Tuffin has tweeted from the Real Raw News account that his website is distinct from QAnon, insisting that all Real Raw News content "is properly sourced and vetted prior to publication. Someone is always getting arrested. At the time, Baxter was running a website called someonesbones.com, along with a YouTube channel called "Nibiru News." Real Raw News is a relatively new website that regularly publishes fantastical, false stories with made-to-go-viral headlines. We could not confirm Baxters employment history or journalism credentials. The 25-page report, "'No Forgiveness for People Like You,' Executions and Enforced Disappearances in Afghanistan under the Taliban," documents the killing or disappearance of 47 former . It started publishing in late December, with stories alleging that FEMA had purchased assault rifles from China, and that Trump had indicted Fauci. President Joe Biden has said he wants to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, where 39 detainees still reside, by the end of his term, but his administration is yet to make much progress. A disclaimer added to its "About Us" page in April says the website contains "humor, parody and satire," yet Baxter has defended the accuracy of his writings dozens of times in the comments sections on various articles. (21A33) The application for stay of execution of sentence of death presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is granted. Ryan General. Nine deaths at Guantnamo. All but 32 of the estimated 780 detainees have been transferred to other countries through repatriation and resettlement deals negotiated by the Bush and Obama administrations, including nine who died in military custody. Feb 2021 - Dec 2022 1 year 11 months. One notorious Gitmo recidivist, Abdullah Gulam Rasoul, became the Talibans operations commander in southern Afghanistan soon after his 2007 release from the prison. No evidence is provided and there are no publicly available documents or other forms of evidence to corroborate the claims. In it, Baxter told Greig that he launched someonesbones.com and Nibiru News around 2014. In addition, Mullah Zakir was sent from Gitmo to Afghanistan in 2007, where he becameone of the Talibans topmilitarychiefs. Ex-Gitmo commander reports to prison Retired Navy Capt. With searches for "Michael Baxter" and "Nibiru News," PolitiFact unearthed more information about the man behind Real Raw News and the other sites. "It's a satire site, exposing the insanity of rabid Trumpists (who lack the mental wherewithal to distinguish fact from fiction)," the email from Twisted Truth said, according to NewsGuard. . Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Our military intel contact said that tonight Mon 10 May the problem in Singapore with the QFS interface with cryptocurrency values that are constantly fluctuating began to be fixed as of 7:05 pm EST tonight; The RV teams are calling the reset the great digital reset: They were working on integrating into the QFS . In fact, most of the former detainees found reengaging in terrorist activities are Afghans, which raises security alarms given the Talibans sacking of the US-backed government in Kabul and the flood of largely unvetted Afghan refugees being resettled in US cities. Retrieved January 30, 2023. The Pants on Fire false story about Air Force pilots resigning over the militarys COVID-19 vaccine mandate was shared more than 2,000 times on Twitter, Zignal found. , https://www.snopes.com/notes/why-we-include-humor-and-satire-in-snopes-com/. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 . He and four other men are on trial for organizing the 9/11 attacks. The seven male residents are incarcerated at Idaho Maximum Security Institution south of Boise and the one female resident is incarcerated at Pocatello Women's Correctional Center in Pocatello. He wasblamed for masterminding a surge in roadside attacks against American troops and organizing assaults on US aircraft in Afghanistan. A week earlier, another Pants on Fire false story was shared nearly 20,000 times across Twitter and Facebook. His real name is Michael Tuffin. Two executions in Tennessee were stayed indefinitely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Other detainees left using various paths: Muieen A Deen Jamal-A Deen Abd al-Fusal Abd al-Sattar. 'Teen Mom' star Cheyenne Floyd's husband, Zach Davis, sentenced to jail for DUI October 13, 2022 | 9:30am Davis has to serve 120 days in LA County Jail, 60 months of probation and complete four. : Alexis Tereszcuk is a writer and fact checker at Lead Stories andan award-winning journalist who spent over a decade breaking hard news and celebrity scoop with RadarOnline and Us Weekly. The "About Us" page for Real Raw News says Baxter is "a former mainstream journalist and former English teacher.". The case has irritated U.S. relations with a crucial military ally. Eight inmates have been put to death since the U.S. government resumed federal executions in July. In another podcast we found from 2018, Baxter said he also ran another website, beholdapale.com. (The share would be even higher if USintelligence included engagement in anti-US statements or propaganda in its definitionof terrorist activities.). Report Afghanistan 2002: Taken from his home, Gamel Sadek, a Muslim schoolteacher is delivered to a CIA black site and accused of involvement in 9/11. Executions Scheduled for 2023 Executions Scheduled for 2024 Executions Scheduled for 2025 Executions Scheduled for 2026 Stays of Execution 2023 Google also banned ads from at least two Real Raw News stories that promoted coronavirus and vaccine misinformation after PolitiFact inquired about them. An image shows a UFO photographed on June 21, 2014 by the pilot from the cockpit of an F-16 military plane flying near Lackland Air Force Base of the United States located in San Antonio, Texas., No one with a concealed carry permit ever committed a mass shooting. . One detainee was sent to the United States for trial and is now serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Kentucky. In July, the Biden administration released a 19-year detainee from Guantnamo Bay. It is part of the baseless and debunked QAnon conspiracy theory: that Donald Trump is fighting a secret international cabal of child sex predators made up of prominent Democrats, Hollywood liberals and the "deep state," having them arrested and sent to the Guantanamo Bay Prison where they are executed. Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, U.S. intelligence documents reveal 229 rehabbed former Gitmodetainees have returned to terrorism and killing Americans and an alarming 66% of them have not beenrecaptured and are still at large. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.). For the first time in US history, the government has executed more people than all of the 50 states, and the number of federal prisoners put to death this year -- 10 -- is the highest since . Anyone can be a journalist," Gregory said. "Fox offers Chris Wallace's Sunday spot to Candace Owens.". (The PayPal link is no longer listed on the site.) And his biography on Twisted Truth matches what he wrote on Real Raw News. T WENTY YEARS after 9/11, the case of the alleged conspirators is set to resume in court over two . So Morgan was somewhat. The list claims to be an "Updated Arrest List November 4, 2022." "IDOC serves death warrant to Gerald Pizzuto". The video, which has garnered over 27,000 views as of press time, purports to describe the first day of a military tribunal Clinton supposedly faced last week for "murder, sex crimes against minors, treason, theft of government property." After giving a roughly 8-minute description of the alleged tribunal proceedings, the narrator appears to switch gears and talks briefly about idolatry . Butreform efforts often fall short. Alexis crime reporting earned her spots as a contributor on the Nancy Grace show, CNN, Fox News and Entertainment Tonight, among others. Real Raw News was created in April 2020, according to domain registration records. With Sammy Sheik, Eric Pierpoint, Paul Kampf, Sean O'Bryan. Meadows, who was White House chief of staff under Trump, turned over the messages along with other documents to the House's Jan. 6 committee. That was the most. "27 U.S. Air Force Pilots Resign Over Covid-19 Vaccination Mandate," said the headline on the Sept. 1 article. If they were transferred here from the military prison, theyd have to betried in US criminal courts and afforded all the accompanying rights given US citizens, potentially turning their trials into circuses. Here is what the list looked like in the post: Lead Stories selected several of the people on the list to show they are alive and not incarcerated: Barack and Michelle Obama -- "Arrested and Executed" -- Barack Obama was photographed playing golf at the Pebble Beach Golf Links course on June 6, 2021. Last month, the president freed his first prisoner accused terrorist Abdul Latif Nasser leaving the numberof remaining detainees at 39. The suspected 20th hijacker,Mohammad al-Qahtani, and a dozen other inmates are slated forparole hearings this year, documents reveal. Sixteen executions were halted by reprieve, 14 of which were Ohio executions delayed because of problems with the state's execution protocol," the report said. GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba - Shackled and wearing orange jumpsuits and goggles, 32 detainees arrived on this bleak outpost Wednesday the first large group of arrivals in more than two. PolitiFact researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report. PWG Exclusive Update 4.1.21 Arrest Trail GITMO, Vaccine, Satan Shoes. Baxter, Michael. By The New York TimesUpdated Feb. 23, 2023, Since 2002, roughly 780 detainees have been held at the American military prison at Guantnamo Bay, Cuba. 117-21: Latest Action: 12/27/2021 Became Public Law No: 117-81.

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