M.Kozyritskaja and M.Levin state that a Kite gives internal stability, flexibility, and successful realization of abilities. Abilities and assets search for a cause to be engaged in. Often these planets form patterns when there are several aspects between them such as trines, sextiles, squares or oppositions. Yod also means hand of a man in a prayer, reaching out for God. According to some astrologers, great attention should be given in the analysis to the zone diametrically opposing the planet with the two square aspects. Grand cross is a difficult pattern that requires a good amount of time and attention in order to identify and understand multiple swings between its polarities. My natal Uranus is square the transit Uranus which is now right on my moon/Mars conjunction at the MC. Two similar aspects pointed at a planet form an arrow-like shape, or a spike. This is a quincunx-sextile-quincunx. These aspect patterns are filled with black or red and are special in different ways. Her books include Charting Your Career; Dreams: Working Interactive, What Astrology Can Do for You; The Power of the Midheaven; Charting Your Spiritual Path with Astrology; Meditation for Beginners; and Mapping Your Birthchart. I think your chart genuinely points at a series of changes, perhaps sudden and unexpected to you but they all make sense from the spiritual transformation standpoint. An easy opposition is formed when an easing planet is added to the opposition in such a way that it forms a sextile and a trine aspects with the opposing planets. The native can take from life only what they have gained, i.e. Embrace impulses from your higher self and itll show the way. For the last year Ive been having transit Uranus forming a yodits sextile my Mars and forms an inconjunction/apex to my NN/Asc. If i can't read the book, it does me little good. The charts of many who have made an impact on society during their lives contains one or more T-Squares. The stability of the Grand Trine turns on its static character the unwillingness to develop. A cradle pattern appears in the birth chart when planets make three sextiles, two trines, and one opposition. I have quite a few aspect patternsa cardinal grand cross, 2 yods, a kite (with grand trine), a castle. Hi Shauna, Im actually currently studying western astrology and Im curious to take a look at your chart. Cluster can be quite wide, sometimes spanning across a whole zodiacal sign. The Moon doesnt like that kind of stuff and naturally gets hurt. How the planets line up in a natal chart reveals an overall snapshot of one's personality, while specific aspect patterns offer details on how these traits unfold in character development, and in decisions concerning relationships, career, and life path. Discover the Aspect Pattern in Your Birth Chart: A Comprehensive Guide, Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope, Planets in Aspect: Understanding Your Inner Dynamics (The Planet Series), 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates, Select a location to see product availability. Chiron points at the need to heal or simply speaking to embrace your Sun. The native is thus compelled to hasten from one crisis situation to another, unable to concentrate on any one situation for long enough to truly find a constructive resolution. When one is easy with letting go, a lot of otherwise aggravating situations wont even happen. Aspect Patterns Sometimes groups of black aspect lines or red aspect lines form patterns in the center of a birth chart. In charts of great people the Grand Trine is extremely seldom a leading configuration. Easy oppositions provide clues that can help the person to handle inherent conflict in a creative manner that is guided by the easing planetary influence. Just learning to let go and readjust is an important attitude for a chart like yours. Didnt even get into that Venus square Neptune and mars, Mars square jupiter opposite Neptune, jupiter opposite Venus. The astrologers mission is to uncover hidden connections between those units of energy, revealing the astral matrix on which the persons individuality is built upon. 16 degrees Sag - my nn, my asc, his mars It is very much appreciated! A configuration of aspects formed when two points of a horoscope are in opposition to each other and in quadrature to a third planet. While this website doesnt provide readings, Id focus your attention on the Mars-Moon Pluto Sun (T-square). In astrology, an aspect is an angle formed between two planets in the birth chart. *Im not interested in Astrology before. Difficult and lacks ease in operation. Aspect patterns involve three or more planets in different ways. A high concentration of planets in one area of the chart always indicates tremendous strength and can therefore govern the chart. To the person with a Grand Trine as the fundamental configuration in the radix chart (and if the required abilities are in evidence), the vicissitudes of life are frequently not terrible, and external conditions help him to move ahead in life more successfully and faster than others, and moreover, with ease. A configuration of intense aspects, formed by four points of a horoscope which occur as pairs of oppositions connected by squares. I basically keep having major conflicts with people to force me to stand up for myself and all i want is friends and yet every time I make them Im forced to battle them and stick up for myself. Hi again. Hey, most likely its due to your browser disabled Javascript or some other content blocker. Black shapes are formed by Squares and Oppositions. WHEW, I know thats a whole lot to take in, boy do I know it, LOL, but I am truly in search of some outside interpretation regarding this pentagram and how it could be relating to everything Ive been experiencing of late that has been slowly building my entire life starting with the passing of my father when I was only 12. A lack of self-discipline is indicated as a warning against giving in to excess. Traditionally, yod is said to represent an atomic divine quality, a singular point of energy out of which all manifested things came to being. They sound magical but only come alive in special circumstances. Canada. "Stephanie Clement. Should one shut down their sensitivity and become a fighter? What am I doing wrong? Exotic patterns are rare, their meaning can vary greatly depending on the planets involved and several other factors. Although my exact time of birth isnt known, a chart showing all aspects reveals a stunning and undeniable diamond traced over and over again. The pentagram, however, is an imperfect pentagram and I am wondering what your thoughts would be on such. ?.and something a little more general if someone has 2-3 yod boomerangs in these planets does it mean a special destiny??? Haha. Thank you, Time Nomad, for your reply! As else which aim us away from source tend to falsify or elaborate, or insert suggestive storyline which the author believes to be true due to lacking of data and filling in the gaps with that which makes sense to him or her. This is where intentions refuse to gel with realities: the solution is available as soon as clarity and insight dawn theres a hidden secret underneath which needs dredging up. Inconjunction (150) spike is also influenced by the magic of number five since an inconjunction is made out of five zodiacal sectors. When analyzing a Grand Trine in a specific horoscope it is necessary to pay special attention to what signs contain the given configuration (usually they are signs of one element) this will indicate the likely manifestation of the Grand Trine. i.e. In your chart you have some potent pointers that make spiritual work meaningful: Neptune on the South Node in the 2nd house, Sun in the 6th approaching full Moon (thats an important incarnation for you, especially taking into account their square to the Black Moon), Saturn-Pluto-Moon in 12th is a very interesting cluster, and tight Jupiter-Uranus in the 1st opposite Venus is a potent group for spiritual work. Red-blue aspect patterns give an ambivalent attitude, a dualistic world outlook, and a tendency to think in black and white terms. In trying to solve the problems between himself and others usually his partners he will have to also cope with personal qualities and experiences at odds with both his interests and desires and those of his relationship. And this allow to introduce a powerful method for changing those circumstances. It all depends on the overall chart configuration. Another is a sesquisquare spike clearly pointing at significant karma with one of its base ends resting on the South Node and another on Uranus. How much difficult is this please? Same goes for happiness and money. It is formed by a combination of a blue trine, New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings. P.Globa states that the Pentagram is the strongest configuration operating manifestly and constantly corresponding to the element of Fire. To begin the process, the natal birth charts of two people are laid on top of each other and the aspect patterns, or angles between the planets are examined to deduce compatible and incompatible facets in the relationship. It may be helpful if the opposition tends to get stuck (like Mars-Saturn, for example). Good to know that it is geographic. Introduction to Aspect Pattern Configurations (Part 1) If you know your time of birth, the chart maker (opens a new tab) can cast the chart for you with the aspects. Sometimes chart interpretation is so complex, you can't see the forest for the trees. For example, a grand cross aligned with the four angles passes a sense of extreme density and raw manifesting will power. The easing influence of Venus softens the drama of Mars-Saturn introducing a certain element of flow. Satellitium is a traditional term describing a grouping of several planets (more than two) in a sign, or in a house. The main aspect patterns are described below. A grand trine is made out of three planets forming three trines. #1 Multiple Planet Opposition, Anyway, thank you very much for the resourceful article Sir. P.Globa states that the action of an Envelope is similar to a synthetic rectangle, but at another level. The example below shows how the SunSaturn opposition brings much needed polarity and tension that turns otherwise indecisive trine into a powerhouse fuelled by the energy of the Sun and supported by both Mars and Venus that counteract inherent indecisive attitudes of Saturn that often tends to over-think things. Generally speaking, Chiron alone isnt enough to account for spiritual/healing impulse. The grand cross passes an inconspicuous resemblance to the steering wheel. Human ability to see is directly related to the sense of geometry and pattern recognition and as much as we live by numbers, the world of lines and shapes is our true native language. One being Pluto, the nodes, and Juni. Theyve got a lot going on always. Are the 12 Houses ruled by the Zodiac signs? Traditional astrology regards this as a highly benevolent and charming configuration. Venus-Pluto is nice for sex and money but can easily take one astray. Whatever the frequency of the pattern, they are all significant as they will amplify the effects of all the aspects that form them. At the base of the irregular pentagram are, two planets that square the top two side points and sextile each other, Saturn at 4 Cancer 11th house and Mars at 3 Taurus 9th house. Thats why I am hesitant to use this superlative term because it equally applies to forces of good and evil. The chapters are geometrical patterns. We may need to repeat the cycle or may pass the test and move on to the next evolutional challenge. google_ad_height = 600; 2019 Astrologyclub.org - All Rights Reserved. Absolutely love that I came across this page. In the example below Pluto is the main planet of the spike formed by two biquintiles (144) with the quintile (72) at the base. This pattern also highlights intuition and insight. It features a crisis of and a need for perspective, in which the energies of the two sextiled planets find difficulty integrating with that of the apex, quincunxed planet. The visual web of astrological aspects produces many different geometrical formations, some simple others intricate and mysterious. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-0490830819581707"; The key players are planetary energies that communicate with one another in accordance to the rules of patterns. Hello Time Nomad. Thankfully, with the strengthened faith that has come from spiritual growth, I feel more ready for what The Universe has in store. The article focuses on foundational patterns that are the most powerful and illustrate the symbolism of aspects. The sense of destiny is something that hints at strong Pluto energies in personal makeup. A simplified answer is that the energies related to Jupiter (the axis planet) need to be worked on because that relates to the past-future timeline that is governed by the nodes. A Cradle is a 4-figure aspect configuration consisting of 2 planets in opposition, plus 2 other planets in sextile to each other. The angles (Asc/MC) certainly intensify pretty much everything because they are the most time and location specific points of the chart. The Trapeze indicates aid from the outside which at critical moments appears in the right place at the right time. This configuration occupies a semicircle of the horoscope, and the native feels an emptiness in other hemisphere, and intuitively tries to fill the void in order to counterbalance the figure. Her Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology prepared her to work with clients in defining their creative potential and refining their creative process. Aspect Pattern Astrology: A New Holistic Horoscope Interpretation Method Aspect Pattern Astrology: A New Holistic Horoscope Interpretation Method: Huber, Louise, Huber, Bruno, Huber, Michael Alexander: 9780995673663: Amazon.com: Books Skip to main content .us Hello Select your address All I can then put your chart here and make some comments. Geometric nature of aspect patterns is expressive and symbolic, it reveals an underlying framework behind complex interactions between astral energies of planets. When the energy of T-square moves a mature person, it frequently leads to significant achievements. The illustration below overlays several spikes to show the difference. (And yes, it's smart enough to not also label a 4 planet Stellium as the three separate 3 planet stelliums that are within it.) Aspect patterns can be identified when distinct geometrical shapes are formed by a combination of aspects. This is due to the geographic latitude you were born at, this makes MC perpendicular to Asc. Should money be gold, fiat paper bills or brand new cryptocurrencies? Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. I know the grand cross is acting Like a pinball game at times. I have recently been informed of three yods, aka spikes, occurring in my natal chart. So, Id like to know some important facts about my natal aspect patterns. Your yods also point at Saturn and Mars reinforcing those points. Take a break and forget about the chart. These angles are referred to as "aspects" in . interesting answer, the truth is that Venus with my pluto affects personal relationships to an extreme degree. An Eye aspect pattern, also called an Information aspect pattern, is a tiny blue-green triangle. Both planets are intricately linked to the societal norms and functions, shaping our own experiences of working and making money in this physical world made out of contradictions and limitations. the chronus conjunction measured at 144-145 degrees with the pluto he mentioned in the previous post, what could it mean??? But I have a feeling given this points to my NN in 1st house that this one isnt gonna end in a relationship even though its significant.to be determined!). August 22, 1979, 3pm, Toronto Ont. Biquintile (144) spike symbolises creative, occult and magical abilities. The example below illustrates a grand cross that is made out of two oppositions, MarsSaturn and PlutoVenus, and four (!) The chart patterns may be captivating and evocative yet the most important question is what planets make those patterns? Learning to let go and trust in the process, is definitely something I have been finally realizing of late. A highly magnetic and charismatic personality is likely. However, the opposition aspect can cause delays or dilemmas in that progress. When the opposition which is in the Trapeze is also included in a T-square, a seemingly strong basis can collapse with a crash. Again, they are at the MC in the 10th. Astrology: Aspect Patterns Within Natal Charts. A shape formed by several planetary aspects in a horoscope. squares. The chart of major aspects doesnt disclose much about his real abilities apart from his very strong libido that was equally strongly repressed, a common scenario for dark force initiates. As for the missing illustrations, I have discovered that this happens because my default internet program is Internet Explorer, as its the only one that allows me to save webpages in .mht format. Thank you. My yod is my Moon (2nd house) sextile my Ascendant (conjunct north node) both inconjunct to my Mars in the 7H (which is in my grand cross). For them, something is always getting jangled even if its only the Moon in its monthly passage dragging up chronic emotional issues and hot-button irritations they have to handle over and over again. Having Sun-Saturn connected via minor aspects to Pluto could mean a life that goes through periods of transformation. The persons emotional state is likely to alternate depending on how Venus manifests itself on a given day. But, as F.Sakoian and L.Acker remark, if a Grand Trine has Mars and Saturn, the problem connected to inertia and absence of motives for dynamic action does not enter. "Dell Horoscope. In fact, resist the urge to produce any quick conclusions. As with many things astrological and magical, its all about the timing. The spike is the symbol of special accumulation of forces: special abilities, special karma and anything that can potentially take the person out of the rank of ordinary. Hello Mr. Nomad! The Eye's flexibility, inquisitiveness and alertness produce a state of concentrated attention. If all the points of a Grand Cross are in one cross of qualities or cross of houses qualities, the problems of this cross will dominate the life of the native. He was just one very evil man who headed a HUGE evil movement. The person needs to actively seek it through active experimentation. While some aspect patterns are rarely seen, such as the Kite, others, such as the T-Square, are more common. Success equally depends on precision and relevance of action. The tail and top of the kite are the two planets in the T-square that are being squared by the third axis planet. The apexs of our yods sextile each otherforming some kind of a reverse yod on my NN/Asc (and his Mars), which feeds into a grand trine, and also sextiles other planets. The two red oppositions are sextile to each other and surrounded by the . It deepens your understanding of crucial facets of the art and science of astrology. Ive been studying astrology for around 3 years and this book is confusing for me, explanations are very Vague and i couldnt even grasp the leading and trailing planets part due to vague explanations. The Astrology of 2023 with Horoscopes for All Signs. These seven aspect patterns can be seen as the framework for understanding a complex world of fluid interactions between planetary energies. It also contains two Grand Trines and three Oppositions. Sometimes chart interpretation is so complex, you can't see the forest for the trees. This gives an extra strength to Jupiter, it has more influence in your chart. He had two spike formations. On this page: T-square Grand Trine Yod Grand Square Grand Cross Kite Star of David or Grand Sextile Wreath, Pentagram Envelope Trapeze, Cradle Mystic Rectangle T-square The direction of these efforts and actions depends on the cross of qualities and houses in which the points of the Grand Cross are located. With. M.March and J.McEvers reckon that when the Grand Cross is present in the radix the person is capable of surprising efforts and vigorous activity. The overall pattern of the aspects reveals the structure and basic motivations of an individual's consciousness. Click on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. There got to be skin in the game, otherwise destiny remains an abstract academic concept. For example, having an easy opposition with Venus being the easing force can be read as an invitation to watch Venus transits over natal Venus position, as well as the other two planets involved. Thats perhaps the simplest definition of minor aspects. This can make for a time of enormous questions, yet it also brings potential solutions and openings which arise either by default or by apparent good luck. This favorable pattern is associated with creativity and intelligence. Subconscious promptings are focused into this area as the natives discontent with destiny grows. If you have any planets making significant aspects to the MC, then look at the influence of those planets as they will be extra strong in your chart. Once youve got that understanding, look at other 4 planets that are trine to the the two major ones. In this case there are no rigid tensions between the poles, there is less dynamism, and more flexibility. Could you give me your thoughts? If i can't read the book, it does me little good. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. It is a harmonious and very stable configuration. Nov 17 1961, 5.25 pm , glasgow, of course as I am just approaching rahu , and ketu, ive not focused on them, but it does magnify the balance ive encountered , when the focus is on daimon in libra, thanks for that. These researchers underline that to harness the potential of a Grand Trine it is necessary to be guided and to use it in creative self-expression and efforts directed on spiritual self-improvement, otherwise it will stay idle. Aspect Pattern Astrology represents the culmination of Bruno & Louise Huber's life work, in outlining for the first time to the general astrological public the crucial significance of the aspect pattern for psychological interpretation of the birth chart. The angle is measured in degrees, and several different aspects are used in astrology, including: Conjunction: 0 degrees Sextile: 60 degrees Square: 90 degrees Trine: 120 degrees Opposition: 180 degrees It is a right-angled triangle formed from a red opposition, a blue sextile, and a blue trine. Ex: Square relates to 4th and 10th house. kindle version not well formatted, book has lots of info though, Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2014. I have both the grand pentacle and wand of power. Two trines will bring a lot of movement. An important difference is that the planets forming a satellitium dont have to be conjunct, they just need to be colocated in the same sector of the sky. Self-discipline should be seen as a crucial area of personal development. In human life this is more important than the force of creation but without refusing something, without choosing, the native cannot construct the best future. This really hints at the process of transformation that is ruling your current incarnation. It definitely stands out very clearly in my chart and involves major planets with very close orbs. Read More Wow, Denis, thank you for all that - fascinating. Strategies for handling a T-square are very complicated and rarely satisfactory, but people with T-squares in their natal charts are known to be ambitious and productive, pushed and driven as they are by the task-master energy their T-square energy represents. Readable copy. In modern western astrology some common aspect patterns are the T-square, Grand Cross, Grand Trine . In not so distant past there was a time when an ounce of gold was $35. I only know hes an Aquarius ascendant but not the degree to determine which house his Mars falls into. It can bestow perspective, balance, and social awareness. I have no idea what it all meansor how it will manifest. They produce more impulsive gut-level psychological profiles that are more difficult to handle using ones mind. This clearly makes it a very powerful pattern that signifies astral crystallisations taken to their extremes. Sometimes groups of black aspect lines or red aspect lines form patterns in the center of a birth chart. Intense (hard) aspects can help with this difficulty. Ive had a quick look at your chart and heres my short thoughts. If Lilith does not enter the Hexagon, and Selena enters it, the given configuration will be all-mighty. Some patterns may become insignificant because of the planets that make them up. It looks like WhatsApp is not installed on your phone. And its added by the sextiles and forms 3 yods bouncing off each other. Blue aspect patterns are called 'talent triangles' . A professional astrologer for over twenty-five years, Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D., was a board member of the American Federation of Astrologers and a faculty member of Kepler College and NORWAC. Alternating retrograde and direct movement of the Moon Nodes reveals polarity of the flow of time. Aspect Pattern Astrology provides the key to a new holistic interpretation of the horoscope. My grand cross includes an exact moon/Mars conjunction at the MC, Uranus close to (in the natal chart) and at the AC (in my current relocation chart) Neptune on the IC and venus at the DC (6th house in natal and right on the DC in relocated chart). I recently met a love interest and we activate each others yods. Its a little strange that the more I know about myself and accept the things as parts of mine, my mind is calmer. Or is it grand trine/s? The pattern of the aspects in the birth chart reveals the structure of an individual's consciousness, the key to understanding their hidden, often unconscious, motivation. Return to the chart observation and begin unpacking its meaning, chapter by chapter. On the other hand, acute angles formed by sesquisquares (135), biquintiles (144) and inconjunctions (150) are reminiscent of sharp astral energies. But each of us without exception has a specific challenge in every incarnation. It was also termed a Righteousness Rectangle by the Hubers. I see these four at right angles in my chart with one degree variation. When I prepare to face my fear and anxiety, I feel like Im not afraid as much before. The connection lies in its relationship to the pentagon, the five-point star symbol traditionally related to the ability to make things happen via the magic of sheer will power. Astrology is way more fluid and doesnt follow the hard rules of logic. The grand cross youre describing is the driving force for many situational patterns. P.Globa states that the Star of David shows a native protected in all he does, but one who does not avoid internal reorganizations; he or she will change in form to adapt, but the inner essence remains constant: as he was in the cradle, such will be and in the grave. Once the initial work on separating chapters out of the chart is complete, the interpretation will begin to emerge as if by itself. A practical approach can be regularly spending a good amount of time walking in nature and feeling the surrounding energies: forests with big trees supply good emotional grounding to the Moon and also feed Mars with the dynamic energy of life. When the T-square is in fixed signs the native operates slowly, but is resolute; as a preliminary, he will always find out all the possible problems before starting to act. "Become a better astrologer! We really need to have some red lines here! Im really grateful if you point out a little (only if you have some extra times). Clusters symbolise accumulations of planetary energies, the person is likely to have a strong affinity with that combination of forces and experience strong influences from those planetary energies, especially during periods of transits to that cluster. Only chiron is opposite my sun (-2 at 13 scorpio) at 15 taurus, and my nodes at 15 leo (N) and aquarius (S). Human consciousness exists in the ocean of lines and shapes. Grand Square the most intense quadrangular configuration. It can be an indicator of one who delights in non-conformist behavior. This is your Sun-Uranus opposed to Mars. Their alluring nature is the beginners booby trap. I can barely read the index in the back; the index does not zoom to see in a readable sized front in either my computer app, kindle fire or phone app. Minor aspects are dormant until one actively moves towards their destiny. Help! The kite pattern is a more hands-on version of the grand trine. But the fact I keep getting fed clear moments where I have to defend myself, people being very cruel, it just makes me think that being quiet and agreeable isnt working. as long as life contains no disorder, restriction, or active engagement, he cannot forge something new. A shape formed by several planetary aspects in a horoscope. Depending on the planet that sextiles the other two, above average communications abilities may also be present. The configurations covered are 3 and 4 planet Stellium, Grand Trine, T-Square, Yod, Grand Cross, Cradle, and Mystic Rectangle.

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