The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss. That I am thinking of them and missing them daily. The pandemic has required us to adopt new behaviors, and we share in this challenge together. Wearing masks is a personal preference as we come back into this school year. The creativity and resilience of our people have proved our most valuable resources. Prevalence testing on campus allows us to track spread. Therewill berepercussionsif you do not abide by oursafety protocols. Our plan is for 5% of the student population and 2% of employees to be tested every two weeks throughout the semester, pulled from the local and on-campus population. forced to try different methods to see what worked best for them and for their students. "Just keep swimming." Dory, Finding Nemo. While the governor loosened some restrictions, William & Marys requirements remain in place, to minimize spread of the COVID-19 virus: So far, your compliance with these basic requirements has resulted in a limited number of positive cases in the community. The resilience and compassion of our student body inspire us each day. Offices that have face-to-face interaction should arrange meetings by appointment and observe W&Ms requirements for the use of face coverings, physical distancing, etc. The following are available for consultation and referral as needed: Undergraduates: Shelly Laurenzo, Office of Academic AdvisingGraduate School of A&S: Chasity Roberts, Assistant to the DeanGraduate School of Ed: Jim Barber (returning students), Dot Osborne (new students)Other Graduate Schools: Contact your school registrar. Resource Feedback We are working to identify and support any students who might have equipment, connectivity or other assistance needs in accessing online instruction. Please note that these will once again be COVID-19 PCR nasal swab tests, the same as Round 2 of testing and current prevalence testing. The sobering lesson is that the William & Mary community needs to be all in on our strict health and safety protocols, on and off campus. Residence Life will provide additional details and instructions about spring move-in: January 22: new students (transfer & freshmen), international students, freshmen who studied remotely in the fall, January 23-24: freshmen who lived on campus in the fall / international students. John Irving. Next week we will also share our expectations about work conditions after June 10, based on the Governors evolving guidance. Many of the outbreaks to date have resulted from large gatherings of young adults, without masks and physical distancing. Meal Plans Students will receive rebates based on their spring semester meal plan as follows: Gold 19 and Freedom Plans $ 460Block 175 $ 420Block 125 $ 340Block 100 $ 270Commuter 50 $ 100Commuter 25 $ 50. Rebates will be applied to your student account on or before Friday, April 10, through direct deposit or via check if you are not currently enrolled in direct deposit. our actionswillbe swift anddirectfor those who arent following theguidelineswe have in place. Give us a couple more days to complete and compile our videos and then check in frequently on our main website,, or download our new W&M Wellness App! Letter #3. The story of 12 students who integrated ATX schools, How to get to Q2 Stadium for 2023 Austin FC season, PHOTOS: Some of Austins most modern homes, Cities offer free tree, brush disposals post-storm, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Weve learned in the past six weeks that together, weve got this. Beginning tomorrow, September 8, William & Mary will launch on-site testing for our students. More will be needed in the weeks ahead. Ralph Northam announced new restrictions on private and public gatherings in the Hampton Roads region and Peninsula, which includes Williamsburg. If you see something, say something. Ginger Ambler88, Ph.D. 06Vice President for Student Affairs. Take care of yourself and each other (from a safe distance of course). For a close-knit community that treasures our ceremonies, Commencement stands out as among our most cherished. She . Student Affairs will provide details about the winter break transition and spring semester arrival by the week of November 2. You are required to wear a face covering when in university housing hallways, other shared spaces and hall baths (except when actively washing, brushing teeth, etc.). Thus, I write to share decisions regarding the universitys operations for the remainder of the semester. Celebrating together, in person, continues to be our goal. The memories of their smiles, stories, and antics bring me joy in rough times. With a better understanding of the viruss progress nationally, we will identify a time when we can convene such a sizable group without great risk to health. Yet to fulfill our commitment to safeguarding the health of this community, it is imperative that we respond appropriately to changing pandemic conditions. Just days before New Jersey GovernorPhil Murphyannounced schools in the state will remain closed for this academic year, staff from a Bridgewater elementary school virtually banded together to spread an uplifting message to their students. A lot of my students arent able to get online to be able to get the internet to do the stuff, she added. Its been hard, theres been definitely a mix of emotions throughout these eight weeks that weve been there, said the Westwood High School chemistry teacher. Widespread and periodic testing of symptomatic and asymptomatic students will mean that at any given point in time, a large number of our community will be awaiting test results. Access to personal items. Teachers hope students create art in any way that matters to them. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. It is imperative that we all hold ourselves accountable for keeping our campus and neighbors safe: For those unwilling to follow the necessary health and safety protocols, it is important to be clear that there will be consequences for violations. Today, we are announcing rebates for the spring semester, for eligible students, as follows. Face coverings include cloth or disposable masks or face shields. I believe this and I hope it for each one of you. These policies will be effective through at least April 3. "For me it was a massive morale booster to meet lots of dogs and cats." Teachers say there has been a collective spirit among staff Glad to be back If there's something children have learnt from. Their actions have resulted in sanctions, which in some instances include removal from campus housing and/or separation from the campus community. All tests will be conducted at Kaplan Arena, which has ample room for testing stations, safe physical distancing and free, short-term parking for this testing in the Compton Lot. We will continue to work through these and other consequential steps in measured ways. We must remain vigilant so that we can move quickly to identify positive cases and potential exposures. Faculty and instructional support staff are required to wear a face covering in indoor or outdoor classrooms, labs and other instructional spaces. As we anticipate this final phase of move-in before the start of in-person classes on Tuesday, I write to share several important messages for those who have chosen to be on campus to live and learn this fall: We cannot let up. We are aiming for Labor Day weekend. You can sign up to volunteer on the Virginia Volunteer Health System website. Indoor public spaces: when in a facility, everyone should wear a face covering over the nose and mouth including building entry areas, classrooms and labs, libraries, conference rooms, hallways, elevators, restrooms, lounges and other shared spaces that allow for public interaction or gathering. When she went into her classroom to gather her things for the end of the year, she said it was unrecognizable. William & Mary will not identify the names of people who have contracted COVID-19 to the public or greater campus community. It is imperative that we learn from them. As the coronavirus pandemic continues, teachers and students all over the country have had to adjust to new ways of learning at a social distance. She has 15 years of classroom teaching experience and a master's degree in literacy education. For Uniform purchases, please go to our Uniform Shop page. Yet I look forward to the coming months with optimism. Sadness comes with every cancellation that passes on the calendar of self-quarantine. Following CDC and Virginia Health Department guidelines for living together under pandemic conditions will bring unique challenges, such as mask wearing, physical distancing and many more adaptations to how we work and learn together. Many on campus are already exploring ways to use telecommuting, virtual meetings and buddy systems. Reports which we are actively investigating that some of our students are gathering with no regard for their commitment to mitigate the risk of transmitting COVID-19 are disheartening. Looking ahead, we must prepare for possible reductions in state support in FY21, as the Governor and General Assembly have predicted significant revenue shortfalls. Completing the address confirmation and questionnaire is necessary, but your test may not ship immediately. Yet much is in our control that promotes resilience: creative adaptations to the structure and rhythms of our curriculum and adaptations to our physical plant, operations and modes of work that safeguard health. Please contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance. All university-sponsored travel domestic and international is suspended regardless of fund source. 23 September 2020. Thank you for your patience and support as we move through these challenging days together. Find team highlights, scores, info and how we're {em}All In{/em} for the Tribe. We will have more general information about Summer 2021 later this summer. I am sorry to be sharing news that I know saddens us all. So we will continue to share more details as they become available. As COVID-19 cases rose sharply in Williamsburg this week, I shared the wrenching news that we would need to close dorms and find the students still on campus places to stay where they can more safely self-quarantine. Deans and faculty will ensure personal engagement for all students, including those who live on and off campus, through the start of in-person classes. The health and safety of our community is our top priority, and I am proud to see so many students, faculty and staff abiding by our Healthy Together Community Commitment. Last Friday, a William & Mary faculty member shared her experience of being in the final year of her Ph.D. program in New Orleans in 2005, during Hurricane Katrina. We dont get to see them again and I dont know when Ill get to see them and thats just hard, she said. Its been tough, and she said an added challenge for her students is having the equipment to connect with her virtually, whether its because of not having the means or not having internet access . The same subscription form can also be used to opt-out if you no longer wish to participate. Glue/tape recycled things together to make a sculpture. In light of this evolving public health context, we are adjusting our phased return to campus correspondingly, so as to mitigate risk to the health of students, staff, faculty and neighbors. UNICEF/UNI327202/. 3. Pandemic conditions require William & Mary to adapt how we teach, learn and work in order to mitigate health risks for our community. To the new rhythms of a very different year, our community is coming together, near and far. Slots are first come, first served. When traveling to Williamsburg, all students should practice prevention to mitigate risks of contracting COVID-19 (wearing a mask, social distancing, regular hand-washing). Recognizing that the health landscape continues to evolve, a robust testing effort allows us to monitor the prevalence of COVID-19 on campus among students and employees, and to track campus trends relative to those locally, within Virginia and nationally. "Thank you very much for doing that video. Seeing people wearing their masks on campus and in the surrounding community hearing faculty and staff talk about connecting to students in Williamsburg and around the world I feel pride and hope as the semester comes alive. Peggy Agouris, ProvostGinger Ambler, Vice President for Student AffairsAmy Sebring, Chief Operating Officer. As we move through this summer and into the fall semester, the COVID-19 Response Team is providing guidance regarding the required use of face coverings on campus from now through the end of the calendar year (July 15-Dec. 31, 2020). This month we are adding a third effort: planning ahead for next year. Even as we benefit from sharing wisdom with peer institutions in the Commonwealth and around the country, our decisions will reflect William & Marys unique culture and educational model. On Tuesday, July 28, Gov. William & Mary has faced profound adversities before and flourished. Exam proctoring is something W&M regularly offers and uses to meet needs of specific students and/or courses. William & Mary faculty and staff are actively readying for the start of classes this coming Monday. In our residential setting, we interpret this as roommate/suitemate groups. Dear William & Mary Students, Faculty & Staff. Participating in prevalence testing is a condition to which we have agreed in order to work, study or receive on-campus services at William & Mary under the Healthy Together Community Commitment. Honorlock is an online remote proctoring service that allows students to take exams from home. positivity supporting others 20 inspirational quotes to lift you up Published on January 31, 2019 Updated on February 10, 2023 Having a bad day? There can be no large parties this fall. Unfortunately, a number of students on campus this weekend were found to be in violation of those guidelines, the Student Code of Conduct, the Residence Life Housing Contract and state law. Well be providing each of you with a date for your test, and then youll schedule the time of day. Our comprehensive testing and case management programs actively seek positive cases on campus so we can prevent them from further circulating in the community, provide individuals needed care and limit the opportunity for spread. Richmond Hall is also identified for housing any on-campus students with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis. William & Mary employees are preparing for students to return to campus in early August. One aspect of our being able to reconvene this fall with health and safety foremost in mind is agreeing on best practices, and then committing to them, through the Healthy Together Community Commitment. Initially, staff members wanted to drive by houses in their cars, but considering the social distancing protocols that were in place at the time, the idea was changed to making a video and they reached out to fellow staff to collect clips and edit them all together. to date, no student on campus has tested positive, state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic, Read the descriptions of high-level categories for course delivery, detailed plans for Check-In and New Student Orientation, All generative questions and ideas are welcome, Flourishing during Unexpected, Uncertain, and Unwanted Change,,, monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, support for the online instructional, remote learning, Undergraduate Residence Halls close on November 25 at 10 a.m. Be sure to carefully review the, Remaining on campus after November 25 at 10 a.m. is not an option, Students living in the Graduate Complex or Tribe Square are permitted to remain in their current apartment, but must verify they are staying via the, Spring semester course delivery attributes will be in Banner by Friday, November 13. Doing so matters greatly to our graduate students, undergraduates, parents, faculty, and staff and to me. Unfortunately, as we look ahead to the fall semester, gathering graduates and families in these ways is neither safe nor feasible in light of the ongoing pandemic. Knowing people are out there thinking of them can make all the difference in the world. Shannon S. Teachers everywhere want students to know that they havent gone anywhere. Its a challenge, a challenge for every one of us, but we dont shy away from challenges at William & Mary. Students who need to use the elevator to access the concourse level of Kaplan Arena may arrange. Staff members in that office are experienced in supporting students who have accessibility needs, including students who are immunocompromised. Connect with school staff. These include final papers, individual or collaborative projects, and cumulative exams. Graduate students residing in university housing. I should be coming in every day having my kids in my classroom, she explained. The exact type of face covering may vary depending on the instructional environment (e.g., a university-provided face shield may be required in a lab). I think the biggest part for me is the relationships and being with the students and not being able to interact with them and be there with them through their successes and challenges in the classroom.. Room and board costs are being communicated with students in mid-August. 1. The McCombs school boasts a whopping 6,500 students with 200 professors. I wish you a safe and productive semester. The Exit: Teachers Leave. Staff throughout the university are offering many services virtually and also ensuring that our campus remains safe and ready for our return. Teaching and learning at a distance for the remainder of the semester will pose challenges, some we can anticipate and others we will encounter as we go.

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