So much for the hope of drying out some. Water color has improved to about 1 plus feet of visibility. Hike some different water spots on the smaller tribs and you should find some brown trout action with a steelhead or two thrown in. Light fishing pressure with just a handful of cars at each parking spot. Downstream fast water drifts and all the way to the downstream flat water has been quietly productive at times too, esp if youre there intercepting a pod of fresh fish moving thru. Water temps for now are already in the the high 30s F on the Oak and prob going higher with the forecasted warmup thru the end of this week. The charter fleet has had king salmon action in 100-120 FOW using chrome glow flasher fly combinations down to 60 ft. Flows should stay up thanks to exceptional upstream supplies even as water color should continue to improve. Not surprising since it was a real gloomy overcast wet kind of day that you would expect good fish movement. Now for the mid week, its warmed up again! Also a few more brown trout hook ups have been reported, but its plenty earlier for that with lots of good trout action ahead of us. The release to that point was a great success! Thanks, Capt. Thru this weekend flows are prob more agreeable for better drifts but the water color is worse so there could be tougher action. Its a difficult forecast to predict what may happen to trib conditions but any over-the-all colder temps that will come along with the icing or snow should continue the dropping and clearing trend in the waterways to moderate in the Oak and low in the smaller waterways. This latest rain has come uncharacteristically from the east so to the west may be in slightly better shape then to the east. "On the Water" Media Group and host, Chris Megan with his film crew from East Falmouth, MA were at the Oak today catching an early brown trout following the morning rainfall. Not a blow out but enough precipitation to bump everything up with a nice spate of water for some fresh fish migrations. Any big steelhead this time of the year in relatively warm water are going to be a challenge to land! Decent, fair weather days are forecast thru the beginning part of the week, then seasonably cool for mid and end of the week. Icing conditions should accelerate especially in the smaller waterways Will know more about how anglers have been hooking up as we catch back up on the fishing chatter. Riggers were parked at 75 & 85 ft with fixed cheaters 10 ft above. Mainly with an old school program. If your image isnt chosen for the billboard, we will consider using it in the 2022 OC Fishing Guide. The NYS Canal Corporation releases water from the Erie Canal into Lake Ontario Tributaries in Western New York on an extended and pulsed schedule each fall to enhance trout and salmon fishing opportunities. Mild winters or short duration cold weather lasting into spring is generally considered good for alewife survival, and hopefully a so far mild winter will bode well for alewife. Any significant rainfall could raise flows up more with dirtier water color. Not sure yet how much of a change in flows in the Oak well see, but with the precip received so far it shouldnt be bad enough for a blow out. Bob! Any snow will be likely south of the area. FREE boat launching until the Spring! More importantly he shares his expertise on what lures have been successful for him and his crew. Note to self after any kind of high water after stale conditions try more upstream then downstream. Maxwell has a better flow; however, it is still plugged-up at the mouth. And maybe into the early spring! Get the drift or swing down and checked and slowed a bit and you can find a head shaking steelhead on the take. Flows in the Oak, and really all around, are looking pretty good by winter time steelhead standards. For now the drifting conditions are pretty nice all around. So conditions real nice, especially considering how dry summer was and how some of this fall has been so far. No accumulations expected here on the WNY Lake Ontario Plain. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. So far thru today the heavier rains have been south of here and the trend looks like the Oak is on the rise while the smaller tribs are barely dropping or holding steady. Fishing Hotline (585) 589-3220. Well just have to wait and see if itll be a hard and fast melt or something a little more moderate and gradual. And we barely got clipped by the worst of it like SW of the area around Buffalo got it! Posted January 31, 2021 We are pleased to announce dates for two of these events for 2021. Forecast is for continued seasonable weather thru the week with highs around 50F and dropping back into the 30sF at night. Also to note is the Ridge Road/Route 104 bridge over the Oak Orchard Creek in the town of Ridgeway is now open to travelers. No consistent cool down or big freshets yet so the action has been on and off. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. Reasonable fishing pressure with fair to good numbers of Kings spread from near shore big Lake O waters to upstream fast water spots, in some cases right past anglers not there yet to intercept with a drift. They can be found in Lake Ontario, its tributaries like the Oak Orchard River and in numerous inland waterways. There is some icing up in spots but theres still drifting slots to be found. The parking donation will be $10 per car. Widewaters is never drawn-down and is the hot spot for bass this time of year. Chris Megan from On the Water mag gets a top notch net job from Bill to land this trophy early in the season fresh male brown trout! Flows in the Oak are slightly high with 1 2 ft of stained visibility. So for now the drifting and swinging conditions look pretty good. Parking will not be allowed at anytime on the road at the top of the driveway and therefore no walk in access down the driveway. Good chances for fresh fish action ahead for this beginning part of March especially as higher and more stained flows may come and go. We are hearing of most guys getting their drifts down and slow getting a few hook ups in the fast water reaches below the dam and a little more action in the downstream flat water possibly as a result ofsome drop back brown trout action and a few fresher steelhead. The Greater Niagara Fish Odyssey is underway in Erie, Niagara and Orleans County August 20 until September 5, 2021. Second season trout action now with light fishing pressure and still reasonable weather with all kinds of water to fish seems like the name of the game right now! Spring will offer up only so many cold water chances! Come get in on some hard striking fresh fish action at the river mouth and downstream areas. Water level fluctuations are still common thanks to hydropower operations and at least in the downstream fast water areas when flows are reduced, theres been just a handful of mostly browns revealed. This mid week warmup should likely only stall the right of drop and clear in the Oak and other area smaller waterways. Fishing pressure fairly heavy thru the past weekend and even thru yesterday but for this mid week period now with wetter weather looks quite a bit less., Tom and his crew from Pennsylvania joined us Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. There is some icing especially in downstream slow water spots and some bank ice. Well have to wait and see how much flows will change but it should bring flows up high but not blown. Early season Oak rivermouth action for a nice brace of med female Kings for the Licorice Man. A few guys report crowding, but as compared to say last year Id have to say there are a few less guys out and about. Salmon will likely be found from the estuary up through town. Started in fairly shallow 80-120FOW and got some nice kings first thing in the morning but things slowed. Reports from the rest of the downstream water or other area smaller tribs are thin thanks to the light fishing pressure. Winter and cold and snow is hanging in. Also to note is the Ridge Road/Route 104 bridge over the Oak Orchard Creek in the town of Ridgeway is now open to travelers. Spring spoon casting action for brown trout at the pier heads and lakeshore when wind and waves come together to bring that semi stained water within casting range. No surprise, youd have to think we would pay for all that previous warm weather sometime. Stay tuned and keep tabs on the weather and water flows and get out there when you can. Kurt Driscoll. Next chance at snow for area wide is for the beginning part of next week. Could be guys were finding easier fishing flows on the smaller waterways. This will entice more brown trout, steelhead and Atlantic and Pacific salmon to run up these streams, improving conditions for the fish and expanding opportunities for anglers. Johnson is probably more stained then say Sandy. We are hearing of a few more browns now in the Oak, especially thru yesterday. Flows are moderate to medium and slightly stained at least where you might be able to find a slot with open flows to drift. Theres still good numbers of fish higher in the Oak watercourse nearer the dam. Mid week at dawn 1 for 2 with this nice fresh hen landed at the Oakrivermouth. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Forecast for the end of week/begin part of the weekend is for another mixed bag precip storm with good chance for accumulating snow here after possible start as rain. 400 Coppers, Divers out 220-240, Riggers down 80-90-100. Flows in Johnson Creek for sure up and even stained from a pretty good shot of water. Stay at the shop lodge (Licorice Lodge) close to the Oak Orchard River fishing action! Spoons used were Gold 42 during overcast and Silver 42 when the sun was out. Visit Capt Songins Facebook page for more videos he posts throughout the week. Darker and some old moldy salmon are still around. Theres been on and off good action like at the Archers Club and some Kings continue to drop back from the dam. Fresh silver browns too and chance for bonus steelhead or salmon. Knowing there were kings laying on the bottom, we left our divers out with meat. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. Still lots of water in the Oak at slightly high and slightly stained with about 2 ft of visibility. Dam action has been spotty, but there are people hooking up. Production of hard copies is finished and have been delivered to License Issuing Agents. Click on the different category headings to find out more. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. The previous cold temps sure did clear up the water color with just a nice stain of about 2 ft of visibility. Water visibility was about 6-foot at the time. Thanks to this forecast, flows in the Oak and other area smaller tribs will be (again) on the way to high, blown and dirty. View the calendar of releases at this link:CanalsNY Fall Fishing Program. Jim Gordon of Appleton, you can go out and do extremely well one day with goldens and then return to the same spot with the same bait the next day and struggle to catch a fish. Fish. Well probably continue to see a drawn out salmon run. Theres not a lot of fish spawning or even many zombies yet so that tells you things are progressing slowly. But with cooler temps this week, the water temp has finally started dropping. Help needed for daily feeding and cleaning for steelhead and eventual release. Flows yesterday in the AM were down but did rebound nicely to the mod or almost med flows weve had this season. On the dates not included above both before and after anglers can still fish any of the water adjacent to the Archers Club but access will have to be by walking and wading from downstream at the Park Ave Ext Fishing Trail or from upstream at the Waterport dam. Many thanks to all involved in the Reimagine the Canals fishery benefits for WNY and esp NYS Canals outstanding cooperation. Fathers Day Outing Courtesy of Get the Net Charter. Bob Songins At the Oak report this past week, the mature salmon are both off shore (31-33) and in-shore (80-150). Cooling weather and water will also help bring on better brown trout and steelhead action and the area is not likely to suffer thru any more real warm weather now that we are well into October. These 23 & 25 lb Salmon were caught in 450 to 500 fow.40 to 120 down, using Dipseys 180 to 220 just slightly west of the Oak. Releases may change due to weather and other conditions. Colder temps could bring back some icing conditions esp in the smaller waterways if lower flows prevail. At a Lake Ontario Charter Boat Association (LOCBA) meeting held at the Irondequoit Fish and Game Club, Brian Weidel of USGS spoke about the results of the 2022 Spring alewife sampling. If theres significant rain ahead of or instead of the ice/snow, then trib flows could be on the rise and going off color. As the cooler weather continues, expect to see a large influx of both steelhead and brown trout moving up stream to feed on the remaining salmon eggs. Look for cooperative wind and wave action now and thru mid week with chance for higher wind forecast at the end of the week and subsequent tougher dirtier water chances. If you mark fish, trying trolling through a few times and get them to bite. Water flows and trout and salmon migrations are looking good thanks to bolstered Erie Canal feed to the Oak and other waterways. Blown flows typically come from the overflow channel. Thankful for that continued Erie Canal water feed for select tribs as the forecasted precipitation at this time not likely to cause a big change in trib flows. Anchor where the current isnt strong and cast out shrimp. He captured the lead today aboard the Stalker, weighing in at Olcott. Fishing pressure looks more like the end of November than the beginning of November for this mid week period so far. Some rain now on the frontside of this latest warm up wouldnt be a bad thing to bring the trib flows back up and add some color to the water. Theres still lots of upstream headwater swamp supplies in the Oak. Chance for more downpours thru tonight with strong winds and an advisory forecast thru tomorrow. Anglers are finding it an up year for Atlantics and cohos. Upstream swamp headwater supplies seem brim full so look for flows to be pretty well maintained and on a continued slow clearing. Oak Orchard Oct 2020. Location 3.8. There was another couple inches of wet snow and something like a 0.25 inch of rain thru last night. Watch for that high and stained water flow and hit it as soon as you can. The Olcott pier project is completed for land lubbers there to get back out there or the Oak Orchard piers. Welcome August! Flows are actually up just a bit from earlier in the week when the visibility was less. Boat angling easily the least expensive bargain for big salmonid angling chances where you get to feel the strike and experience an honest battle without heavier trolling gear. See more info on theirFacebook page. Capt. New open Lake steelhead creel limits should help overall survivability too. If an angler is fishing upstream, they should fish downstream of the other angler or consider fishing another day. The fish were biting on a deep rigger set at 120, flasher/meat rig and wire dipsey, 280-300 out, gold 42 second paddle with mirage fly, NBK paddle mirage fly, 600 hundred copper with a Jill bill meat rig. Flows in the Oak are slightly high consisting of a good head of turbine water. Less then 1 inch of snow accumulations are expected here on the WNYs Lake Ontario Plain. Photo courtesy of Mike Lavender. You wouldnt mind see flows a little higher in the Oak for best steelhead chances, but the risk there is to be careful what you wish for. Ron Bierstine task force member. The last time it was dredged was in 2014. Fishing has been a challenge. That good run of Kings in the Oak from end of last week has spread out nearest the dam, but guys are finding pods of spawning fish in the downstream fast water reaches. With the mid week warm up look for flows to be on the rise and opening up some and going off color about thru the mid/end of week. To the east at Sandy Creek flows are reported to be medium or just a notch greater. Same for estuary slow water areas on the smaller tribs where guys have had on and off action. Oak Orchard rivermouth King, second week Sep 2018. Even though I wouldnt look for turbine flows to change much in the near term, once the water temps begin to rise even a little the drift chances should improve and more fresh fish will hopefully be evidenced all around. Capt. Expect daily water level fluctuations thanks to leaf fall/wind and hydro power operations. Saturday afternoon we fished 150-200 in water a few miles west of Port. jwplayer("jwp-outstream-unit").setup({}); Report is Courtesy of the Oswego County Department of Community Development, Tourism and Planning. This weekend, we had some pretty good fishing despite getting beat up by the rough seas. On Saturday there were bass boats fishing on the south side next to the Port Gibson bridge. Flows in the Oak are slowly on the retreat from higher and dirtier flows. Both inshore structure, mid water and offshore has a mixed bag catch available. We are living and experiencing all the fishing action directly or thru trusted reports of other die hard anglers as it happens. Thru the past weekend we heard of guys getting steelhead hookups nearer the dam including a few good fish. Here is a terrific morning catch of Oak Orchard River-bound king salmon from 21-26# from 110 ft of Lake Ontario ledge water. Most guys upstream- ish report good action while those downstream like in the flat water report tougher action. The 2021 New York State fishing guide can be found at for downloading and printing at home. Hopefully they can move to and get in and out of the smaller area tribs that they are dredging next with minimal impact on salmon and trout migrations. Then the hit and misses kept on coming. This is the available info at this time, fishing is allowed as in the past, unless something changes, it will be enforced. Archers Club. Recent precipitation for now probably not enough to keep flows any higher then low-ish when Canal water is ended. Theres no new real cold temps in the near forecast and if even this rain doesnt open the smaller area tribs right away by this weekend or next week they likely will be thanks to a continued warm-ish weather forecast. Get the monthly weather forecast for Dsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. For now, flows in the Oak are moderate and slightly stained and no icing. Now some silver browns hooked up too, as has been the case on the smaller tribs like to the east. Flows in the other smaller waterways are about medium and slightly stained, likely offering up a nice fishable window for now. Look for slowly dropping flows all around back to the baseline Canal and normal run of the river contributions. Good chances for fresh fish action ahead for this begin part of Mar esp as higher and more stained flows may come and go. If an angler is fishing upstream, they should fish downstream of the other angler or consider fishing another day. Zane Smith of New Brighton PA with new LOC-leading salmon at 32.4-pounds. The only sure way to know is to get out there and make a few drifts! Please use the Oak Orchard State Boat Launch on Archbald Rd. Check out current standings at Erica finds it hard to hold up nearly 20 lbs of fresh King caught at the Oak Orchard rivermouth! Best chance at hookups is going to be covering different spots on the same trib and/or moving around to different tribs. The youth division is free. It is equipped with the latest electronics and fishing equipment. There are still Kings around, about in a one qtr green fish to three qtr old moldy ratio. Use Power Bait shad color 2 inches in length. The Pic of the Week was taken just this morning, June 8, 2021 fromMike Grager, Get Hooked Sportfishing. Call Steve Haak at 225-0229 for more info. Hard copies can be requested by emailing If you want to help for salmon we can direct you to the contacts for that effort. One warm water 40-50F hook-up is worth a half dozen 32 point something F hook ups! To the east, like at Sandy Creek, the higher Canal bolstered flows have made for better migration conditions with pods of salmon bolting from the estuary holding water and spreading upstream, along with a few browns mixed in.. Some forecasted showers that for once turned into more like rainstorms yesterday and today have brought along that nice gloom for fish migrations, but probably will not change any trib flows much. That flow is still actually fishable unless its high AND dirty. Flows likely to remain up and stained at least thru the weekend. No surprise, you'd have to think we would pay for all that previous warm weather sometime. The 12th Annual Women Conquering Outdoors Adventures is set for Sept. 11 at the North Forest Rod and Gun Club in Lockport, Call Colleen Gaskill at 628-9023 for more info. This up and down would be mostly unnoticed under ice cover anyway, except for on the Oak. Thanks to losing the Canal feed/winter drainage, flows in the Oak are real low. Fridays big east wind iced the inside waters where mature kings were being caught from 120 feet of water and in prior to the wind. Water color has improved to about 1 plus feet of viz. Be there to intercept them! If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. We continue to lobby for water access on the far side or west side of the Waterport dam hydro pool and the rest of the Oak. Forecast is for precipitation again Wednesday and a chance of showers thru the end of the week. Nice big fresh King drifting action on the backside of high flows from end of Sept rains. Anglers at the dam are getting their steelhead hook ups, including a few nice fish. Within a few minutes, an 8 lb steelhead hit and Bill was on his first Lake Ontario fish. Access fees will be waived. See more info at And maybe into the early spring! Since we are not getting cold temps and/or snow, hopefully we can get rain along with the warm temps to help maintain flows. The 2021 New York State fishing guide can be found at for downloading and printing at home. The medium to slightly high flows in the Oak are proving to be a nice draw for Kings. Theres some brisk NE lakeshore winds that will make for some rough seas and cool and probably dirty water color. So far we are prob looking at some fish from earlier higher water and new fish trickling in on medium-ish flows instead of one bigger batch of fish on a blow out event. Even clear water finds the caster at an advantage over the troller. There are miles of water for fish to be dropping back from compared to about only a short mile of Oak water. On their way to Wilson Harbor, he reports that they started catching browns and cohoes just shy of Shadigee in 7-10 FOW. to the leaders in the 1st leg of the King of the Oak Series the Condor Memorial as well as the winning teams from the feature tournament . Captain Mikes recommendation is using mainly a flasher fly bite yellow flashers, blue green flies. Im not hearing a lot from the other area smaller waterways but you can bet patient anglers could find some drop back action or a few fresh browns or steelhead in the lower reaches. A dropping and clearing water scenario is a contrast for what youd rather see as rising or high flows for best chances at fresh fish migrations. Any future precip could raise flows and bring back dirty water color. Chance of rain again on Wednesday. Flows in the Oak are clearing slowly and hanging in somewhere between medium and slightly high. If you still have a boat in the water, you can fish west of Sodus Bay in 30 fow. Many thanks to the Archers Club for opening up the Fall fishing access. High winds and advisory is likely for something like Fri/Sat/Sun. New Fall Fishing Program. The state is funding the effort as part of the Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative. It includes a county map with the designated public fishing access points and boat ramps, tackle & bait shops, marinas and popular fish species of Orleans County. Late Feb 2018. Steelhead have been there and more likely to trickle in. Both father and daughter were smiling away as they were side by side working the fish to the boat. Take advantage of any reasonable drift chances for the late winter and spring period since waiting for low and clear means youll prob miss some opportunities. And thats after a brush with some area wide snow tonight and tomorrow that might only be a dusting this far north on the WNY Niagara Frontier. Here we go on a nice warm up again for more seasonal spring like temps this week. Flows in the Oak are high, close to blown and dirty. Look for drop back fish to be living there for now, with the other most productive spots being right at the dam or overflow channel pool. Sunday, we caught a decent variety: a couple of big salmon, 2 year olds, matures, a steelhead and couple of cohoes. The hope is this cold weather will be a good thing for later winter and spring steelhead action. You can lay a rod down on the bank or net a fish or walk along the immediate riverbank or walk around a wading obstruction for safety but anglers cannot CONGREGATE on the Archers Club grounds on the dates not included above. Next chance at precipitation or showers is this weekend. Fishing on the bays has been excellent. We are catching fish in 50-110 water in front of the major rivers and off 9-mile point. Most hook up chances will come from long and light float presentations at the dam. Cool nights and cooperative winds should make for better battles with more staging Kings and trout chances as well. Fishing and weather conditions pretty nice by late fall/early winter standards. For information on fishing Great Lakes tributaries, visit the DEC website. You can lay a rod down on the bank or net a fish or walk around a wading obstruction for safety but anglers cannot be on the Archers Club grounds on the dates not included above. All the trib flows are on the rise and going off color. The fishing this last week has been better than the previous couple weeks. Some big steelhead are still in the Oak! Still hanging on to warm (hot) weather but theres a change afoot in the forecast with chance of significant rain mid week and a cool down. Any emergency Canal drainage flows are now tempered and so that leaves tribs like the Oak and Sandy mostly to regular run of the river flows. Oak Orchard River Salmon Fishing (Any Cat Fish at the Dam?) 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