We wanted to make sure that his kids were secure and settled before we took the big step. And i always gave in because i love him. It very likely makes him run the other way. And yes your still with him you should work on self respect. I have always loved my children's father and I always will; but we're friends now and that's what counts. Cut your losses now. The thought of wishing it would work out in the future? He seeks my approval because I set the standard. He will untill he doesnt anymore. If he is seriously worried that she will take his child away, he needs to consult an attorney about his paternal rightsnot bow down to her and pretend you don't exist. I'm pretty sue that if it was you in that position you would not be saying such things. It is unacceptable for her to be calling for utter nonsense, the only time she should be calling would be in an emergency with the kids. When he decided to come back he asked to send him money and I did and he was back the same day . If you are happy with that ranking, then great carry on, but if you have aspirations of being more than his OW, then you need to cut this guy loose. I don't feel it is love, but rather caring. He'd talk bad about me; get into it with them; call me with them in the background telling them "Bitch you ain't shit. I would not continue this relationship. If she's an ex really, why would he care how she reacts? 6 years ago. Its been about 48 hours. I was on and off with my sons mother for years after he was born. Hey , I'm female currently dealing with a sitution with a guy I knew for about three years. They were both grown already but it still caused issues. I'm basically in the same situation. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. She does call for unneccesary things, and its hard because he cant tell if its a real emergency about the child, or not. They have long conversations . Do they see you as a new dad or one of mommy 's new uncles? He told me on Saturday after I took him home on FaceTime that he got his baby mama pregnant in January! The Mother and the child are coming from Honduras and so they have to stay with him in his house because they have no where to go. Understand and keep this in the forefront of your mindit's not about you or your relationship with your man. telling the truth I am going through the same thing, but mine is multiple. Ive been with a couple girls intimately but pales in comparison to her. AskMen Reader. It looked my ex even more for me to not even acknowledge his attempts. Where do you fit into this mess? 2. Deep down they are still hoping or wishing things had worked out differently, especially if there wasn't something major like abuse or cheating going on. In No Contact phase with married man, but what now? For me, yes. Now I'm trying to help them reconnect. On another note, my bd cheated and had a bust-it-baby at the end of our relationship. If he can't, it might be a sign you're dating a mama's boy and it could be in your best interest to cut him loose. I didn't want my daughter to grow up in a abusive/violent relationship with her dad and I, too think it is normal when she gets older. When he is dating I respect his personal life and I expect him to do the same for me. I have happily moved on with my life. What's funny he doesn't realize how good he has it. Miss Lucy called the lady with the alligator purse. Anyway i told him look I'm done here ur baby mama like really how u leave elegance and go back to the ratchet life? We only contact through a talking portal online, where everything is recorded for the judge. Let me break it down for you. Xper 5 Age: 27. Think about that before you waste your time wondering if he cares for you and what is going on. She told me that when she confronted her boyfriend about the excontacting him after hours, he pretty much responded with, Shes my childs mother. The only time I normally remember my exwife is when I walk by an atm. Never hit her!! He made little jokes like what if it's a boy ? when a man have a kid (s) with his ex (s) they are a package deal.if u want to be with him, u have to be supportive n understanding and don't stress him out cuz he is not giving u enough time.this can lead to fights n eventually a break up. The mother of your child(ren), whom you did not marry and with whom you are not currently involved. During 1st couple years was on and off with my bby daddy, after we realised were better going our separate ways to avoid arguments sake ect. For me, I don't think my boyfriend is "in love" with the mother of his children but he does have love for her and care for her for the simple fact she's the mother of his two kids. I still dealt with him knowing this , I also knew the start of our relationship was nothing serious , and it takes time for things to go or get serious. Her father does not pay chid support owes back pay over $40k. Wanting to have a baby with some girl simply refers to being ready to take the . And to say I don't care about my daughter's mom is like saying I don't care about my daughter in a certain sense. This is the beginning of her trying to make the relationship hell if he doesn't put a stop to it now it will continue to happen. She even visits his house when he is not there and stays over with his sister saying its too late for her to go home. To me, it implies that we were never in a relationship and he accidentally knocked me up which is not true. My spirit was completely crushed by the time I called it quits. he knew this and thought that if he got me pregnant i would somehow magically want to be with him when in fact it made matters worse. I would love to be like the others and say he is lying and he is involved with the baby's mom. I have talked to other girls trying to find something new in hopes to get over her. By entering this site you declare It also shows you how to read and interpret body language and how to make use of your own body language. No. Is my man still in love with his baby mama? After all, those are all great . The entire family is ok with him having a girlfriend because the most important thing for them is to get their citizenship at any cost. And no woman do not always love or care for the unwanted sperm donor. When I first met him he had a daughter , and was living with a female other than his daughters mother. I can relate! I call my kids little love, baby, buddy, doll, honey, etc. The truth is, there is no way to ever truly know the heart of a man. If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). Stepmother Calls Fixer, He Fucks Mommy Hard. What make her think she's the real one when she's the stupid side chick.. nooo class at all. Let not mention that bum(honestly speaking). He may be meaning something more than he likes you by saying it, youre going to have to ask him what exactly he means. Doesn't make any sense that he did that because he left me and our daughter for some new girl he met up at his work. 3. When trying to understand why he called you mama it would be helpful to consider the timing and location that he said it in. black entertainment news, parenting tips and beauty secrets that are specifically for black women. It doesnt matter if you Have 20 kids together if hes with someone and youre still having sex with him youre the side chick. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future. He's using you and you are weak. True. It's just normal to me. I realized that any anger a guy shows towards his child's mother is lost love a feeling of betrayal because he once loved her, it's best to foster love and respect for each other though regardless. The day after that, he had her bringing him to my subdivision. No, they just don't like the thought of his babies mom sucking another mans dick and his kids calling the new guy Dad. My bd used to make females think I was this horrible monster because he was locked up due to putting his hands on me at 8 months pregnant. 32:47. I'm so sorry. But I do believe that these types of relationships can work just fine if the person you date creates boundaries with their co-parent. I went to the doctor to make sure I was straight. Never belittled her! I have been trying to help him with rides so he can get steady work and help me financially and just for hisself also. Easier said than done. There seems to be this attitude of "men have needswhat do you expectfor him to be a monk for a year." Constantly brings up his BM on random conversations but doesn't get why I get upset. But you can go by what you see and hear in order to make an intelligent decision. Ya have kids together. They divorced 18 years later. He introduced her as his fiancee. . A time log then bring it up to him only once if he doesn't correct the situation with the BM then there's your point he wants both of them or there's a possible affair going on between the two of them and if he does not my advice is move forward its not just about the baggage he will bring its the drama he will keep take care and good luck. She isnt his ex. It's not about how we feel about eachother. Yet he got another girl pregnant and had two kids from her. I guess he is married to her. But now im done taking it. I know this is an older thread but hopefully you can reply. and my co-workers and I call each other stuff too: babe, darlin, honey. Please Help. Log in to reply. She's expected to be a nun. our son is a month now but we.broke up Aug 17 and.didnt stop having sex until October while he was with his ex girlfriend/new fiancee..he left me for his ex..now after.we had our son we.doing so parenting he wants.to have sex. i feel it is disrespectful to me. Its only gonna be drama. Find a great single dude, forget about this dude, even if the sex was out of this world, use logic when picking your men, the emotional shit is what has you in pain, the logic told you to leave. I think it probably has to do with me being a very old fashioned family oriented man, I would love nothing more than to see our family put back together and actually work out. If he did call you mama because he naturally calls women mama then it would be likely that he would have said it to other women as well and that he would show the same body language and behavior around them as he shows around you. Nicknames to Call Your Boyfriend. Got to read between the lines and his actions speaks louder than his words. You hit it on the nail. That makes you the side chick. When she knows that all she has to do is send . "Right now yea. Nope. He's cheater on both you and the baby mama! Guy didnt wish me happy birthday am I wrong to be upset? Does she check her kids when they disrespect you or anyone else? He says it was a mistake, and he loves both me, but he has to be with her because she is carrying his child. Why? 15. I changed the locks on our apartment and took him to child support for our then, 4 month old daughter. Why is he spending all of his free time with his ex and ignoring you? Speak up, tell him how you feel and if he doesn't take a stand then you know that he really isnt worth it. It's pretty ****in annoying to b honest like I don't have nothing against the kid but my chest hurts everytime I see him granted he had a lot of kids I was looking forward to having his first son of anything!

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