Mars in Pisces people are usually very indirect, calm, and fragile. Everyone knowsthatgives a clear advantage. Venus is close by. If there's . end result, anger does not pay. On March 7, 2023, Saturn, the great planet of form, hits Pisces, the ocean of undoing. Mars in Gemini is in a mutable air sign and takes on the qualities of its ruler Mercury. This longing may or may not be related to your ongoing healing quest, but if so, the omens are auspicious! they can easily manipulate and exploit others, they might even get a little sadistic. When angry, you feel extra sensitive, and may need time to gain your composure before facing a confrontation. Know what I want, know who I am, and just move aside while I get it! because they deal with their issues right away, they dont hold grudges or resentment. You will out class and out dress your opponents, showing up ferociously fashionable to an argument. Mars in libra gives friendly strategy to people and enemies, I know people who had mars in libra and were even stronger then some of those with mars in aries or scorpio but the the people with mars in libra dont want to fight for nothing, they fight only for what they beleve is right. I usually need to be pushed up to the wall to fight for myself, but survival becomes no object at that point. This placement brings out the best in you. I take it, and take it, and take it, until I dont. The zodiac sign that the planet is in directs the role that it plays in your life. Mars enters Pisces on December 19th, of 2016. I can be more passive aggressive which is not a good thing but it helps to keep me from getting punched in the face. Maybe it's because I also have a twelfth house Mars, and have naturally had my own cascading and dreamy struggles with it befitting for any 12th house drama - so I also come with a passion to champion (as any Martian would) the supposed underdog, told in . is one of the leading astrology and women's lifestyle and spirituality websites online today. My most potent use of my mars though is just letting people fuck the selves over with their own self destructive tendencies. They get to the point in a round-about fashion. Mars in Pisces meaning reveals that you are compassionate and kind towards others. They all have a sharp, cutting tongue and can be quite nasty to other people. people see that you have this complex and dont like it. Grounded and complacent Mars in Taurus takes a long time to get worked up. sorting out your thoughts and really trying to think things through (without mixing in emotion) will also help stop this from happening. Do these interpretations pull you in two different directions? these are very good things. It just doesnt quit until its goal is achieved. you should mix them when working on everything else! Luckily for this Mars sign, they generally forget about the fight very quickly and will get over it. you get impatient with people, overwhelmed, skeptical and strict. This is because Capricorn is goal-oriented and tenacious as hell. Mars rocks!! Naturally, we won't always feel motivated even by our dreams during Mars in Pisces. In a way, her roads are not made of asphalt or concrete, but clouds. In the end, youll just want to hug it out. This type = extremely passive-aggressive. My Mars, finally unleashed, is nothing short of blind rage. I recommend martial arts to this placement, particularly an un-aspected one. With Mars in Cancer, you tend to retreat from confrontation, withdrawing into your shell when hurt or offended. But theres no stopping you! It makes sense: Mars is fierce and flamboyant, while Cancer is nurturing and private. I thought I was just stubborn and obsessive-compulsive, now I`ll know why I find it so hard to stay down . It doesnt matter how smart someone is, or how talented, if they dont have a Mars to drive them, then nobody will ever know. @pagansun, Betty broderick has that Leo mars, when it goes bad it is like a stalking lion on the hunt. A lot. he had this office where he had a hand grenade. Other than that last item, Mars is content to roll solo in your sign. Thanks, interesting to read.I have Mars in Taurus, so need some research and explanation. protests and revolutions are their favorite ways to go. 5 Little-Known Facts About Mars in Pisces, Ten Reasons Pisces Will Find Love In 2022. fighting: there are a thousand things i would do to the enemy, but first theyll happen in my mind, and make me angry enough to ruin my day by putting the situation on repeat, like walter mitty nearly. watch out for this! A natural empath, you may absorb the anger of others, and need to take time to tease out which feelings are truly yours. Learning to detach, set boundaries and to shield your field will be essential to your serenity. The problem with Mars in Libra is that Libra is nice. In fact, Mars is said to be "in fall" in the sign of Cancer, meaning this is one of the more challenging signs for the red planet to be housed in. Many of these will be psychological, Scorpios natural playground. The edge of eroticism brings the ecstatic into even sharper relief. Freaking! sagittarius: pay more attention to details! ranting might be a thing they do, but more than anything else, these guys debate. you dont mean to, but people might see you as that. Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. As the most sensitive, intuitive, creative zodiac sign Pisces can take a long time to tune into anger. When it comes to exes? well now, thats for my creative endeavours. Astrology is an interpretive dance, a tool which provides a fascinating layer of self-discovery. hear what they say. other than that, youre very thoughtful. When Mars in Pisces finds a prospective partner, you do everything in your power to sweep them off their feet, gazing directly into their eyes and worshiping their body. when theres bumps in the road, dont get aggressive or impatient. Angry feelings may be projected onto others so that they can be dealt with in the open, which can get a little tricky for you. You are ultra-feminine Water Sign, meaning you flow with what your gut tells you. if its a harmonious one i usually need some kind of motivation first. continue doing this, its great! you have excellent common sense, use it to help you fix this stubbornness! on top of all of this, youre independent, organized, quirky, funny, practical and observant. I have no trouble getting a man but keeping a man is a trick I have yet to master. Aries: a physical fighter, or someone who yells loudly. Blessings, Aries Rising. not everything is in your control and not everything is gonna go smoothly. She works with her emotions. they get quickly fired up & always have an immediate response. they are gentle and calm. stop trying to find middle ground for every single argument. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. Kind of paradoxical bc I dont feel uber-feminine. keep this up! Mars, the planet of war and action, changes its strength and needs when in different signs. it might be a little hard but its possible! Mars creates a sense of self-discipline. Due to better use of your energy at this moment in time, there is little doubt that you are going to then find it substantially easier to develop a far more meaningful life than you thought possible. When he said that, so much finally made sense to me in regards to my deteriorating relationship with my husband, Mars in sagittarius, but its on his ascendant, so Im told even though its in friendly Sag, he is Martian because of it being on his ascendant and his rising sign is Scorpio. they tend to be overly sensitive. The exalted placement for Mars is Capricorn. merc. Jeez, fuggidabout me, already. because truthfully, one person can be right while the other is wrong. they are open-minded but still stubborn. You Can Blame Your Worst Habit on Your Sun Sign, The Best and Worst Part of Dating Your Sun Sign. On the other hand, deception and imagination are powerful tools Where Aries will kick your ass in two seconds, a Scorpio Mars is much more insidious. From 2023 until . youre very smart! you should definitely start doing more things that can put those great qualities to use. when mad about something, they rant and complain about it. I have Mars in Capricorn in the fifth. its best to try and avoid a fight as much as you can. pay attention to this. they love debates but dont make very good points and get mad when those flaws are pointed out. Spiritual Pisces gives Mars a new meaning to fantasy, romance, and transcendent sexual experiences. Be careful when dealing with someone who has Mars in Sag, mmkay? youre very artistic so engage in art! Her walking style is soft and supple. You have so many strong qualities, and Mars will enhance these strengths. capricorn: this advice given to you is very similar to the advice given to virgo mercury- relax. and dont be so stubborn! you also might be very quick to say something back to someone that makes you seem negative. Indeed! It combines the fierce physicality of a fire sign and determination and endurance of a fixed sign. Also spot on your decription of Capricorn Mars, this also describes their general MO, keeping impeccably unattackable. Regardless of their Sun sign, those with Mars in Pisces can seem rudderless at times, and their ability to go with the flow can make them vulnerable to stronger wills. Whats done is done. dont take advantage of their passiveness. *Sigh*. You are naturally tuned in to other peoples needs and can be a bit of a psychic sponge. Your worst prospects for love are with a partner who is too stubborn or fixed in their ways. Loved all the comments, too. Then there may be receptions and other things that may help it. The Aries has it in the 10th but it is heavily aspects. I dont relate to the Leo energy easily, and its not my style at all in Mars matters, conflicts as well as general drive. go ahead and fight for what you believe in but dont get so into it that it ruins your day. Mars will bring you the guts to speak your mind or demand what you need from your significant other, family members, or even your employer. so it thinks it tough, but really its just a marshmallow (cancer) Angie. Ratings: +10,527 / 290 / -294. Her makeup and dressing sense may remind one of mythical beings. you sometimes are gonna have to. Mars shows how you get what you want. Theyll drop the dramz if you apologize kindlyTBH, they are not fighters by nature. This does cause a sense of conflict as Pisces is more laid-back than what Mars is going to allow, so there has to be a need of coming to terms with what it is doing at this point to allow you to make the progress that you need to have in life. If you want to come out on top, you might pretend you have one. Top-Rated Small Dining Tables for Your Tiny Home, Your Mercury Sign Shows How You Communicate, Step Right Up for the Best Latex Pillows Out There, You'll Want to Live in These Softest Bath Towels, BRB, Shopping These Top-Rated Towels on Amazon, This Celeb-Loved Travel Pillow Is $30 on Amazon RN, Your Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for March, Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for March. Be aware that emotional manipulation is not healthy. Last Updated 13 April 2022, 23:58. Libra is not actually any nicer than anyone else but they do have to act as if they are. If you catch yourself thinking about how you can use your own resources or ingenuity for the greater good, this transit is speaking to you. What about Mars in Leo? Finding ways to tap into your spiritual beliefs or practices daily is key. Aquarius: *sings* heeeeeeee-eee-eeeeee- its the aaaage of aquarius, the AGE OF AQUARIUSSSS *talking* so I think of that and the musicalhair. People with Mars in the 12th house have read, most often, scary things about this natal position. they most likely just wanted it to end but their opinion hasnt changed. youre also a great motivator. Mars in calculating, status-hungry Capricorn could turn her into Patrizia Reggiani in House of . they just want people to be fair and understanding of others. They had been gunning for me for a while, and they finally gave me a fine for walking my dog off a leash. And so tenacious its painful. just like libra, they argue for fairness and equality but logic is still important. (Although I painted the walls of my house during a time when I was really pissed off & movement seems to help too- dancing, fast walking, passionate sex LOL), Mostly I end up feeling powerless (especially if its a work situation where I have to be polite). Libra is not actually any nicer than anyone else but they do have to act as if they are. I have Mars in Capricorn. youre reliable, independent, practical, intelligent and cautious. Particularly if you've been pushing really hard, rushing here and there, juggling a hundred things as Mars in Aquarius would have you do . He was all about power and I rarely feel or am interested in power. If its followed by another harmonious aspect i might complete it. It doesnt have to be fighting. ;) Do that in real life and you'll just get hit with a bigger club. it doesnt really get you anywhere. She is the author of Saturn Return Survival Guide: Navigating This Cosmic Rite of Passage, The Astrology Deck: Your Guide to the Meanings and Myths of the Cosmos, and Love Deck: 70 Cards to Ignite Attraction, Passion, and Romance. you like other people but this can push them away. There is no middle ground. At, you can find articles about everything from angel numbers and spirit animals to zodiac signs info and more. Mars in Libra, in 12th. The Pisces Woman: Style . Fair . When it is time for you to put it work, know Mars in Pisces helps you strengthen any team you join. And please ignore their snide word choice, which can hurt, I know. And joining the military gave my life a completely different spin (north node). Freaking! I do think it helps me be a mediator . Your anger style is colored by other potent feeling states, like sadness and vulnerability, and you may cry before you would ever dare yell. I personally have Mars in Capricorn but Leo is the LION of the Zodiac and will tear a bitch up. Which is too bad, because I could really use the outlet. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. they dont really want to argue but that doesnt mean theyre soft. And yeah, I can see how both Capricorn and Cancer would handle their Mars in more covert way. You can do this by clearing yourself regularly with talk therapy, energy healing (like Reiki), even salt baths. My two boys have Mars placed in good signs, one Capricorn one is Aries. Sagittarius: I had a friend of mine who was kind of wild in high school. Since you prefer to stay balanced in messy confrontations, you might try to referring to negotiate a resolution before getting mad. The daughter is just like her dad and they get into fist fights ever so often. theyre pointless! Everything you describe is right on. in order to win an argument against one, you have to explain how your side of the argument is more logical. Mars is mean and selfish and warlike, but also, nothing gets done without it. you always think about what other people think of you as a whole. Like a celestial sentry, Mars readies us to fight for what we hold dear. Mars has a general reputation for being rather powerful when it comes to the influence that it can have over the different astrological signs, and Pisces is no different. does acting out in unpredictable ways fix anything? Aries: If you have either Venus (with feminine energy) in Aries or Mars (with masculine energy) in Aries, then you're extremely bold when flirting. Just dont let your side of the conflict become too intensei.e., no yelling, name-calling, or Real Housewives reunion-ingbecause then you wont make up. This is their job on the planet. Cool and grounded, you will handle confrontations like a court in session, discerning and judging all sides of the argument. Especially in a very inelegant and brutal way!!! These high-minded men are dreamers. use them as your advantage, find a career, skill or hobby that these can be applied to! youre very picky, critical and whiny- all of this can be fixed if you just relax a bit. their calm attitude throughout the whole fight can be very, very frustrating to some. If you have been wronged, you tend to retaliate by rising to a higher level. Well, thats not true. I guess you could say I don`t give up and the amount of time and effort necessary for accomplishing a goal I`ve set don`t seem to matter. Who wants to play footsies? youre very trusting of others. It shows how you hunt, how you get the man/woman and also how you take out an enemy. The taboo can be a turn-on for those with Mars in Pisces, but careful not to get sucked into anything unsavoryeven in your financial life. they care about fairness and equality. you pay attention to detail so much that you miss the big picture. Of course, which one of these categories you'll fall into during 2022 Mars . this is confusing for other people as well as yourself! but if its a bad aspect, i might shy away from art. words are their weapon. taurus: you knew it was coming- stop. Virago describes it well: fussy little rages about everything under the sun. I wish I could be like that. sound lazy? I meanwhile, interjected that I knew they were discriminating against me, I wanted to know what the charges were exactly, that their friends at the city couldnt help them now, that that was a lie, that the next time they harassed me I would file suit against them, that they knew I had special dispensation to go about without a leash on my dog, they had better remove the charge because I was not going to pay it, that I was the only one who cleaned up after my dog, that if it happened again I would start going out to the street and stop picking up after the other dogs, etc. They act on dreams, emotional states, and spiritual longings. Just be sure to keep your head attached when the Full Moon squares against your sign ruler Mars. we would play with it. arguing with a mars leo can be very, very frustrating. I tend to think that power seekers are driven by a deep seated sense of insecurity which propels them on this journey of dominance. Your email address will not be published. Let this period be a time for reflection, rest and relaxation. Give them a moment to simmer down and theyll come around to see your side of the matter. speaks volumes about how you let your anger showor not! when arguing with one, you have to try and match your fighting style to theirs. Im a very calculated it worth it? Pisces Mars may play games to get what they want, even though they may not . youre an awesome listener and very imaginative. If you were born while the fiery, dynamic,. I have an explosive temper that can be quite violent. Careful not to play too mean! Personality traits hey but we are not always working. Im the queen of the poison pen. My Mars is in my Gemini 4H trining my 8H Libra Sun. Your physical chemistry with someone is important, but more significant, as Aries reveals, is the way you speak to and engage with your partner. libra: start actually listening to people. Its a cautious planner who acts with integrity and so is nearly unbeatable. Oh yes. With anxious Mars in this emotional water sign, you find it hard to relax in the company of unsettled people, and 12th house placements are sensitively attuned. they might have random outbursts of anger. Mars in Virgo conjunct the north node (seconds apart), in the 1 St house. An astrologer I like, who also has it, says that its hard to win with Mars in Libra. you wont even give up, youll change your whole viewpoint! They may also, at times, appear to be detached or elusive. dont be so direct, it comes off as aggressive. We start the month with Mercury (planet of technology and communication) entering. youre loyal and not impulsive. My Mars style is pure Scorpio. whoever theyre fighting with has to be a very strong fighter in order to win- or just not lose. Mars in Pisces wants you to feel safe, encouraged, and curious. cancer: they-are extremely passive aggressive. You are a forgiving and compassionate Feminine energy, and you deserve respect for your ability to see and meet the needs of others. Gemini is the zodiacs most mischievous sign, known for provoking and button pushing. dont be fooled by what looks like passiveness at first because these guys are not passive at all. Photo: Getty Images. Mars is also very well placed in Scorpio. Ive lived with four different men and I left three of them but now I want the fourth one back (hes a Capricorn with Mars in Sagittarius in the third) and hes not having it. Mild-tempered and gentle, these guys and gals move through life in a manner that can hardly be considered direct. Ambitious, or vengeful, its so intense. Pisces is not the worst place for Mars. I use logic, compromise & compassion but my Leo sun (6th), Scorpio moon & Uranus (9th) get impatient with Libras kind approach. If I love you and youve been good to me I will do my best to help you. But a person can only be bullied so much without letting loose. He takes such pleasure in pinching peoples toes, I figured it would satiate me while having to be so professional & composed. If Im waiting to kill, that means I loathe youmost likely if I loath someone, they attcked me first. They are comfortable discussing matters on their terms but can never see the other side of the situation. A mars in Pisces man finds fulfillment in artistic works and he would excel greatly in creativity. If she can be blown away emotionally, that's all she needs. its hard to compromise with you because of how stubborn you are. Or you may run hot and cold. gemini: they tend to be very sarcastic when in an argument. aries: often described asimpulsive. Explosive bursts of anger are not your style, and you prefer to take your time when mulling over an offense. I guess my multitude of Scorpio planets balance, or back up, my weak Mars. Mars is the planet of passion, anger, war, assertion, and separation, and its placement in your birth chart indicates how you pursue your goals, assert yourself, attack and defend, and cut people. Legendary french Canadian strongman Louis Cyr had Mars in libra and he was once the strongest man in the world. Mars in Pisces Career With this placement, your career will take a turn for the better because you are willing to make some necessary changes. You will find love and fulfillment partly thanks to your interpersonal skills, and partly thanks to the war paint that Mars can supply you with. Mars in Virgo at 27 in 1H, so when I want to go somewhere or do something, I get up and do it and just get out of my way. They fantasize and visualize exactly what they wantand will have extra skill and energy in matters of executing your vision while Mars in Pisces. Because of its closer proximity to the Sun, it moves through all twelve zodiac signs in 687 days, spending an average of 6-8 weeks in each zodiac sign. I have an intercepted mars in scorpio in the fifth house,and I find it makes my creative even more covert and hidden!! they might start to attack you personally if youre arguing. Sex with you is ground-shattering and nourishing to the soul. Mars, the ruler of Aries, is the drive that motivates a person to take action. Elsa, I have Mars in Capricorn and Aries on my 8-house. when lions roar, the ground shakes.. I have mars in Scorpio, same degree as my moon, 2 degrees from my Mercury, and 4 degrees from my Neptune, all in the 3rd. I go between Aries and Scorpio. because they contain their anger, it can sometimes end up self-destructive. I have a Leo Mars (retrograde by progression for pretty much my whole life). when its over, its over. The planets home base, an easy flow if placed here in the chart, Opposite sign of home base, may need to work harder to integrate the planets energy if placed here in the chart, The planets most powerful position; indicates ease and added fortune with using the planets energy if placed here in the chart, Opposite sign to the exalted position, can indicate struggles with utilizing the planets energy if placed here in the chart. Pisces is the Mutable Water sign that's ruled by nebulous Neptune.Pisces is likely the most challenging sign placement for Mars. (Perhaps Id enact well thought out ingenious revenge if I could leave the country?!!) I have Mars in Aries in the equal 8th house parallel PlutoI can kill in an instant, but Im also capable of waiting to kill. Mars in Libra hates to disturb the peace and doesnt do well when unbalanced. Hailing from a long line of spiritual healers, Lisa has been practicing astrology professionally for over 15 years but has been studying the stars all of her life. Every sign has a different tactic for arguing and confrontation based on the placement of Mars in their birth chart. While you are pragmatic and practical, you can also veer into the realm of lofty and aloof. This is due to your laid-back attitude being questioned and evaluated under Mars and the rigid standards and self-discipline associated. It's great for politicians or diplomats, because it features tact and manipulation. Controlled force with a smile LOL. Mars, the Planet of Action, is on the move, and this time its leaving forward-thinking Aquarius and entering the dreamy sign of Pisces. Mars in Cancer uses their emotions to argue, so its important to be careful of manipulation and gaslighting when dealing with this energy. Undercover cop? their anger doesnt last for very long. Promise. The reason is that Libra must balance everything. . . When angered, your critical nature emerges, and rude, messy, inconsiderate people will hear your clear, articulate delivery of how they have let you down. italicized is the ending of the saying that most people dont know is part of it, jack of all trades, master of none (but maybe one): virgo, leo, capricorn, scorpio, great minds think a like, but fools rarely differ: aries, taurus, aquarius, libra, curiosity killed the cat,but satisfaction brought it back: gemini, pisces, cancer, sagittarius, sagittarius: one of those nights - shawn mendes. When Mars in Pisces is placed in the 6th House, finding a physical outlet can help you shake and shift energy that doesn't belong to you. Moody and intuitive, Mars in Scorpio withdraws into silence when wronged. theres no reason to start chaos if you dont want to be involved once you begin it. youre not doing anything wrong if you do. They have a highly romantic nature. youre open-minded, logical and one of the most intelligent placements. Mars is well placed in Aries, the sign it rules and the sign opposite Libra. Today, Evolve Daily gives you 8 Reasons Why Pisces Make Great Martial Artists: 1) They're dedicated. applying logic to your thinking will help everything you imagine actually become reality! when fighting, they cant see the other persons point of view. They tend to go with the flow. Women with Mars in Pisces are not to be underestimated. Stern and authoritative Capricorn defaults to logic and reason when angry. Then they win. I agree with munkyface about creative projects- follow through can depend very much on my mood & whether other things (especially people) take precedence. If someone wont follow the rules of Saturn they have to resort to the force of Mars. for example, a sagittarius mars would get very angry with capricorn mars lack of expression. keep it up! Expect your ego to take a back seat, as under Mars in Pisces, what we can each get out of a situation for ourselves ceases to be important. if you are arguing with You may have a full-on foot fetish (not to mention a shoe fetish) or enjoy some pedi-pleasures as foreplay. March is jam-packed with astrological transits that are sure to shake up your work life and career trajectory. you could be more organized! I am rather stubborn though, so I will work tenaciously for what I want, & will fight for animals/children/loved ones. theyre the ones who keep the power. Lost in a world of dreams and creative urges, the Piscean woman exists in a world beyond fashion, yet she is not immune to it. Core love languages, ways of showing respect, and mutual appreciation of each others personal space with keep your romantic relationship lively and healthy. Lisa Stardust is a NYC-based astrologer, tarot card reader, energy healer, and manifestation guide known for her pop culture horoscopes. Mars, the planet of war and confrontation, rules over our personal drive and how we express anger. Make sure to tell them how wonderful they are and how theyre at the top of their game mid-argument. It may prove to be useful in this sense to view Mars as being the protector that is going to shield you from potential harm. This means I may want to hit you with a bat but the second I think it I realize that these are not nice things to do. Sign up here! I wish I knew what my secret weapon was, but I dont even like using my deep insight to hurt others. Mars is hard and fast, high energy, determined, and ambitious. they may take their anger out on themselves. It shows how you hunt, how you get the man/woman and also how you take out an enemy.

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