For the Eldar, the Revenant Titan getting a 4+ Inv save regardless of how far they move. Imperial Fists Astraeus Super-heavy Tank. Across the rest of the Astra Militarum section we seem some great Quality of Life updates as well as weapon and profile updates that make for some fun changes to these units! An all around good time here, and a genuinely nasty wrecking ball for Tyranid players. While were going to dig into the highlights and lowlights of individual units below, our overall impression is that there was a significant smoothing over of the entire book. I've been working on some seriously unwell looking vampires! [2] It also includes : One Regimental Doctrine for the Death Korps of Krieg, designed to work with Codex: Astra Militarum [2] Thunderers go down quite a bit in points, but lose Grinding Advance. The Marshal still exists, but sadly without his Memento Mori, which is a shame as I felt that was a great upgrade. Given how good Ghaz is that isnt a massive ask, and this guy importantlycan still takeDa Killa Klaw, has the right keyword to beDa Biggest Boss if you arent packing Ghaz, and has gained a point of toughness (T7!) The Hierophant also gets a huge points drop to 850 points from its previous cost of 2000 so hopefully we start to see more of these, as they are amazing models! This isincredibly bad;for some units itll just limit to your ability to include multiples but more than likely itll just make some units unplayably bad, since theyre likely to be overcosted before you include the CP. All of the Artillery platforms and Mortars now do not count the crew as a separate unit, and you simply ignore them for the purposes of combat, they are just for show now! The Venatari Spear is now flat 2 damage (fuck you D3 damage) and grants an extra attack. The free Wraithcannon option vanishes into the mists, but the spear gets a damage bump (to d3+3) and the ability to take a D-Cannon remains. For the Space Marines we get a couple of new rules introduced the main one that is going to effect most peoples list building is the introduction of the Martial Legacy ability. Throughout the week we will be taking a look in more detail at some of the changes in profiles across the armies, along with taking a look at the Death Korps of Krieg to see if they can finally compete on the tabletop with these new rules, so make sure to stay tuned to the site! Offensively, the melta cutter increased from d3 shots to 5 shots and picked up the new melta rules, and the termite drill loses the complicated mortal wound thing in exchange for a straight damage increase d3+3 against most targets, and a colossal d3+6 against vehicles. On top of that, they got 1pt cheaper each, and got built in deep strike, and I think the latter point combined with the fact that their new big shots are perfect Gravis killers, especially underExpert Crafters, makes these worth a look. To start with, its bumped up to 30 wounds. For their part, Death Guard get their own section with a single unit immediately following, so theres a good chance this is intentional and not just an error. I absolutely do not think doing so is a good idea for your army, but its in a similar spot to a few other things now where it probably isroughly costed right for what it can do, its just that factors of the mission design still keep it non-competitive. A nice little boost overall. Credit: Jack Hunter. It gets a 4++ to compensate, but Im not sure that gets it back over the line into lists with all the cool new options to compete with. Thats seriously spicy, and since neither goes up in cost on that build and some of their guns get marginally better, these are a much more appealing option. Time will tell. Thankfully they do also get a small benefit in the ability for a vehicle to fire on a 4+ when they are killed, making it a danger at times to take out Krieg vehicles, especially ones with nasty weapons! Riding back into battle behind him areNobz on Warbikes, and these arent really priced to move but having the option is strictly better than now. What about the new thunderhawk rules? Wings:Its Xenos time, and as the chief elf-liker/army understander, Im taking the wheel from here, starting with Craftworlds. TheMeka-Dread andMega-Dread both get quite a lot cheaper and that definitely works in their favour they dont have as many weird and wonderful options, but their defensive profile is just way more proportionate to their price if you feel like taking them. Such a fun and nostalgic time painting this up - used @redgrassgames wet palettes, @duncanjrhodes and @thearmypainter paints and can't wait to paint up some more! The Las Pulsar is a whole 20 points cheaper!?!?!?! The basic and command squad variants go up to three wounds a pop with a 5+ FNP for 15pts each, and get slightly improved in melee from their previous incarnation, with their mounts getting a point of AP on their attacks. Blood Angels Sicaran Omega. (LogOut/ The Lynx also gets a substantial simplification and a cost reduction, and probably ends up more practical out of it. Void shields have also been completely redesigned and are no longer a confusing degrading not-invulnerable save. You Give Goonhammer Writers Serotonin. 173.9M . Massive thanks to @warhammerofficial for sending us a free review copy of Angron! This 224-page hardback book provides you with all the datasheets and supporting rules you need to unleash the fury of your most powerful units in Warhammer 40,000. This seems a really fun way of making Titans useable in a normal game, and Im looking forward to seeing how my titans fare as soon as we are able to film battles again! Since you can double gun these, you definitely want to take this variant if youre planning on doing silly things withVisions in the Smoke,itsvastly better than the mainline one for that role. There are some changes in weapons as well stormcannon arrays trade 2 shots for an extra 12 range, melta lances gain blast but swap from 2d3 to d6 shots, and the grav-flux bombard doubles in shots and has a more standard grav weapon statline. Credit: Jack Hunter. The command squads are obviously the more desireable option, since they get an extra attack with no extra cost, and the good news is that you dont have to include a Commander to be able to take them any more each Commander just lets you take one without using a slot. Chaos codex trove The Air, Water, and Fire element types can carry the following effects. I have been crying out for the Augmented Mount to be usable on any strength of attack, as previously this was locked to S4 and below only, which was a little situational. Their Phoenix Lord, Irrylith, is less exciting, mostly just being a damage dealer, but isntawfully statted for what he is, certainly looking more appealing than, say, Fuegan. Wings: Seriously, this thing is off the charts good now, to the point where I wonder if the melta shots change is a typo this seems to out-compete most main battle tanks, never mind transports. Agamatus Custodians [CORE]: No weapon or stat changes, but the base chassis is 5 points cheaper which is swell. They killed my DKOK, thanks a lot after buying a Gorgon. Similar to the Space Marines we get a lot of traitor variants added, along with a new stratagem Smokescreen added in order to replicte the ability that Space Marines currently get in their book, again future proofing this volume until the Chaos Space Marines book is updated! Back at the launch of the 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000 we saw a series of volumes from Forge World collecting together all the rules for Forge World units in the new edition of the game. Leviathan Dreadnought. Combined with the contents of the new Space Marines Codex you will be able to carry the torch for these under represented armies! The big greater daemon models are still neat, but you arent really going to field them. With recent 9th edition books making this change as well, the points cost of each model is at the end of each section. Now yes, that nearly in the previous sentence is a little ominous as there are a couple of strange exceptions. Nice buff, and considering they are my favorite troop unit, I am certainly not complaining. This ability is included on most relic units dawning from the Horus Heresy era if a unit has this ability on its profile then the detachment it is taken in increases in cost by 1CP. And add to that the fact that they now cost us CP and the same amount of points as the loyalist versions despite losing out on Legion Traits and Combat Doctrines and youve got a recipe for one salty Rob. The Gargantuan Squiggoth can also fall back and charge and even move over other units as it they were not there, something lacking in the current sheet making it easy to pin then down. It lost the ability to shoot twice. Just like with their Imperial counterparts, we see updated profiles for every variant of Imperial Knight, giving the Chaos Knights access to a large pool of different chassis, these have also been tweaked in regards to points values in line with the Imperial versions! Sky Slasher Swarms also get a bump their stats and costs are unchanged, but they get built in deep strike. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. First and foremost are the Astra Militarum which also includes a new Regimental Doctrine for the Death Korps of Krieg. They also get the Termite added as a transport option, which also gives them an aggressive high strength close combat unit in the form of the drill itself! The points have gone up a little, but taking everything together Ithink theres still a unit here, just sitting in a very different role than we used to see. Only once all shields are down can you start pumping damage into the Titan itself. We also have full reviews of both Codex Supplement: Space Wolves and Codex Supplement: Deathwatch, both also up for preorder today! The Barbed is a pricier beast, but has some mean guns and a 2+ save, making it a spicy Greater Daemon tier hitter. Both Acastus variants saw a massive 100 points drop. These datasheets include. Pallas Grav-Attack: Lost the -2 to charge grav ability, but is 10 points cheaper. The Death Korps also get a Regimental Doctrine and datasheets for their unique Death Rider models. A vindicator: cool. Someone at Forge World really loves drills. Next up, Im a bit more tentative on this but Ithink Shadow Spectres end up more attractive as a general pick than they used to be. Loyalist Knight Atrapos. Shane: The Golden Boys come out mostly on top, which considering half of their unit choices are coming from this book, is quite important. It got both cheaper and bump in firepower, making it an interesting option for someone who wants to go in on vehicles. The Night Shrouds bomb is still one use only, which is a little disappointing but thankfully gets a small points cut. The Infernus puicks up a big functional improvement too, with its Inferno gun going up to 3d6 shots! The Ares getting a points increase, and being potentially worse vs hordes could be a big deal in the long run. The book itself is split into 4 sections broadly following the split of the old Imperial Armour Indexes Forces of the Adeptus Astartes, Forces of the Imperium, Forces of Chaos and Forces of Xenos. Not a huge change, but really impactful vs some targets. Over the next few weeks, well be diving much deeper into these new rules and how they shake things up for each faction and make no mistake, theyshake things up in some pretty big ways. The other builds havent gone downas much as the HPL build, but with every build getting cheaper and a buff being applied to a unit that was already playable makes these the clearest, standout winner here. Credit: Jack Hunter. First up, the Warboss on Warbike revs his motorcycle and pulls a sick wheely straight out of legends prison mostly. Finally the Tyranids have units with some updates such as the awesome looking Dimachaeron which not only has more wounds and a base 5+ inv save, but can also gain a 5+ wound shrug too if it kills something with its Spine Maw! And now for the biggest gut punch: None of the Dreadnoughts listed here have the HELBRUTE keyword, meaning that until an FAQ corrects this, they dont get legion traits. Realistically, though theyre cheap you probably still want Leman Russes over them, since they get double the shots most of the time and can take Orders. Not only do we finally get a Titan Legions faction we can draw our army from, but we also get some massively reworked Titan profiles! Each titan has a different number of void shields, from warhounds with 2 up to warlords with 8. Other Cerastus-Knights are all only 12 movement at top bracket now, which isnt a huge thing, but it is still a nerf. How many primaris can it transport? off-limits to Thousand Sons and Death Guard, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Daniel "Skails" Rodenberg, Charlie B, "Primaris" Kevin Genson, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and SRM, James "One_Wing" Grover, Peter "The Falcon" Colosimo, Jeremy "Curie" Atkinson and Lowest of Men, James "One_Wing" Grover, Peter "The Falcon" Colosimo, Lowest of Men and Jeremy "Curie" Atkinson, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington, Colin Ward, SRM, MasterSlowPoke, Jack Hunter and Liam "Corrode" Royle, Mike Bettle-Shaffer, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and BuffaloChicken, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, Codex Supplement Space Wolves: The Goonhammer Review, How to Paint Everything: Draculas (and other Vampires), incredibly official Goonhammer store on RedBubble. TheInquisition retain only their two Named Characters. These rules are better than what we used to have, and their costs do sit in a more realistic range than before, but paying 3 CP to take a greater daemon with no exalted abilities is weak sauce. There isnt any massive rules changes, but some minor adjustments and a few buffs/discounts scattered around (or in the case of Venatari, a minor change with a HUGE impact). Any turn you get to play with it isextremely stupid it has a casual 30 move so can essentially teleport around the battlefield with impunity, its weaponry and melee threat are dangerous and broadly applicable, and to cap it all off its a MONSTER rather than a VEHICLE, shutting down some armies answers to it. The big fliers all get slammed to BS4+ without much changes in their prices, and thats a pretty bad look for them. Whats awesome is that they dropped from costing 900-1000 points down to only 600, so can actually be used (if you can stomach spending 3 CP for a superheavy auxiliary detachment and an additional 1 CP for Martial Legacy). Finally, theWasp Assault Walker is justgone, which is a blow to some configurations ofExpert Crafter go-wide builds, as you lose the option of essentially taking three more deep-strike War Walkers. The good news is, it gained 4 wounds. Kept the FLY keyword, otherwise unchanged. Sicaran Omega. Warhammer 40k - Imperial Armour . will find the Warhammer 40,000 datasheets for the entire range. Imperial Armour Compendium is an Imperial Armour book for the 9th Edition of Warhammer 40,000. Finally, in terms of really big mean things, the Hierophant is an actual unit you can kind of take now, down to 850pts instead of its previous, comical 2K price tag. I never expected discontinued units to get rules in this book, its an unfortunate truth that we are only ever really going to get current tournament ready rules for models that Games Workshop still produce, however I am a little surprised that some units that you can still buy on the Forge World website do not get rules in this book that said, even with that small caveat there are an absolute truck load of units in this mighty tome! Moving over to cool giant monsters, theDimachaeron gets an astounding glow-up. The Inquisition get a couple of updated profiles for Lok and Rex bringing these guys up to date! Otherwise unchanged. #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warhammer40k #khorne #angron #worldeaters #40k #arksofomen #paintingwarhammer #paintingforgeworld #painting #paintings #miniatures #miniaturespainting #warmongers #ad. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Imperial Fists Fellblade. The bad news is, it now degrades in much more boring fashion, losing Movement, WS, and BS (dropping to 5+), but it doesnt lose any Attacks or Strength, so at least theres that. Unfortunately, both of these get hit hard by being forced to take theInspiring Leader warlord trait. Astral Claws Ultramarines with Rapid Assault and Hungry for Battle. The premium it pays for having built-in deep strike is massively lower than it used to be, and being able to deploy from the webway removes the worry about it getting punked straight off the board. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ultimately, it does still get hard-countered by some flavours of hordes, and any game played with it is going to be a knife edge of making sure you dont get charged by a melee killing machine, but in a similar way to the Taunar in 8th I can see people picking it up and running it to 3-2 finishes or the occasional 4-1. Sagittarum Guard [CORE] : Same points, but apparently the bolter half of their gun was a heavy bolter, because now it is 2 damage. The second rule isnt really a rule its a set of recommended traits and parent chapters for various Forgeworld created chapters. Credit: Jack Hunter. Acanthrites also get a decent point cut to pay back their loss of BS, and definitely end up as a better unit out of it, even if I struggle to see myself ever taking them over more Skorpekh. I think it is fair to say however that there was a wide gulf in the balance and efficiency of these units. In the same way as Space Marines, the Traitors also have to spend an additional CP if they want to take a Martial Legacy unit. Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines Updated! Such a cool model and was great fun to paint up in a more modern scheme! Warhammer 40k . You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Achillus Dreadnought [CORE]: Got the main changes from the Galatus, 9 wounds, -1D taken, extra attack. On the whole, the Kytan is better as a unit, but still worse than it was in 8th edition because its a Lord of War and in 9th edition those are terrible if they cant be your Supreme Commander. None of them.and all of them. 9ed Imperial Armour - Compendium PDF Original Title: 9ed Imperial Armour - Compendium.pdf Uploaded by Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as PDF or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 212 Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Still immunity to melta extra damage? The third big change is the inclusion of the Martial Legacyrule. We also see some sneak peaks at what weapons may look like in a future Astra Militarum book with a Vanquisher cannon being listed as S16, AP -4, D9 with +1 to hit Vehicles and Monsters I am suddenly very glad i went with rule of cool and armed my Krieg Leman Russ with a Vanquisher cannon! The new Imperial Armour book has been written with the new books in mind and so costings across the board seem to be a lot better to reflect the power of those units. Notice it also isnt CORE, so maybe no rerolls for you in the future. Its much easier now to drop in a single thing without needing to fill out an additional slot, but youre less likely to be taking multiple. 21.8M . This tank was utter garbage ever since it released, being essentially a bunch of plasma guns that could overheat to have fewer shots. All of these units follow the standard rules for their factions. Its unfortunate that these are just presented as a recommendation, as they effectively mean nothing and people will continue to play with whatever rules they want. Cerastus-Knight Lancer saw not only a 20 points drop, but also gained a souped up melee attack profile for when it charges. This makes the Exalted Daemons much easier to take in a game, and I cant wait to include them in lists again as they are some of my favourite models and deserve to be on the battlefield again! Next, what if you want an incredibly stupid super-sized Lord of War drop pod? Its much more interesting now with 6 shots in either standard or supercharge, at strength 8, ap-3, and 2 damage in standard mode, bumping up to strength 9 and damage 3 when supercharged. Galatus Dreadnought [CORE]: Down to 9 wounds from 10, but now doesnt degrade. In the meantime, head over to the Forge World website and pick up some . Remoras are also easy winner, because they get two seeker missiles for free, more wounds, and are always in cover just huge boosts all round with no cost increase. The Regimental Doctrine for Krieg was shown off on Warcom and is kind ofeh not really lighting up the world. Solomon Lok never really saw play anyway, but Hector Rex was a popular choice because of how high you could juice him when you added a trait. This book is absolutely stackedwith content, and up front we have to be clear we are not going to go through every single datasheet line by line, as theres far too many for us to possibly do that. If one of the shields takes damage but isnt destroyed, itll regenerate at the beginning of your command phase, which is cute but is unlikely to regularly happen in practice as most decent alpha strikes will go through both of the shields. Rob: Surprise! Weapons were all simplified, with the Macro weapon type no longer existing, and the Blast ability added where needed. Hes still got two casts and denies and is still way nastier/tougher in a fight than most equivalents, so may still be the one of the better inquisition options. The impact was, shall we say, uneven plenty of choices were fine, but there were frequent issues with Forge World units having unintended interactions with newly released rules, and a few choices that were just a bit over-pushed that tended to be over-represented. 1 - Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy, Vol. At a high level, you generally see: With that out the way, on to the factions. Telemon Heavy Dreadnought: Besides the Plasma flamer bumping up to 12 range, the stats/weapons are unchanged (still T8 baby, WOOOOOOOO). Our full review and unboxing is up over on #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warcry #miniatures #miniaturespainting #soulblightgravelords #vampire #paintingwarhammer #painting #gamesworkshop, Our Sunday evening painting stream is live on YouTube and Twitch! The only other change is to the bombs, which is drastically different. [ [2] Description This compendium includes 222 datasheets, including super-heavy units and highly specialised troops. Both options are now a pretty substantial firepower boost. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Terrax-pattern Termite Assault Drill-Credit: Pendulin. Of the various suits, the Rvarna feels like the big winner. The Thousand Sons appear to get nothing, which sucks. The tanks are OK but theyre still Lords of War and while they may come across as somewhat usable, the CP cost to take them just isnt worth it. Ultimately, its a stronger unit, but its still a Lord of War. It probably still doesnt cross the line to being actuallygood,but Im certainly looking at the arms of my largest robot son contemplatively. It doesnt cost half as many points its dropped from 235 points down to 170. Nice of you to share! Instead, weve lasered in on our areas of expertise and pulled out what we think the winners, losers and other notable changes are for each faction, aiming to give you the lowdown on the things that matter most. Learn how your comment data is processed. 9th Edition Imperial Armour Compendium: The Goonhammer Review By James "One_Wing" Grover October 31, 2020 Forge World formed a key part of competitive play in 8th Edition, offering a wide range of additional options for some factions alongside some very cool models for players who wanted to try something different. Chaos Daemons get some welcome points adjustments, no longer have we got to have points values tied to the Gods holy numbers! The flamer shooting profile is up to 12 now, like most of the flamer archetype weapons. Whereas before Chaos players could laugh at loyalists forced to play around unit restrictions thanks to the Relic rule, now were in the exact same boat as loyalists, in that many of the units that you might take from this book now cost you 1 CP to add to a detachment. Though this does make it a little bit harder to read in the book, any future FAQ updates can be made in just one place, rather than risking some FW unit missing the change.

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