A Virgo man is a very concrete person with sturdy brain and thorough information of all the aspects of life. I am a Scorpio woman who has been in a committed relationship with a Virgo man for 22 years, I was 24, he was 26 we both never wanted to get married so it worked out well for us, we also connected on every level over the years, one thing he didnt lack was confidence in bed, I was the shy and inexperienced one, although he was way more experienced than i were, he said before he met me he equated love making and sex as a purely physical need without emotional attachment, us Scorpio Women being the emotional being we are, was having none of that, so we both learned and experimented together, forming a natural connection that a lot of people till today 22 years later do not understand, dont get me wrong a Virgo man is very stubborn and set in his ways, so are Scorpio women,he analyzes and at times over analyze everything and I mean everything, Highly Intelligent, great communicator,brutally honest, judgemental, critical to not only me but to his parents and family members and holds himself and everyone he cares about to high standards, excellent work ethic, nagging, planning everything, hated surprises, he hated that I was spontaneous and did not understand how I did not plan anything, it used to drive me crazy, until I grew to truly understand him and brought him out of his shell, so hes able to express himself emotionally, they say Virgo men do not like PDA its true but when we are alone hes a man on fire, the same way they say a scorpio woman is misunderstood its the same with a virgo man, another thing I learned over the years was both of us need our own personal space on a daily so we decided on that, our bond or connection is extremely vast and continue to evolve on multiple levels, love, care, compassion, spiritually, sexually, emotionally, psychologically, chemically. Although the Scorpio woman is ready to take things into the bedroom, she will have to wait for the Virgo man to make up his mind first. Scorpio woman has a good aspect . A stable and happy relationship can be achieved with consistent effort and dedication. Im a Scorp women thru & thru. It could messed with your reality n weakened you. I see the same behaviors present. This is partly because both the Taurus man and the Scorpio woman are drawn to security. When two signs share the same element, the compatibility between them becomes stronger. Usually when Im around guys, I have a weary feeling & am unsure if theyre for me, but for some reason when he held me in his arms & I felt safe. My Virgo guy is the right fit for me! What an amazing journey we are on We have a beautiful house great animals including one crazy 15 lb cat Tabitha who insists on being on the bed when we are going at it! Both of these signs are focused and will work hard to do what is necessary to maintain their relationship. I constantly have to reassure him of his self worth and I am getting tired. Plus, a Scorpio woman will start to feel like she is high on her . Was married to an Aries, nice guy, but no bal*s! This may be a result of gossip and idle small talk in the office. Scorpio and Virgo Compatibility Ideal Match . Stop worrying!! Im still SUPER HOT for him (and Im still pretty hot looking too)!~ I think he takes my hotness for granted, which is ticking me off (Scorpio woman). WHY GOD!!! People ask us what is our secret, love, understanding, patience, respect and compatibility. Than a couple weeks ago he wanted to call me so we talked and we have a lot of things in common, We talked till 3 a.m. 2 weeks later we met up and he was very charming, cute, a gentlemen, but he started talking about his wedding one day in detail and he asked me how i wanted my wedding to be and I was like uhh in a church lol he is like too romantic. "As an . We are a mystery. people do have more to their personality then just their zodiac sign too , Im a Scorpio (with a Virgo) and this is definitely relatable. He does not set out to accomplish things, but when he is with the right woman such as Scorpio woman, he often becomes very successful. As i said, when his temper flares, it was like everyone walking on eggshell. Here are some helpful tips that can help Virgo and Scorpio to have a healthy friendship: Give each other gifts. Im just kidding No really I have a damn good story to tell and I just found the perfect place to tell it to the world so I guess I will!! Maybe the Virgo man has overindulged in a vice and is feeling the . I am subject to a powerful and loving creature who is able to wrap around and be there for my Virgo man as much as possible, regardless of the zodiac. Ive learned him and he has learned me. Constantly analyzing everything I say, always trying to read between the lines, I felt misunderstood. The Positives. Still, I highly recommend any Virgo to take the leap into this. When he first contacted me, I instantly had my guard up because of things that Ive been through. Scorpio. Hope this helps! Virgo 's ruling planet is Mars, the planet of wisdom and communication. Im a Scorpio female, coming up on a year and a half relationship with a Virgo male. Its a bit complicated because hes my best friends cousin and he is about nine years older than I am. we both know how to spit words that can literally rip your soul out of you. He told me to call him, & I opened his message. Both liars!!! Also, very possessive and koo-koo in relationships. I waited 7 days to call him, & honesty idk why I did, but Im glad I did. In the beggining Id like to say that we did not get along at all. Feeling virgo male on a kind of star signs: which has venus in which they. She is in tune with the fundamental forces of life and nature and moved by the great tides of human experience. The Scorpio will always believe in what the Virgo has to say, so he or she will be more than happy to have a reliable friend. There is an undeniable connection that we both have built from a foundation of friendship and obviously attraction. its not just for virgo men , its for all men who struggle with understanding women. He has forgiven me after every Scorpio unleashing of insanity when I have really raged like a crazed banshee! We met at a party of a friend of ours and he introduced himself as one of the Jonas Brothers. But Mr Virgo blew it out quick!!!! And what Ive discovered over the last few months is that he has been like that since Ive known him. Virgo man and Scorpio lady love relationship could require a great deal of endeavors to move it along. Although they are occasionally right ! You havent been loved until you have been loved by a Scorpio woman. He breaks for any movie anytime even Tommy Boy for the 90th time at any given moment! he needs to open up his mind passed his logic. He was definitely well endowed but there wasnt really a physical connection. Its like a mystery that Virgo must solve, Scorpios find this to be a bit too practical. ; As a mutable sign, a Virgo can tailor themselves to different situations in life as long as they can analyze the situation . Start a health program or join a gym together. We havent been dating for that long but, I think I might be in love & Im excited to see where things go. I thought after 3 years he should just know how I feel about him. Her, consider yourself as the tips and fainthearted. any scorpio women dating men who are having issues with him understanding your emotions i strongly suggest you get him to listen to some utube videos from this site run by a guy named jim wolfe. although it probably will help a virgo man more than any other sign. At times the Scorpio woman can prove to be a bit too temperamental for the Virgo. Likewise, a Scorpios sensitivity may seem inexplicable to a hardheaded Virgo. turns out that we are better friends than lover. I read everyones entries and damn Bitches! <3. His emotional nature is more cool and controlled than hers. Help each other with projects. Virgos are realists, down to earth, flexible, resourceful . should this end, NO MORE VIRGOS!!!! The virgo-Scorpio relationship is a partnership built on trust, and the . You are both feeling worried about finances and contracts, perhaps from some unresolved . These signs exert a beneficial influence on each other. The strengths of a Virgo-Scorpio relationship are that both signs are analytical, detail-oriented, and devoted to their loved ones. Its hard to deal with that without someone accepting to split duties or take a step back. A Virgo is a mutable earth sign, while Scorpio is a fixed water sign. They mostly do it so they never look bad. He is so great handling my intense emotions. virgos are all about logic and scorpios are very passionate and relate to emotion more. But Ive taught her how to be a good personshe still drives me crazy. (giggle) Just make him feel safe, as virgos ARE ALWAYS NERVOUS. ladyscorp leave him, he is the loser virgo guy ! He left her and came over to me and started hugging and kissing me. A couple months ago I met a guy at a camp and He is a virgo. everyone is different but im a virgo man and this would work on me . I prayed a lot for him. If I have any advice, Id say virgo men, be patient with your scorpio woman and just know that if she didnt love you, she wouldnt be with you. For both the Scorpio woman and the Virgo man, material well-being is very important. I found a guy that challenged me and now hes stopped talking to me on a level that is respectful. As an earth sign, Virgos are immensely practical and love to be of service to their partners, Monahan explained. We can fight like two people who hate each others guts but we make up holding each other tightly and apologizing as we are overcome by the enormous love washing down over us. Free to join to find a woman and meet a man online who is single and seek you. You are probably like, Oh SHUT UP ALREADY!!! @ScorpioWoman1990 Hes fantastic with my son, and my little capricorn looks at him as his father now. Even in love, they are very compatible and very loyal. Oh gosh, I can totally relate, my sex life with my virgo man is nothing to shout about. Although they can always see the potential in others, they can also be overcritical and picky. Even though it is a romantic bond, the best thing to do is separate and be together when they are grown and ready. The Virgo man and the Scorpio woman will get along great, especially since they have the same lifestyle. My sister was married to a Leo who was born of the same day as my now seperated husband. I AM compatible with my current Virgo which is normally compatible with Scorpio and not Sag. This is an ideal situation for both a Scorpio man and Virgo woman. I have only had 1 other partner, my first love (and I may argue only love of my life) who was a pisces. Scorpio Man Virgo Woman Love and Friendship Compatibility. ", Despite all their similarities, these two signs dont see eye-to-eye on everything, and unfortunately, those differences can cause tension. Im not as compatible with Leo which is normally very compatible with Sag. So if youre thinking about other whatever zodiac sign youre already lowered yourself up n hell pick it up. Virgo is a clear communicator, while Scorpio is a bit more abstract. This is a very interesting couple in the domain of sexual activity - one of them hiding their sexuality, and the other acting as sex itself. I would ask if he liked sex and he said yes, but it never seemed like he enjoyed it. Ever since I wrote him we been talking ever since and I really see myself being with him he dont care that I have a baby thats a big plus. please everyone says i have to move on but i love him so much . It was amazing. I am fantastically happy for you! Related: Taurus and Taurus Love And Friendship Compatibility. Just show him youre interested and hell respond after hes done analyzing the situation. does your virgo man seem cold to your emotions? They both crave knowledge and must have purpose in all of their endeavors. he is loveable but strong headed. again as a virgo male this helped me better understand my scorpio woman and im genuinely excited to start implementing this in my relationship. i am a scorpio woman who had just met a virgo male! he never responded and I am devastated I dono what else to do anymore !!!! My Virgo man is perfect for me, a Scorpio woman. We have been through it. The ONE thing I crave from him is passion now that its been 9 years. Im also Scorpio rising and her moon is in Virgo, I think we could do some great things and we could learn a lot from each other but Im at the stage where I dont know whether to show her my true feelings or just continue to be there for her and not show everything. but above all God reigns in our relationship and more than ever i commit him to the Divine hands of my Creator because He alone perfects all humans.Thanks for the article. Well, in case you wish to know our kind loves Scorpios. For example, the Virgo male is patient and analytical. Mysterious Scorpios contain multitudes, and getting to know a Scorpio feels like a fun challenge for Virgos. When with the woman in Scorpio, the Virgo man . NOT anal about things!!! Compatibility for wealth and family growth: Good. And little or big, a lie is a lie. However, getting this guy back can be a mind game that's likely to be difficult. Damn girl. TRUST also has EVERYTHING to do with that. 8 Reasons Virgo Women Are The Best Women To Love . He was insecure in bed too, he never really wanted to try and satisfy me but all he did was lay back and make me do everything . Our match is one made in heaven! Virgo men must have everything in order down to every dollar. 12 Virgo man is under the influence of Mercury, while Scorpio woman is under the influence of Mars and Pluto. Finances. @ Juliayou are hilarious!!! I would never date a Virgo man ever again! Both . Virgos are very careful and want to make sure of everything before committing. He is definitely the one. July 14, 2021. Any man who has himself a Scorpio woman is one fortunate blessed and HAPPY man! We cry. Updated on November 9, 2022. Now, we make LOVE! Their relationship will mainly be based on . The curiosity of their lovemaking creates a greater bond and with time stimulates the cooler surface of Virgo man making him more expressive and passionate towards his Scorpio woman. But what I can say is Not a lot going on in the sheets and surprisingly I am somewhat OK with this. It was hard for me to tell if he was enjoying things are just trying to please me. He was always suspicious of me and any contact I would have with anyone. Because he feels he needs to feel free And reading this is so true its kinda frighten, even though we just starting off its been intense since day 1. Two likeminded individuals, lots of laughter and strong sexual chemistry. But still I prefer, long term, Virgo. A Virgo woman in a relationship is compassionate and unconditionally loves her boyfriend. A co-worker said the woman started sneering when she saw it. Scorpio women are very fast paced & we require our men to keep up. For me, this Virgo is my 10/10. I would appreciate any advice/suggestions to help me win this Virgo mans heart. I cant really explain that it must be that Virgos are frightened to fail. Sexually, the Virgo man and Scorpio woman require a lot of experimentation with each other in order for them to adjust with each others different styles. He was so good at putting on a confident face! Scorpio woman will like the Virgo man's witty humor, sharp mind, rhetorical skills. A Scorpio man possessive of a Virgo woman is one of the biggest causes of conflict in this relationship. I was attracted to the Pisces like a magnet and still cant figure out why I cant get over it! I hope it gives him a lot in return too. I had to break things off because it got to a point where I was becoming fustrated and annoyed. I will miss mine with such a bleeding heart because of what we bring out of each other, that beauty was so ripe full of astonishing energy found nowhere else. The first day I went to his house to hang out with him, I ended up falling asleep and staying the night afterwards. 3. I have never ever felt anything as intense and powerful as the lightning that strikes us when we are both in our happy zone. The sex was awful. Without doubt one of the best characteristics that help a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman get on and sometimes fall in love, is the fact that a Virgo man is very kind. We are f-ing hilarious together! He said he was a contractor, but hes a designer. My name is Julia I live in San Diego. took the day off today, not because im ill but because im falling in love with a scorpio. he didnt play into my occasional drama, LOVED that! I see it in his eyes, feel it in his touch, when he kisses me and when he stares at our son. 13 Virgo is an earth sign, while Scorpio is a water sign. Venus in the seventh house of Virgo will keep Capricorn natives stable. The two are both extremely intelligent and brutally honest. After reconciling, we had our son. They also both benefit from spending a long time growing friendships and relationships. I would ask him, but Im too afraid of being the one to bring it up because like to keep my cards close to my chest where they are safe. i feel like i understand my womans emotions and why she feels that way so much clearer. Trust me when it syas vir men are calming solution to the storms of a scopio woman. We have a son together. wait what? You should communicate the problem. He didnt pressure me, he made me feel very comfortable. This helps a Scorpio woman find him attractive as it makes him chivalrous and supportive. So who is laughing now? Heh, my loves a Virgo man and Im a Scorpio woman. A Cancer woman is one of the best matches for a Scorpio man. Where a huge possibility for love relationship. As much as I want to pursue a relationship with this Virgo man because this feeling I have has developed and he has been the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the only thing I think of before I go to sleep. 1. When we disagree, let no man, bird, beast or child step between us! ( im not an affiliate or any connection at all ) its a dating advice channel but it is LOADED with so much useful info for men on understanding how women think. I really like my virgo, but will my jealous rampages work with him or anyone? I.AM.EXCITED weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! As for him cheating, not anymore. They cherish their friendship a lot. My Virgo is amazing in a number of ways my Leo wasnt and we are so much more similar in tastes but the lack of sex drive is a killer. I am a beautiful Scorpio woman (inside & out) & I have a hella HOT & beautiful Virgo man! I guess I started noticing things. 11) Virgo - Aquarius. most insecurities of the virgo male stem from over self analzying. After reading up on Virgo men, I was relieved to find that a Virgo man requires patience before they will truly open up and let you in. He was fickle in his actions and it annoyed me, I was cryptic in my speech and it annoyed him. let me know if any of this helped girls. Overview for this Month: Virgo (All) March 2023 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Virgo: Your social life can be in strong focus in March, dear Virgo. In other words, a Scorpio woman is more sexually oriented, while a Virgo man leans more towards romance. Making your Virgo man feel less than that will push him away. This is an almost perfect aspect of friendship. 9) Scorpio . We look at every misunderstanding and error in communicating and we break it all down until we see through it & rise above it and we come out of everything more & more intensely in love. As the goodie-two-shoes and the baddie of the zodiac, respectively, you may not think that a Virgo man and Scorpio woman or a Scorpio man and Virgo woman, or any other combination of the two, regardless of gender would get along. Not even talking about female deffinately giving some knee shake, Just pull up your arm sleeves, and dig into the guy even if you think he's cold as ice, remember to dig further in, and soon enough you'll have him crack in front of you. My ex also couldnt make plans with me. I love him with all my heart and were engaged! We still have moments where Im ready to take his head off & hes ready to wash his hands with me but we know each other. So I could be looking for this information in any other sign website. <3 scorpion women are amazingly strong & we know how to motivate. He cleans! This match is . A Virgo man and Scorpio lady submissively complete one another. Does he lie due to his insecurity? xD Amusing thought, but the combination is still technically there, and its a great combo to be sure. She has a substantial feminine character that spells bound him and keeps him intact in the relationship. There are very strong ties between this couple, and intense mutual loyalty creates their strongest bond. Dont waste your time. I am very vocal and loud & he is just a non stop pleasing machine & we both have HOT looking bodies so our eyes are always open even in the broad daylight and we get so nasty! No doubt he is my perfect match, he knows how to put out the fire in my emotional personality but I might just give up. Im in a relationship with a Virgo now this is why I identify more with my Scorpio side. This is not a sign you you play around or one where lies are accepted. In order to make their love thrive, a Virgo and Scorpio must learn to accept their differences. Try going here for a 100% free LOVE reading: https://youtu.be/DMsWLwr-kvI He came with a daughter Kayla who I get to raise with him and I cant get preg so what a blessing.

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