b_0=2 \quad b_1=0.661 \quad b_2=0.065 \quad b_3=-0.018 Resources. The 15th amendment stated that the right to vote could not be denied on the basis of race. Congressional Reconstruction was intended to punish the South and create a social revolution beneficial to blacks. Provide 3 examples of how Republican Reconstruction differs from Presidential Reconstruction. After the Civil War, should the South have been treated as a defeated nation or rebellious state? With a few exceptions, Lincoln offered pardons to any Confederate who swore allegiance to the Union and the Constitution. that era's version of the Civil Rights act was basically outlined as Reconstruction by Lincoln - the reason it . First, they passed the Freedmans Bureau Bill, which established helpful Freedmans Bureau offices across the south to help support newly freed slaves. Johnsons more lenient approach to post-war policy continually put him at odds with the radical republicans that dominated Congress. However, their ultimate goals and strategies differed greatly. Citywide Company issues bonds with a par value of $150,000 on their stated issue date. Former Confederates who pledged loyalty to the Union received . Sparkling apple cider mini bottles Accueil. Lome Letter printed in Hearsts Journal called Mc. Web Veganes Eis - Wir haben 634 schne Veganes Eis Rezepte fr dich gefunden. Presidential Reconstruction, as envisioned by Abraham Lincoln and carried out by Andrew Johnson, was much more soft and forgiving than the vindictive and socially transformative measures of Congressional Reconstruction. Web There are several reasons why your dog may be howling. from University of Massachusetts-Boston. when does santa clara university send acceptance letters; atmakaraka conjunct rahu; brookport'' bridge closed; shooting in tuscaloosa today; paula benson stephen conroy Before showing the video, share the following questions with students to guide their note-taking: Allow your students to read primary documents to understand the three major plans for Reconstruction. 0 Comments stated reason: many justices elderly & overworked; relieve the burden on them unstated reason: appt more liberal justices who would support the New Deal & sway court in FDRs favor, Reaction to FDRs Plan Critics react to Roosevelts plan: negative public reaction; bill did not pass Accused FDR of trying to increase Pres power & upset balance (separation) of powers FDR is weakened politically: FDR lost political support; public less willing to accept new programs In long run, Court became more accepting of New Deal, United States Action during WWII majority of Americans opposed U. S. intervention Congress passed the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937 imposed restrictions on Americans during times of war example: prohibited sailing on ships owned by nations at war, prevented Americans from making loans to nations at war or selling them weapons, Another Neutrality Act Roosevelt declared American neutrality but was anti-Nazi convinced Congress to pass the Neutrality Acts of 1939 included a cash-and-carry provision nations at war could buy goods & arms in the U. S. if they paid cash & carried merchandise on their ships, African Americans Gain Civil Rights Double V campaign: need for victory against dictators abroad & discrimination in U. S. A. Philip Randolph: organized protest march on Washington, D. C. & convinced FDR to issue Executive Order 8802 assured fair hiring practices in jobs funded w/ govt money & est. y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1 x_{1 i}+\beta_2 x_{2 i}+\beta_3 x_{3 i}+\varepsilon_i after MLK) by Sirhan, Palestinian immigrant Democratic Natl Convention in Chicago ( 68) debate Vietnam Antiwar protesters are beaten by Police outside convention center, Formation of SCLC Date: 1957 Description: After Montgomery Bus Boycott, King & minister Ralph Abernathy est. atlas 80v battery run time. the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction. Lincolns Plan for Reconstruction VENN DIAGRAM During the closing days of the war President Lincoln developed a plan to rebuild the South and restore the southern states to. compare and contrast: presidential and radical reconstruction venn diagram Clarins or charlotte tilbury. Johnson's more lenient approach to post-war policy continually put him at odds with the radical republicans that dominated Congress. Presidential and congressional reconstruction venn diagram. In Dec. 1904 by Roosevelt in message to Congress Central Message: if intervention in W. Hemisphere necessary, U. S. would intervene, not European nations, How Did U. S. Acquire Rights to Build the Canal? If Carter has been the best ex-president ever, I expect Trump is about to be the worst. Previous question Next question. Whatwere three failures of Reconstruction? presidential and congressional reconstruction venn diagram. Day 5: Before reading Chapter 14, Section 2, hand out the Celebrating Texas Worksheet (www.celebrating texas.com) for section 2. eNotes Editorial, 13 Jan. 2020, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/compare-contrast-presidential-congressional-297243. \begin{aligned} y_i &=\text { design effort, in millions of worker-hours } \\ x_{1 i} &=\text { plane's top speed, in miles per hour } \\ x_{2 i}=& \text { plane's weight, in tons } \\ x_{3 i}=& \text { percentage number of parts in common with } \\ & \quad \text { other models } \end{aligned} Access to the rights and privileges of citizenship in the antebellum era had been restricted by race and gender. -10% of the voting population in 1860 had to sign a loyalty oath to the country. Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (1863), Full presidential pardons to most confederate officers who: 1. took oath of allegiance to the Union/Constitution 2. accepted the emancipation of slaves, Instead of 10% plan, required 50% of voters of a state to take a loyalty oath, permitted only non-confederates to vote for a new state constitution, Acted as early welfare agency, providing food, shelter, medical aid for those destitute by the war, A state government could be accepted by the president if 10% of voters in a state took a loyalty oath, Lenient to shorten the war and enforce the emancipation proclamation, Originally could resettle blacks on confiscated land, but President Johnson pardoned the confederate owners so the land was given back to them, Success in education, General Oliver O. Howard, 3000 schools for freed blacks, Before federal funding stopped, 200,000 African Americans were taught how to read. What was the main difference between Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction? An aircraft company wanted to predict the number of worker-hours necessary to finish the design of a new plane. Party headquarters (Watergate complex) connected to Nixon reelection committee tried to bug office & record conversations of political opponents Nixon resigned in 1974; Ford became President and pardoned Nixon, Affirmative Action affirmative action policy that gives special consideration to women & minorities to make up for past discrimination; 70 s - special focus on employers & schools Bakke decision: Regents of the University of California v. Bakke ( 78) Medical school reserved spots in class for minorities Bakke (white, stronger academic record) not accepted & claimed racial discrimination Supreme Court required Bakkes admission but did not overturn affirmative action, Carters Foreign Highlights Camp David Accords ( 78) - peace treaty between Egypt & Israel, Egypt recognized nation of Israel & Israel withdrew troops from Sinai Peninsula Iranian Revolution ( 79) opposition to Shah (emperor) of Iran led to the Ayatollah Khomeini seizing power, Shah fled to U. S. for cancer treatment Iran-Hostage Crisis (Nov 79 -Jan 81) Iranian radicals responded by invading U. S. embassy & taking 66 Americans hostage, held for more than a year before being released after Reagans election, Reagans Domestic Highlights Conservative Revolution Reaganomics supply-side economics adopted reduce taxes so people will work more, have more money to spend = economic growth, Reagans Foreign Highlights Iran-Contra Scandal ( 86) U. S. sold weapons to Iran in 85; in exchange, Iran promised to pressure terrorist groups in Lebanon to release Am. in Detroit) and put cars on moving belts; workers added interchangeable parts; reduced manufacture time from 12 hours to 90 minutes, Radio 1920 s radios became widespread news & entertainment broadcasts began increased the speed with which people gained information increased unity national, Movies 1920 s movies became popular 1927 the first movie with sound, The Jazz Singer movies with sounds called talkies, The Harlem Renaissance is Latin for rebirth What was the Harlem Renaissance ? Cesar Chavez & United Farm Workers movement Chavez migrant farmworker & Latino activist, fought for rights for farm laborers (often exploited) better working conditions United Farm Workers used nonviolent tactics; started workers strike & consumer boycott of grapes successful 75 CA passed law requiring collective bargaining between growers & union reps. Environmental Movement Rachel Carson biologist, wrote Silent Spring ( 62) described deadly impact pesticides were having on birds & other animals; Congress restricted use of pesticide DDT (eagles) Earth Day April 22, 70 nationwide protest org. He would grant pardons to anyone taking a loyalty oath to the U.S. except for high ranking Confederate political and military leaders, and people owning property worth more than $20,000. Presidential Reconstruction. Kinley asked Congress to declare war April 19, Congress declared war & adopted Teller Amendment US had no intention of annexing Cuba, Effects of the Spanish-American War: Philippine-American War U. S. annexation of Philippines led to Philippine-American War led by Emilio Aguinaldo 3 years; 216, 000 Filipinos died & 5, 000 Americans 1946 - Philippines given independence, Debate over Expansion Imperialists supported expansion Arguments: 1. State Power Society Economy And Urban Informality Springerlink, Comparing Reconstruction Plans Teaching Resources Tpt, Ppt Presidential Reconstruction Vs Congressional Reconstruction Powerpoint Presentation Id 746854, Lincoln Johnson And The Radical Republican S Reconstruction Plans By Elisa Seegmiller On Prezi Next, Ijgi Free Full Text Analyzing Contextual Linking Of Heterogeneous Information Models From The Domains Bim And Uim Html, Pdf Environmental Movements In Taiwan S Anthropocene A Civic Eco Nationalism, Presidential Reconstruction Teaching Resources Tpt, Radical Reconstruction Teaching Resources Teachers Pay Teachers, A Presidential Venn Diagram R Infographics, Scientific Program For 30th World Congress Of Endourology Swl Journal Of Endourology, Reconstruction Plans Presidential Congressional Write This Down Compare And Contrast The Presidential And Congressional Plans For Reconstruction Ppt Download, Hoover And Roosevelt Compare Contrast Diagram Creately, Cross Species Systems Analysis Identifies Gene Networks Differentially Altered By Sleep Loss And Depression Science Advances, Michele Brown Browml7270 Profile Pinterest, Inclusion And Political Representation In Peace Negotiations The Case Of The Colombian Victims Delegations Isa Mendes 2019. High winds - layers of top plowed the plains & eliminated protective layer of grass soil blown away, leaving dunes of grit & sand, Impact on Americans Unemployment soared 25 -30% of work force Bank failures of nations banks Business failures 85, 000 Homelessness, hunger widespread fed in breadlines, received assistance from charities evicted from homes & formed Hoovervilles makeshift shantytowns of tents & shacks built on public land or vacant lots Farm foreclosures, The Dust Bowl Areas Affected: Great Plains Results: Dust storms caused people to leave Dust Bowl refugees known as Okies Results of the migration: rural states lost population, large cities gained more people, New Deal: TVA (1933) Name: Tennessee Valley Authority Description: built dams on TN River to provide hydroelectric power, flood control, & prevent soil erosion created jobs & provided cheap electricity for rural areas still functioning today, SSA (1935) Name: Social Security Act Description: provide security in the form of regular payments to people who could not support themselves funded by payroll tax 3 types of payments: 1. old-age pensions 2. unemployment insurance 3. aid for dependent children & disabled, Wagner Act (1935) guaranteed unions collective bargaining rights outlawed discrimination against workers due to union membership/activities set up NLRB to enforce laws provisions, FDR & Eleanor FDR depended on Eleanor She traveled & interacted w/ American people serving as FDRs eyes & ears 1933 Bonus Army incident; FDR sends Eleanor instead of army. catalina chicken recipe apricot jam Anasayfa; wright county, iowa police reports needed Senate approval to remove certain officials from office Johnson tried to fire Sec. -The former Confederates States except Tennessee were divided into military zones headed by a union general. If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him. Presidential Reconstruction was designed to forgive and heal. S Admiral Chester Nimitzs leadership U. Congressional elections are decided by direct vote, meaning that the candidate who wins the most votes in the state or district wins the election. Americans needed new frontier New markets for American manufactured goods New sources of raw materials Increase in military power Spread American ideals: Christianity, democracy, capitalism American superiority our duty, Debate Over Expansion Anti-imperialists opposed expansion Arguments: 1. Carthyism extreme, reckless charges of disloyalty; discredited real concerns about communists in the U. S. Red Scare declined by 1954, 1961: Bay of Pigs invasion 1959 Fidel Castro set up a communist govt in Cuba Eisenhower had approved CIA plan to invade Cuba & overthrow Castro; recruited Cuban exiles & trained in Guatemala Kennedy executed plan CIAled force of Cuban exiles attacked Cuba plan failed & many turned Cuban Americans against Kennedy, 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis U. S. discovered Soviets building nuclear missile sites in Cuba to protect Castro from an American invasion major East Coast cities would be in range Kennedy demanded removal of missiles & set up blockade of Cuba to prevent Soviets from completing bases Khrushchev removed missiles Range of Cuban missiles, 1968: Vietnam War Tet Offensive Tet Offensive Vietcongs coordinated attack on S. Vietnam; 36 provincial capitals, 5 major cities, & U. S. embassy in Saigon American & S. Vietnamese forces stopped offensive, but demonstrated communists had not lost will or ability to fight President Johnson announced plan to pursue peace, not victory; would not run for a second term, Baby Boom increase in births between 1945 1964 families had put off having families during depression & war, but started having children when soldiers returned after WWII, Levittown William Levitt mass produced suburban homes Levittown New York suburb that offered affordable homes ($8, 000 each); demand increased & other Levittown's built, Interstate Highway Act Eisenhowers Interstate Highway Act authorized spending $32 billion to build 41, 000 mi. A clash between President Johnson and Congress over Reconstruction was now inevitable. EOCT Review Reconstruction 2001 Reconstruction Venn Diagram Presidential. of highway, Election of 1960 Kennedy (R) (D) v. Nixon his Catholicism worked against him first televised Presidential debates benefited Kennedy & probably swayed election in his favor, 1957: Sputnik launched by Soviets & U. S. reaction Sputnik satellite U. S. I - Soviet space reaction Congress approved the National Defense Education Act - $1 billion program to produce more scientists and teachers of science Congress created National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to plan space-related projects, Trumans desegregation of the military Date: 1948 Description: Background: Truman appt. 9th judicial circuit judges. Compare and contrast Presidential Reconstruction. Racism. 1. This was put into effect when Congress was in recess. You can export it in multiple formats like JPEG, PNG and SVG and easily add it to Word . Lincoln was assassinated before this plan could be put into action, and President Johnson went ahead with implementing Presidential Reconstruction. 21 . Congressional Reconstruction. Because the "Radical . Radical Reconstruction even involved the continued occupation of the South by federal soldiers in order to safeguard the newly won rights of former slaves. These were the serious matters before the government of the . Old Immigrants before Civil War (1820 - 60) from Northern & Western Europe mostly skilled workers most moved onto small towns & farms of North and West language, customs, religion similar to Americans faced hostility, but more easily assimilated into American society New Immigrants after from Civil War (1880 -1914) Eastern & Southern Europe & Asia mostly unskilled workers most remained in cities of Northeast ethnic islands language, customs, religion, appearance different to Americans faced hostility and suspicion; not easily assimilated, What were the major points of entry for immigrants coming to the United States? It was named for President Lincoln and this was the easy/painless and forgive/forget route. In short, both Reconstruction plans were meant to create a new peaceful order in which the country could move forward after four years of devastating war. Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (1863) Civil Rights Act of 1866. centennial high school coaches; ivf gender selection cost australia; south of the circle ending Using a diagram of the U.S. labor market, show the effect of the capital inflow on the average wage paid to U.S. workers. Reconstruction Venn Diagram Presidential Reconstruction (Lincoln & Johnson) Congressional Reconstruction (Radical Republicans) 10% Plan Pardoned Confederates No guarantee of political or social equality 13 th amendment New state constitutions Divided into 5 military districts Union Generals in charge Required to ratify 14 th amendment (citizenship), Freedmens Bureau Radical Republican plan supported by Lincoln Created by Congress in 1865 Goals: Provided necessities & education for black & white refugees in the South helped reunite families separated by slavery & war negotiated fair labor contracts between former slaves & white landowners, Reconstruction Amendments (1865) Thirteenth - FREE (1868) Fourteenth - CITIZENS (1870) Fifteenth - VOTE. It then began to pass its own laws concerning the southern states. . In Alabama, this period lasted from 1867 to the end of 1874 and was characterized by racial conflict and widespread terrorist activity.Alabama's experience was broadly typical of other southern states, but it was notable . -were the newly freed slaves going to "run free" and do what they want? Presidential and radical reconstruction venn diagram. In 1865, Congressional republicans refused to recognize Southern representatives. Next. Running 30 minutes a day for a month results. American Federation of Labor (1886) Members: only skilled workers; did NOT accept women and blacks Founder/Leaders/ Objectives/Demands Samuel Gompers Founder: Objectives: improve wages, hours and working conditions; workplaces only hire union members Significant activities/success/ failures Success: 1890 -1915 wages rose & average workweek declined has survived to present day merged with CIO in 1955, Native American Conflicts: Wounded Knee Wounded Knee (1890) U. S. government concerned, ordered arrest of Sitting Bull he & others were killed when followers tried to rescue him U. S. troops followed Sioux who escaped killed more than 100 at Wounded Knee, South Dakota end of Plains Indian resistance, Industrial Unrest: Pullman Strike 1894 Pullman Strike Pullman Palace Car Company laid off workers and reduced wages, later shut down plant Owner: George Pullman A. R. U. called for a nationwide strike Halted railroad traffic & mail delivery President Grover Cleveland sent federal troops to end strike Debs put in prison (he violated Sherman Antitrust Act), Who were the muckrakers? What did Lincoln previously drawn up in hopes of reconstructing the country? The extensible markup language (XML) is a markup language promoted by the World Wide Web consortium (W3C). compare and contrast: presidential and radical reconstruction venn diagram. By the end of 1865 Radical Republican views had gained a majority in Congress and the decisive year of 1866 saw a gradual diminishing of President Johnsons power. Latest answer posted August 23, 2011 at 5:28:29 AM. President Andrew Johnsons implemented Presidential Reconstruction. Roosevelt & the Conservation Movement Congress created U. S. Forest Service Set aside 200 mill. hyatt regency executive suite &nbsp>&nbspstarbucks english muffin &nbsp>  presidential reconstruction vs congressional reconstruction venn diagram With malice toward none meaning. They wanted it to be quick, painless, and easy. presidential reconstruction vs congressional reconstruction venn diagram. Prohibition Eighteenth Amendment Prohibition the banning of alcoholic beverages 1919 states ratified Eighteenth Amendment forbade the manufacture, distribution & sale of alcohol in the U. S. Nineteenth Amendment Approved by Congress in 1919 Gave women the right to vote, The Red Scare Red Scare fear of communists & radicals thought to be planning revolution in U. S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer led raids against suspected radicals & foreigners using Espionage & Sedition Acts Palmer General A. Mitchell Palmer leader of the Palmer Raids & agents accused of using torture to obtain intelligence & collect evidence, Henry Fords Model T Henry Ford: responsible for much of Americas economic growth 1908 Model T made cars affordable for ordinary Americans by: Mass production used on a larger scale (thousands of parts) Assembly Lines opened large factories (esp. Officially, Presidential Reconstruction was inaugurated in 1865, after Andrew Johnson became the President of the United States. The Reconstruction Acts basically divided the South into 5 military districts with the military commander of the district given complete authority. How did northerners feel about reconstruction? Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to fight for civil rights Membership: mostly southern African American ministers promoted nonviolent resistance, Formation of SNCC Date: 1960 Description: Ella Baker, granddaughter of slaves, helped young civil rights activists form the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Goal: create grass-roots (community) movement that involved all classes of African Americans in pursuing equality, Womens Rights Movement 1960 s & 70 s feminism political, social, & economic equality of men & women Origins: began 1840 s Declaration of Sentiments, 1 st feminism wave in 20 s Betty Friedan Nineteenth Amendment The Feminine Mystique Natl Organization of Women Goals: pass Equal Rights Amend. Congress denied representatives from the former Confederate states their Congressional seats, passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and . Johnson believed that he only needed to find unrepentant Confederates out and force Confederate states to sign the 13th Amendment before they were readmitted to the Union. Download presentation. The output requirement is 1,000 units per day. Kinley weak & stupid Feb 15, 1898 USS Maine exploded in Havana harbor killing 266 American sailors; press blamed Spain - War? Reduced the representation in Congress of states that did. Relevant explanatory variables were thought to be the plane's top speed, its weight, and the number of parts it had in common with other models built by the company. Sure! Mc. The end of the war also meant the end of Confederate secession and slavery, making those freed from enslavement citizens with civil rights guaranteed by three new Constitutional amendments. How did the Lincolns. President Johnson's Presidential Reconstruction period would prove to be short-lived as Radical Republicans gained additional power following Congressional elections in 1866. -Passed and ratified the 15th Amendment. Very few Confederate leaders were prosecuted. The University of Notre Dame describes Presidential Reconstruction as having had the intention of quickly restoring national unity and the viability of the South. Presidential reconstruction. It will also examine how these contentious divisions led to the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson.

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