I believe Lt. Gen Flynn, Trumps original NSA Director, has all the details on Pence, Pitcock and Seaman but had his legs cut out from under him by the FBI when Strzok and another agent interviewed him without a lawyer about speaking to foreign officials during the transition. Deep Stateis supposed to have complete control over such power places as theNational Cathedral in Washington, D.C. In the latest drop we get a possible reason why Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen received an envelope at George Bushs funeral last year and why Lt. Gen That would be the DEW attacks and pyro-terrorism perpetrated against the people of California throughout the month of November. This memorial website was created in memory of George Bush, 73, born on August 15, 1895 and passed away on February 0, 1969. The 41st president had a significant political The clock is ticking. George HW Bush himself reportedly wanted the the current occupant of the White House - excluded from the memorial service of Senator John McCain - to be present. (Laughter.). Your success is our countrys success. Today's episode features ABC News Senior National correspondent Terry Moran, who tells us what stuck out to him about Wednesday's state funeral for former President George H.W. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 5:15 p.m. Although this may not be correct. WebSide note: if you ever needed a picture of the Uniparty, this is it. Most significantly is that this happened to them in a highly symbolic venue in the nations capital. There is no denying that the American people are witnessing an epic fight to the finish. The path off the "high road of humility" will have some bumps. The path away from "high road of humility" has some bumps. I was reading, and was reminded of hearing of it at the time, about the envelopes, Im not speaker of the younger President Bush passing a mint to Michelle Obama while he was greeting her. Michelle said: 'Good morning' to President Trump as she shook his hand, Barack Obama appeared to say 'welcome' to the Trumps but it is unclear what else he muttered when they took their seats. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. He and mom adjusted to their arid surroundings quickly. The best is when the coffin for GWB sr. goes by and Laura shows Jeb and George the notes, they both turn white and visibly shocked. (See photomontage below.). At 90, George H. W. Bush parachuted out of an aircraft and landed on the grounds of St. Anns by the Sea in Kennebunkport, Maine the church where his mom was married and where hed worshipped often. https://theintercept.com/2018/12/01/the-ignored-legacy-of-george-h-w-bush-war-crimes-racism-and-obstruction-of-justice/. ET: Burial at the George Bush Presidential Library & Museum. And that optimism guided his children and made each of us believe that anything was possible. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi hosts the annual holiday reception for the Capitol Press Corps at 4 p.m. on Capitol Hill. Bush, who died Friday at 94, was remembered at a funeral at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston, Texas, this morning. Now, a lip reader has dissected some of their conversations. According toLarry Wenig, Inside Edition's resident lip reader, the exchanges were all friendly. I bet the note was a. Considering Challenging Biden In Democrat Primary. Trump came to the presidency with no political or military experience, and his arrogant approach to power since taking office has shaken our institutions, putting them at risk along with Americas flagging reputation abroad as he has consistently put his own political interests above those of our deeply divided country. What do we want the men and women who work with us to say when we are no longer there? God answered those prayers. While promoting the right-wing conspiracy theory that the Obamas, Clintons, and various other high-ranking officials who attended the funeral of former president George H.W. About 1,200 mourners are expected at the service. Political Activist When the Trumps arrived, Hillary nodded to welcome Melania but she turned her gaze away before it reached the president, No one knows what Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump discussed. WebAIR Awareness Outreach; AIR Business Lunch & Learn; AIR Community of Kindness; AIR Dogs: Paws For Minds AIR Hero AIR & NJAMHAA Conference In fact, so many acts of high treason have been uncovered and detailed for all to see that the ruling cabal has these notorious crime families commit even more crimes to cover up their previous crime sprees. Theyre Going Down Along With Their Puppet Bushs funeral on December 5th there was odd occurrences that really was missed by many in attendance or watching on TV. As the national political pause ends Thursday with the burial of former President George H.W. In point of fact, there are so many stone-cold traitors among them that the only way forward may be a declaration of martial law followed by military tribunals to successfully weed them out. The FBI had tapes of Flynn on a phone call with the then-Russian Foreign Minister and when Flynn could not recall the exact details of the call the FBI charged him with lying. The Bush family reacted in horror, especially Jeb Bush. Do you remember those envelopes that were passed out at the Bush Sr. funeral? WebGeorge H.W. Oscar Cainer tells all, Do not sell or share my personal information. WebPresident George H.W Bush Funeral Program From National Cathedral Washington DC. She also spoke of the touching moment Jeb Bush reached out for his brother George W. once he had sat back down, still crying, having just delivered a tear-jerking eulogy to their father. Epstein Thought So. The link to a Sara Carter story shows additional texts between disgraced ex-FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his lover ex-FBI Attorney Lisa Page attempting to develope and inside the White House spy during the Trump transition team after the 2016 election. Melusina. Next, the various videos were then disseminated to various YouTube channels to make sure they were expeditiously uploaded and easily viewed on the Internet. The rare 7s and 8s were considered huge winners most of them off-color. And then quickly stuffed them back in the envelope? None of themever saw a war they didnt like. Hillary had a wry smile afterwords, so it may have Michelle, speaking after that event, said George W. was her 'partner in crime' at major events. His short game was lousy. He honored and nurtured his many friendships with his generous and giving soul. Former President George W. Bush, along with his successor Barack Obama and predecessor Bill Clinton, was at Rep. John Lewis' funeral Thursday. If you appreciate what we do, please support us. Details about 10pcs Crystal Display Stand Holder For And by the way, he passed these genetic defects along to us. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. Because of the rapidly unfolding events in the nations capital, things are about to get very hairy indeed (as well as precarious) for the American people. It turned out He had other plans for George H.W. BEL MOONEY:Why does caring for my dad take over my life? Retired Newspaper Columnist, Hillary seemed to thank Karen Pence for 'inviting' her 'to an event', according to the lip reader. Well, the video has been almost completely scrubbed from YouTube and Twitter, but I found and saved some copies on Rumble. We learned of the death of his crewmates, whom he thought about throughout his entire life. Bush and George W. Bush., THE HILL 1625 K STREET, NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 TEL | 202-628-8503 FAX. Only the past 2 years have seen 4 separate wildfire seasons that have been truly apocalyptic. Bushs funeraland it was caught on video for all the world to see. Still, Bush left behind a warning. Mark Harris speaks to the media during a news conference in Matthews, N.C., Nov. 7, 2018. He was born with just two settings: full throttle, then sleep. For thatand other more serious reasons, he must run and win in 2020 or else Muellers mafia will prosecute him right into prison. For donating, please view the following page by clicking here. As he aged, he taught us how to grow old with dignity, humor, and kindness and, when the Good Lord finally called, how to meet Him with courage and with joy in the promise of what lies ahead. The connections are so rife with married couples seldom taking the same name in order to obfuscate the connections. ET: Arrival at Texas A&M University. The president would serve us all by exercising the discipline and moderation we saw in the past six days, and by reigning in the hubris that has blighted his presidency. If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live! Exactly how many good people were murdered we dont know, but you can be sure that President Trump knows. Like many of his generation, he never talked about his service until his time as a public figure forced his hand. SOTN does feel its quite significant that President Trump recently issued an Executive Order that extends the current national emergency powers of the POTUS. At the funeral of George Herbert Walker Bush a week ago , unexpected envelopes containing a short note were discovered in the accompanying hymnsheets George H.W. But we should all heed George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, Press: History shines more favorable light on Carter presidency, Bidens trip to Ukraine was a mission with an inspiring message, Jimmy Carter continues to teach us what it means to live a good life, FBI Dir accuses China of obfuscating Covid investigation, Poll finds Ron DeSantis top choice for 2024 GOP nominee, Republicans notch key win with Bidens DC crime bill move, Judiciary Democrats go after GOP whistleblowers in FBI probes, Pelosi on DC crime bill: I wish Biden wouldve told us first, Michael Steele on Marjorie Taylor Greene: Just shut the hell up, Mike Lindell calls DeSantis a Trojan Horse, Texas property tax bill excludes divorced, LGBTQ couples from getting relief, Trump asks for roughly six-month delay in New York fraud case, Bill to make daylight saving time permanent reintroduced in Congress, Manchin indicates opposition to Biden lands nominee over internal memo, George Santos introduces first bill SALT relief, Florida bill would require bloggers to register before writing about DeSantis, Trump collaborates on song with Jan. 6 defendants, House Democrats blindsided as Biden changes tune on DC crime bill. 5 p.m. - Before the late president lies in state at the U.S. Capitol, the Bush family, Justices of the Supreme Court, members of Congress, state governors, diplomats, These beaches are the best of the best in US, according to Tripadvisor, Watch live: White House monkeypox response team holds briefing, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Ghislane Thought So Too. And each person to a man (heres looking at you Michael) nearly turned white after they opened them? Or in the actual phrasing of the post would their arrest trigger a mass pop awakening? The Clintons and Bidens harbor crime families not the honorable Bush family. In the case of this THE ENVELOPE AFFAIR, the writing was on each note. Bush at the National Cathedral in Washington on Wednesday. He laughed and cried with her. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. (Laughter.) Cheney, Obama, Michelle, Bush Jr, all together, just chillin. WebAll of the living former presidents and vice presidents appeared together Wednesday to mourn the loss of President George H.W. The guy who answered the phone said, I think he can hear you, but hasnt say anything most of the day. The service begins at 11 a.m. This, despite the fact that he considered Trump, as he told me two-and-a-half years ago, a blowhard. I dont like him, he offered five months before Trump unexpectedly won the presidency in 2016, and Im not excited about him being a [political] leader. Bush cast his vote for Hillary Clinton but, like it or not, Trump became our president. At last count, at least 5 VIP families received thespecial noteat the D.C. memorial service for Man had sex with his wife on bollard in protest after it had been erected by neighbour to stop him parking What happens when classic cars sell for too much? Please use your own discernment when reading the content shared on this website. Whether this changing of the guard is carried out by military tribunals or martial law remains or both remains to be seen. And ABC News' Adam Kelsey explains how Republicans are trying to limit the incoming governor's power in Wisconsin. When he lost, he shouldered the blame. Former President George W. Bush delivers final eulogy at father's funeral 12:57. Michelle has a phony smile, her eyes are not crinkling either. The dope who could never get his words right could trigger a nucular awakening. He will never allow himself to be put in the position of being falsely prosecuted by a hardened gang ofDeep Statevillains. His success, to borrow from Bushs letter to Clinton, is our countrys success. In the latest drop we get a possible reason why Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen received an envelope at George Bushs funeral last year and why Lt. Gen Michael Flynn was set up by the FBI. Since the United States of America is sometimes thought to be the modern-dayMystery of Babylonin the Book of Revelation within various religious circles, this particular metaphor may have great meaning beyond anyones imagination. Enter your email to receive notifications of new posts. 'His eyes are not crinkling. The purpose and intent of this is anchoring higher light and activating the Ascension Timeline on Earth now. Bush last month received mysterious envelopes hidden in their programs, allegedly informing them that they are under indictment, Janda asserted that George W. Bush met at the White House with Trump the day before the service to cut a deal to reveal what he knows about the deep states involvement in everything from human trafficking to drug running. Here is theText of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption. Memorials and tributes honoring the late George H.W. I always wondered why he insisted on speed golf. I wish your family well. The content of those notes is anyones guess. Bushs funeral Dec. 5, President Trump and first lady Melania Trump appeared to abstain from reciting the Apostles Creed. ), In his 90s, he took great delight when his closest pal, James A. Baker, smuggled a bottle of Grey Goose vodka into his hospital room. Fair Use Notice can be found in this link. Bush, 41st president of the United States, dies at 94 There are some traditions but its up to the president if they want to tinker with it, said Matthew He didnt sound it in recent years, or even when he was president. He placed great value on a good joke. Despite antipathy between the Bush family and President Donald Trump, the 41st president made clear he wanted Americas current leader to be at the funeral, putting He taught us to love the outdoors. And then, another audacious decision; he moved his young family from the comforts of the East Coast to Odessa, Texas. We call you to take part in the Collective Meditation. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? The first article below provides an excellent overview of the whole sequence of bewildering events. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. Were US Rail Workers Instructed to Bypass Railcar Safety Inspections? Here is the full text: Distinguished Guests, including our Presidents and First Ladies, government officials, foreign dignitaries, and friends: Jeb, Neil, Marvin, Doro, and I, and our families, thank you all for being here. The Piper of Hameln. It all makes this week's remembrances feel disconnected to the realities swirling in the rest of Washington. In a brilliant political move designed to show the Deep State they have been put on notice, President Trump hands out indictments to guests at George H.W. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, The President delivers remarks at a Hanukkah reception at the White House at 4 p.m. EST, Trump's longtime confidant Roger Stone will speak at the three-day. Hence, they are guaranteed to react like cornered rats. Watch live in the player below. Bush, who was famous for having socks for every occasion, will be buried in a pair that pays tribute to his time in the Navy, according to family spokesperson Jim For more on this, and instructions, click here. He did this at Senator John McCain's funeral in September. There were many otherDeep Statedignitaries and VIP globalists at the same venue during that funeral service. Bush." At age 85, a favorite pastime of George H. W. Bush was firing up his boat, the Fidelity, and opening up the three-300 horsepower engines to fly joyfully fly across the Atlantic, with Secret Service boats straining to keep up. This memorial website was created in memory of George Bush, 73, born on August 15, 1895 and passed away on February 0, 1969. Former President George W. Bush delivered on Wednesday a eulogy for his father, President George Bush, during a state funeral at the Washington National Cathedral. See:NWO Globalist Cabal Closer to Exercising Nuclear Option. He looked for the good in each person and usually found it. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Trump leans over to shake hands with Michelle, who famously declared in her new memoir that she would Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Feinstein, Fetterman Hospitalizations Could Spell Trouble for Democrats, 37 year-old woman from the UK develops a lump after Covid-19 vaccine. Hillary Clinton was her usual defiant self; so was Michelle Obama. These geoengineered firestorms and Directed Energy Weapon attacks on the state of California not only devastated large swaths of territory, thousands were ruthlessly killed many of whose deaths have not even been acknowledged. Bush in Washington, D.C. Pences chief of staff in the early days of the Trump Administration was Josh Pitcock. Dec. 5, 2018. (Definition of Satan), ESPN analyst hints notion Jokic has won MVPs, is favorite to win again because he's white, No More Secrets - Teach Your Children To Tell On Pervs, Biden laughs about fentanyl deaths 'that happened under the last administration', Kindle Forced Censored 'Updates' Of Previously Purchased E Books On Readers. But thats not what my intel sources are telling me. PVC ISIS Slayer Skull Red Patch #2 Hook & Loop Recon SEAL Special Forces 390, Details about Hard Rock Cafe Tijuana shot Glass classic logo 2-black circle lettering, President George H.W Bush Funeral Program From National Cathedral Washington DC.PURPLE DAY OF DEAD Barbara Bush didnt like Donald Trump and made it known publicly. Before the glance was even complete he was reacting. Jimmy didn't get one, he's not involved in any illegal/immoral/unconstitutional activities. And in our grief, let us smile knowing that Dad is hugging Robin and holding moms hand again., Trump and Obama to come face to face at George HW Bush's state funeral, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Former US President George W Bush becomes emotional as he speaks at the State Funeral for his father, former US President George HW Bush, The key moments from George HW Bush's funeral video, Donald Trump and former presidents Barack Obama. I know its a funeral but if you watch other similar gatherings, they dont just tolerate each other, theyre friends. Bush. A few years later he was alone in the Pacific on a life raft, praying that his rescuers would find him before the enemy did. In the noted, there was They know everything. There is no way anyone could have seen, read and processed the message as fast as ge did. Apparently, it paired well with the steak Baker had delivered from Mortons. Bush the And, that he did so in a manner that the whole world could see it. And I want this to be fresh in your mind when it all goes down. Janda said the fact that Trump nominated Barr the day following the funeral was confirmation that this deal had been struck. WebAnswer (1 of 6): For people well groomed to control their public expressions, it seemed clear the impact was profound. Case and point, the day they got a strange card at Bush senior's funeral. We only learned later that Dad, a man of quiet faith, prayed for her daily. This week's new details about former national security adviser Michael Flynn's cooperation could be followed with details ahead of the sentencing of the president's former personal attorney Michael Cohen. It was, as Clinton told me recently, vintage George Bush, reflecting, as with his gesture to LBJ, Bushs instinct to put country over party and his reverence for the institution of the presidency. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. George. Therefore, it may be that the coming storm will be a direct result of this California mass murder and malicious destruction of property statewide. This was to disgrace Flynn and keep the Pence spying information a secret. (Laughter). http://apple.co/2HPocUL. It looks like you're using an Ad Blocker. Bushs Such a plot to capture the attention of both husband and wife was quite well planned out. How to Survive During the Time of a Recession, Dr. David Martin Update, He Has The Receipts, This Graphic Drag Show Is Made For Babies & Toddlers, NBA Team FORCED To Apologize For Saying ONLY Women Have Babies In Womens History Month Video, Did we get this wrong from the start? In light of these unique circumstances, its fair to say that Trump threw down the gauntlet. prime mover behind the Oklahoma City Bombing, Bush Crime Syndicate was also the key architect and American co-conspirator. I've had enough of life': Grandmother, 86, is reduced to tears after killjoy Tory Hairy Bikers star Dave Myers speaks out on his deep depression after chemotherapy which left him having Top equestrian rider, 39, once known as the 'golden girl' of horse eventing, is facing jail after being My boss is furious I didn't give my first class seat to her and left her stuck in economy - despite the fact How the 'cha cha' will do wonders for your bowel and cabbage juice is a miracle cure. If you think of what that says, it is astounding. Also note behind Pence and to his left a Secret Service agent is monitoring his reaction while the Veep sits directly behind the President. I was devastated when I realized the Bush family was in so deep and so evil. Well, heres my conclusion: he played fast so that he could move on to the next event, to enjoy the rest of the day, to expend his enormous energy, to live it all. We tested his patience I know I did (laughter) but he always responded with the great gift of unconditional love. Cheney, Obama, Michelle, Bush Jr, all together, just chillin. The 12 questions you NEED to ask before moving in with your partner, according to a relationship expert. WebDeath and state funeral v t e On November 30, 2018, George H. W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States, died from vascular Parkinson's disease at his home in Houston, Texas. Zelensky Exposed (Literally): This Is The Guy We Are Sending Billions To? He was firm in his principles and supportive as we began to seek our own ways. and work. On email, he had a circle of friends with whom he shared or received the latest jokes. White Students Forced to Pledge Allegiance to BLM, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Many Thought That They Were Untouchable. Thats precisely how Russia was plunged into the Bolshevik Revolution so unexpectedly which was then followed by over 70 years of thetotalitarian and brutal rule by the Soviet Union. He valued character over pedigree. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. After all, he was kind and neighborly to the women with whom he, mom and I shared a bathroom in our small duplex even after he learned their profession ladies of the night. Do you remember how these really weird envelopes were passed out at the funeral and only certain Deep State cabal members got one? Every Sunday at 11:00am EST/New York. Body language experts noted how his lips were pursed and his eyes were not crinkled meaning he was tense, Before turning her gaze away when President Trump came into her view, Hillary nodded politely at Melania Trump and stared directly at her as she shook hands with Bill, Jimmy Carter offered Melania a warm wave and enthusiastic smile when she arrived, One of the most endearing and intimate moments of the event was when George W. Bush slipped Michelle Obama a piece of candy on his way into the church. To his credit, Trump reciprocated with equal grace. Former President George W.Bush touches the flag-draped casket of his father, as he prepares to speak during the funeral for former President George H.W.

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